Avdeev D.A./Mental Diseases: Orthodox View / Library Golden-Ship.ru D.A. Avdeev Orthodox Encyclopedia "Home Doctor" in Questions and Answers

Man must dwell in God with all his being and consciousness. At the same time, the power of the spirit over the soul depends on the Divinity inherent in it, the power of the soul over the body – on the spirit that possesses it. After falling away from God, there occurred, and should have occurred, confusion in the entire composition of man: the spirit, separated from God, lost its strength and submitted to the soul, the soul, not exalted by the spirit, submitted to the body." Professor D. E.

Melekhov believes that the basis of many mental disorders is humility. Neurosis in this sense is no exception. It is generally recognized that this disease develops due to a conflict of the personality with himself (intrapsychic conflict) or with other people (interpsychic conflict). Neurosis is a clash between the desired and the actual. The more powerful this collision, the more acute the disease.

"Faith is humility," says St. Barsanuphius the Great. Once, during an appointment, a woman suffering from one of the forms of neurosis emotionally and repeatedly repeated: "Doctor, I am tired of being sick and want to be cured at any cost. Besides, I don't understand what kind of collision you were talking about." To these words of the patient, I answered her approximately as follows: "The Lord is aware of your sorrow, and if He is in no hurry to change the existing state of affairs, then, therefore, there is no His holy will to heal you at once.

When, for example, troubles, illnesses or sorrows happened to the saints, they thanked God for it and said: "I accept according to my sins." And what happens in our case? "I want healing at any cost." This is the clash between the desired and the actual. Of course, it is possible and necessary to be treated, but it is very important to come to terms with the painful circumstances that have befallen you, consider yourself worthy of them and accept them with thanksgiving.

The Lord will not forget about you and will not let you endure beyond your strength. The Holy Apostle Paul assures us of this: "God is faithful, Who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but when you are tempted will also give you relief." Therefore, calm down and do not despair. Neurosis is a spiritual disease. Put up with it, and everything will pass." We read about the joy that humility brings to a person in the life of St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

"Unquestioning obedience and deep humility distinguished the behavior of novice Brianchaninov in the monastery. His first obedience was assigned to him at the cookhouse. The cook was a former serf of Alexander Semenovich Brianchaninov (father). On the very day of entering the kitchen, it happened that it was necessary to go to the barn for flour. The cook said to him: "Come, brother, let's go get some flour!

" – and threw him a flour sack, so that white dust washed over him. The new novice took the bag and went. In the barn, stretching the sack with both hands and, at the cook's command, grabbing it with his teeth so that it would be more convenient to pour in the flour, he felt a new, strange spiritual movement in his heart, such as he had never experienced before: his own humble behavior, complete forgetfulness of his "I" delighted him so much that he remembered this incident all his life.

Most modern researchers agree that neurosis is a disease of personality. A person does not fall ill with neurosis suddenly, this ailment has its own period of pre-illness. It is possible to draw a kind of portrait of a "potential" neurotic, or rather, it will be a whole gallery of types, each of which has a tendency to transform potential, latent painful forces into real ones.

One of the distinctive features of such people is a style of thinking that has the character of uncompromising; In their assessments, there is a pronounced categoricality, much of what is happening has no shades for them and is built on contrast: bad - good. Neurosis more often arises as a result of internal personal processes. External provoking factors and circumstances are only the last straw, a trigger for the development of neurotic disorders.

A person prone to this ailment develops a kind of "ability" to react nervously to life. Some reasons for worries (conflicts, stresses) eventually go away, become irrelevant, but soon others take their place, and the disease resumes. 30. Question: Are there any stages in the development of neurosis? In the course of the disease, a neurotic reaction, acute and protracted neuroses, and neurotic development are distinguished.

The proposed scheme makes it possible to see and analyze the possibility of the transition of one type of flow into another (reaction – neurosis – development). Patients diagnosed with "neurotic development" are practically incapacitated, and they are often transferred to disability. 31. Question: Nervousness and sinful passion. Explain their relationship. Neuroses are rightly called a neglected form of passions (

meaning passion in the patristic sense of the word, as a sinful disposition of the soul). At the root of various neurotic symptoms lies the impoverishment of love in the human heart, and where there is no love, indifference, hostility, intolerance, irritability, anger, envy, fear, etc., ripen.

As soon as I see that a neighbor or acquaintance has something better, I can't find a place for myself, as if I burn from the inside." Many neurotics speak of spiritual insensibility, some kind of inner coldness. St. Seraphim of Sarov taught: "God is a fire that warms and kindles hearts and wombs. Thus, if we feel in our hearts the coldness that comes from the devil, for the devil is cold, then let us call upon the Lord, and He, having come, will warm our hearts with perfect love not only for Him, but also for our neighbor.

And from the face of warmth the coldness of the hater will be cast out." Every illness has spiritual roots, but it is sometimes impossible to recognize them, while neurosis stands out from other mental and somatic diseases in that it is a kind of sensitive moral barometer. Its connection with the spiritual sphere is obvious, and the emergence of this ailment as a result of mental torment and remorse can be rapid.