Avdeev D.A./Mental Diseases: Orthodox View / Library Golden-Ship.ru D.A. Avdeev Orthodox Encyclopedia "Home Doctor" in Questions and Answers

Psychiatry, psychotherapy, narcology

Red. Golden-Ship.ru 2012 Table of Contents Orthodoxy on Illnesses and the Sick 1. Question: How should an Orthodox Christian relate to illnesses? Mental and psychosomatic diseases 2. Question: What is mental illness? 3. Question: How are mental illnesses classified? 4. Question: Describe the main symptoms of mental disorders. 5.

Question: There is a mentally ill person in our family. How should we behave? 6. Question: What are the most common forms of mental disorders? 7. Question: What is schizophrenia? 8. Question: What is manic-depressive psychosis? 9. Question: Tell us about epilepsy. 10. Question: Many sciences deal with the human psyche. Help me understand them. 11.

Question: I have heard about such a diagnosis as "gambler syndrome". Tell us about this syndrome. 12. Question: What did the Holy Fathers say about smoking? 13. Question: What is the main harm of smoking to health? 14. Question: What types of drugs are used to treat mental illnesses? 15. Question: What sedatives can I use on my own? 16. Question: How to correlate mental (treatment) and spiritual help to the sick? 17. Question: What does pride produce in the soul? 18.

Question: Is it possible to bring a priest to a psychiatric hospital? 19. Question: Are there hospital churches in psychiatric institutions? 20. Question: Tell us about the Orthodox view of the causes of mental illness. 21. Question: Ailments are caused by "nature." Tell us about their features. 22. Question: How to behave with a seriously mentally ill person? 23.

Question: Tell us about mental disorders caused by demonic influence. 24. Question: Explain the term "borderline states". 25. Question: Tell us about neuroses. 26. Question: List the main symptoms of neuroses. 27. Question: Who and when first introduced the term "neurosis"? 28. Question: There are different interpretations of the concept of "neurosis".

How to understand the views on this disease? 29. Question: Explain the spiritual causes of neuroses. 30. Question: Are there any stages in the development of neurosis? 31. Question: Nervousness and sinful passion. Explain their relationship. 32. Question: What other spiritual causes can cause neurosis? 33.

Question: Which of the forms of neuroses is the most common? 34. Question: What is the most important cure for neurasthenia? 35. Question: Explain the term "chronic fatigue syndrome". 36. Question: Are there cases of psychological breakdowns in Orthodox Christians? 37. Question: Explain the term "hypochondria." 38.

Question: Tell us about obsessive-compulsive neurosis. 39. Question: How can we find peace of mind? 40. Question: What are "character accentuations"? 41. Question: What is psychopathy? 42. Question: Is psychopathy curable? 43. Question: Tell us about psychosomatic disorders. 44. Question: What diseases are psychosomatic? 45.

Question: Does the character affect the occurrence of certain diseases? 46. Question: Is character the only basis for "painful" behavior? 47. Question: Explain the meaning of the term "alexithymia". 48. Question: I suffer from bronchial asthma. I heard that this disease develops on a nervous basis. Tell us more about it. 49.

Question: The doctor said that I have vegetative-vascular dystonia. What is this disease, what causes it and how to treat it? 50. Question: Is it possible to be treated by an unbeliever, an unorthodox psychiatrist? 51. Question: Is it possible for an Orthodox person to take psychotropic drugs? 52. Question: Are mental illnesses curable? 53.

Question: Tell me, is it useful to treat mental disorders with hunger? 54. Question: I have heard that sins can turn into specific diseases. Could you tell us more about this? 55. Question: Is it permissible to seek help from a sex therapist? I want to know the opinion of an Orthodox doctor on this issue. 56.

Question: Do women have any mental abnormalities after abortion? 57. Question: I used to be interested in extrasensory perception and some other occult methods of "healing". After I was baptized, I realized that it was a sin and I no longer do such things. What should I do with books on the occult? 58. Question: What is the relationship between spiritual and mental health? 59.