Olivier Clément

When the word of the Lord embraces the one who hears it and awakens in him a passionate attraction to wisdom, which inflames the eye with all beauty, then the fire of the Lord descended upon him (Psalm 104:19).


Комментарий па Псалом. 104, 19.

Разумеется, нужно «стучать и искать», чтобы понять Писание, чтобы разгадать его исторические письмена, перевести их с архаического языка на современный. Это оправдывает применение научных методов герменевтики и экзегезы. Но наука не в состоянии даровать смысл. Если она захочет это сделать, результатом будет своего рода «контрабандная философия». Смысл открывается лишь молитве, и лишь молитве слезной.

Итак, вложи все твое усердие в чтение Писания с верой и с искренним прилежанием, угодным Богу. Недостаточно стучать и искать, но, чтобы стяжать понимание Божественных вещей, прежде всего потребна молитва.


Letter to Gregory the Wonderworker, 3.

To penetrate into the foundation and core of heavenly words, to contemplate in them the deep and hidden mysteries with the purified gaze of the heart – this cannot be achieved either by human science or worldly education, but only by purity of the soul through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.

John Cassian

Interviews 14, 9.

If you want to acquire a true knowledge of the Scriptures, first of all, hasten to acquire unshakable humility of heart. It is this science that will lead you to a science that does not fill you with vanity, but enlightens you with the fullness of love.

John Cassian

Interviews 14, 10.

Never approach the words of the sacrament in Scripture without praying and asking for God's help. But say: Lord, let me feel the power of the Scriptures. Consider prayer as the key that unlocks its true meaning.

Isaac the Syrian

Ascetic Treatises, 73rd Treatise.

Scripture is an ocean that will always be explored. The encounter with the Word is always new. We know that we are on the right path when reading it pacifies the soul and fills it with meekness. Sometimes you need to be able to bracket the difficulty you encounter and pray. An understanding of meaning comes through rooting in Tradition, through openness to the flow of life in communion with the saints: for even when performed in solitude, every reading of Scripture is an ecclesial reading, tinged with liturgical, Eucharistic tones. This is clarified by the Eucharist in which the meeting takes place. The betrothal to Scripture finds meaning in the conjugal nature of the Eucharist, the Word in the silence of love.

The soul admires the novelty encountered in the ocean of the mysteries of Scripture. Though the mind floating on the waters of the ocean of Scripture may be swallowed up by the immeasurable abyss of the meaning it conceals... it would be enough for him to look at it, if only he wanted to! – to hold on, firmly grasping at the mere thought of the mystery...

Isaac the Syrian

Ascetic Treatises, 1st treatise.

When you approach the Scriptures, examine where each word leads, in order to measure and comprehend with all the power of discernment the depth and holiness of the meaning hidden in it. Those who have been led by grace throughout their lives to enlightenment constantly feel as if a spiritual ray piercing the verses of Scripture, and discern in the spirit of the words and their deep meaning...

When a person reads these verses with the help of a penetrating spirit, his heart also becomes clear and peaceful. The power of God grants his soul a wonderful understanding, the most blessed wisdom...