Valentin Mordasov /What do you advise, Father?/ The Library THE GRACE-FILLED WORD OF THE ASCETICS OF PIETY: WHAT DO YOU ADVISE, FATHER? Answers to the Difficulties of Everyday Christian Life and Church Piety MOSCOW 2011   Orthodox Library Golden Ship, 2012 UDC 248 BBK 86.

Is it possible, when you go to church, to take any objects from home (bottles for St. water, food on the eve, etc.) From the hands of a woman (wife) who is unclean? Is it even permissible to touch a person before the service if he is unclean, especially if you are going to take communion? I read that even the body of the deceased should not be washed by a woman in impurity, because.

This impurity will allegedly be transmitted to church objects and defile them. Is this true? I have heard that the Old Testament Jews were even required to withdraw from society during this period. You don't need to deal too much with trifles; This is scrupulousness. It is necessary to pay more attention to the inner, so that there are no evil sinful thoughts and feelings, and so on. Is it possible to keep photographs of famous Orthodox ascetics of piety in the holy corner, or only icons of the saints, the Mother of God and the Lord?

You can keep it, but at some distance from the icons. Is it possible to store a shrine (artos, prosphora, holy water), for example, in a kitchen cabinet, next to cereals, sugar, herbs and other non-essential products (for ease of use)? Where is it not recommended to keep the shrine? It is better to store the shrine in a separate place in a closet or near the icons.

Is it possible to approach the shrine with a bag in your hands (if there is nowhere to leave it)? If it is possible, then what should not be in the bag? You can only do it as a last resort. Of course, there should not be sinful things in the bag, which are forbidden to carry to church. Is it possible to consecrate your house or apartment and yard? How to do it?

Consecration can only be performed by a priest, there is a special rite of consecration. If it is difficult to call a priest, then you can sprinkle holy water on the walls and things with the words: "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." And do it more often. In addition, if you lead a pious Christian life, pray, confess and take communion more often, then your presence will sanctify everything around you.

Thus let your light shine before men, so that, seeing your good works, all may glorify God (Matt. 5: 16). Why is it important to be baptized? A Christian without the sign of the cross is like a warrior without weapons. The enemy pushes him around as he wants. Whoever makes the sign of the cross confesses the Lord Jesus Christ without a word, Who endured crucifixion and death for us and thereby redeemed us.

All the Divine Mysteries are sanctified by the sign of the Cross; He also sanctifies every thing necessary for life. I have an icon of the Mother of God right on the bedside table. Is this acceptable? In modern apartments, there is a problem of the arrangement of images. Usually, icons were placed in the red corner facing east.

It is desirable to arrange the icons in such a way: 1) that they are not next to the TV; 2) there were no secular paintings or sculptures, or photographs of relatives near them; 3) try, if possible, to have a lamp in front of them during the prayer rule. The most important thing is a reverent attitude to the image. Is it possible to seal an icon under a film?

To preserve the icon, a special icon case or frame is made, where the glass can be replaced with transparent plastic. Please explain what an icon is? Can any image of a saint be an icon? Which icons should be placed in the holy corner and how many? Translated from Greek, an icon means "image" and is an image of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the saints.

In ancient times, icons were painted by icon painters, many of whom were monks. The paints were diluted with holy water. Before starting to paint the icon, the iconographer prayed a lot and fasted. Therefore, many ancient icons were miraculous. At present, due to the great need for icons, as well as due to the high cost of icons painted by artists, the church allows lithographic depiction.

However, no matter how the icons are made, they should be treated with reverence. It is better to buy icons in monasteries or churches, since non-Orthodox images of saints are often sold in stores. Icons bought in the church are usually already consecrated; If the origin of the image is unknown, it must be consecrated, and also in the church. If you have doubts about the image you have purchased or given to you, you need to contact the nearest church and consult a priest.

In the house, believers usually strive to keep the following icons in their holy corner: the Savior, the Mother of God, St. Nicholas, the saint after whom you are named, as well as the saints you especially revere. In quantitative terms, no one limits you. You can have as many icons as your soul asks. If the image has fallen into disrepair (the face is not visible, the painting field is greatly lost, so there is no question of restoration, especially if it is a photograph or a lithograph), then the icon is burned in the church furnace.

What to do with spoiled prosphoras? It is better to burn spoiled prosphoras in a church stove, but if necessary, you can burn them at home, but do not throw the ashes into obscene places. Tell me, how should one be baptized? Always make the sign of the cross reverently and earnestly, placing your hand on the forehead (on the forehead) and on the belly ("on the navel")

, on the right and left shoulder; always cross yourself standing, in an upright position of the body, and then bow, and not as others cross themselves and bow at the same time; one should not hastily make the signs of the cross and bows. A small bow should be no other than to the waist; Just such that you can, bending down, reach the ground with your hand. Archbishop Anthony of Volyn writes: "The Orthodox cross is performed in the following way: the three-fingered right hand is placed first on the forehead (