Avdeev D.A./Mental Diseases: Orthodox View / Library Golden-Ship.ru D.A. Avdeev Orthodox Encyclopedia "Home Doctor" in Questions and Answers

There are also authors who are inclined to think that neurosis is a hereditary disease. And here is another point of view: M. M. Khananashvili speaks of neurosis as a disease caused by an excess of information. In his book "Information Neuroses" he provides the following confirmations of his views: "... It is estimated that in economically developed countries, by 1970, each person on average traveled long distances during one year, met with a large number of people, received more information than a person by 1900 during his entire life... About 25% of the world's population is exposed to the influence of sharply increased information overload..."

This researcher sees the risk of developing the disease in the long-term performance of a large amount of work in conditions of lack of time and a high level of motivation (urge). Academician P. V. Simonov, on the contrary, characterizes neurosis as a disease of lack of information. Thus, in the opinion of this scientist, whose statements also seem to be justified and logical, rage, for example, compensates for the lack of information necessary for the organization of adequate behavior, fear – the lack of information for the organization of defense, grief arises in conditions of an acute shortage of information about the possibility of compensation for loss, etc.

Some authors have expressed the opinion that neurotics suffer from an inability to love. It should be emphasized that each psychological trend became consistent in the eyes of colleagues only when its representatives were able to declare their views on the problem of neurosis in a well-reasoned and new way. So, there are many points of view, but there is no clarity, science is confused.

In our opinion, this happened because neurotic pathology, among other things, has a spiritual basis, which has not been mentioned in Russian psychiatry over the past few decades. 29. Question: Explain the spiritual causes of neuroses. The unrestrained growth of neuroses in the twentieth century is generated not only by stress and scientific and technological progress with its information overloads (

which has been repeatedly pointed out by researchers), but first of all by the "progress" of the universal Fall. At all times in the history of mankind, there have been wars, various natural disasters, floods, droughts, tornadoes. And it is difficult to compare, say, to what extent the present time is more anxious and restless than, for example, the era of the reign of Ivan the Terrible. Why has the problem of neuroses become so acute only in recent times?

The reason, I think, is the same – in the growing lack of faith, in the loss of humanity's spiritual foundation, and with it the true meaning of life. It turns out that the main thing in the origin of neurosis is not stress and troubles, but the personality of a person. Moreover, the person is internally upset. Sin, as the root of all evil, entails neurotic disorders. Taking place in the depths of the human spirit, it excites passions, disorganizes the will, and takes emotions and imagination out of control of consciousness.

In the words of St. Theophanes, "the inner world of a sinner is full of arbitrariness, disorder and destruction." Deep neurosis is an indicator of moral ill-health, spiritual and spiritual discord. St. Theophan the Recluse also points out that "the natural relationship of the component parts of a person should be – according to the law of subordination of the smaller to the greater, the weaker to the stronger; the body must be subordinate to the soul, the soul to the spirit, and the spirit by its nature must be immersed in God.

Man must dwell in God with all his being and consciousness. At the same time, the power of the spirit over the soul depends on the Divinity inherent in it, the power of the soul over the body – on the spirit that possesses it. After falling away from God, there occurred, and should have occurred, confusion in the entire composition of man: the spirit, separated from God, lost its strength and submitted to the soul, the soul, not exalted by the spirit, submitted to the body." Professor D. E.

Melekhov believes that the basis of many mental disorders is humility. Neurosis in this sense is no exception. It is generally recognized that this disease develops due to a conflict of the personality with himself (intrapsychic conflict) or with other people (interpsychic conflict). Neurosis is a clash between the desired and the actual. The more powerful this collision, the more acute the disease.

"Faith is humility," says St. Barsanuphius the Great. Once, during an appointment, a woman suffering from one of the forms of neurosis emotionally and repeatedly repeated: "Doctor, I am tired of being sick and want to be cured at any cost. Besides, I don't understand what kind of collision you were talking about." To these words of the patient, I answered her approximately as follows: "The Lord is aware of your sorrow, and if He is in no hurry to change the existing state of affairs, then, therefore, there is no His holy will to heal you at once.

When, for example, troubles, illnesses or sorrows happened to the saints, they thanked God for it and said: "I accept according to my sins." And what happens in our case? "I want healing at any cost." This is the clash between the desired and the actual. Of course, it is possible and necessary to be treated, but it is very important to come to terms with the painful circumstances that have befallen you, consider yourself worthy of them and accept them with thanksgiving.

The Lord will not forget about you and will not let you endure beyond your strength. The Holy Apostle Paul assures us of this: "God is faithful, Who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but when you are tempted will also give you relief." Therefore, calm down and do not despair. Neurosis is a spiritual disease. Put up with it, and everything will pass." We read about the joy that humility brings to a person in the life of St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

"Unquestioning obedience and deep humility distinguished the behavior of novice Brianchaninov in the monastery. His first obedience was assigned to him at the cookhouse. The cook was a former serf of Alexander Semenovich Brianchaninov (father). On the very day of entering the kitchen, it happened that it was necessary to go to the barn for flour. The cook said to him: "Come, brother, let's go get some flour!

" – and threw him a flour sack, so that white dust washed over him. The new novice took the bag and went. In the barn, stretching the sack with both hands and, at the cook's command, grabbing it with his teeth so that it would be more convenient to pour in the flour, he felt a new, strange spiritual movement in his heart, such as he had never experienced before: his own humble behavior, complete forgetfulness of his "I" delighted him so much that he remembered this incident all his life.