Valentin Mordasov /What do you advise, Father?/ The Library THE GRACE-FILLED WORD OF THE ASCETICS OF PIETY: WHAT DO YOU ADVISE, FATHER? Answers to the Difficulties of Everyday Christian Life and Church Piety MOSCOW 2011   Orthodox Library Golden Ship, 2012 UDC 248 BBK 86.

and not on the nose, not on the beard and not on the air), then on the womb, then on the right shoulder and, finally, on the left shoulder (and not on the armpits)"1. There are transcribed prayers that I have carried with me for a long time. They have deteriorated, and words are almost invisible. Can they be burned? Prayers, the text of which is almost lost, are better burned in a church stove, but if necessary, you can also burn them at home. 1 Met. Anthony Khrapovitsky. Collected Works, vol. 2. Moscow, Dar Publ., 2007.

Grandmothers say that on Divine holidays you cannot do anything in the house, especially do laundry for small children, wash the floor, etc. Regarding work on the Divine feasts, there is a rule: six days shalt thou do thy work, the seventh to the Lord thy God. This was and still is the Sabbath day among both ancient and modern Jews.

In Israel, these days and at the present time, an orthodox Jew cannot walk more than two hundred steps. During the days of Shabbat, all public transport stops. But we know from the Gospel that "man is not for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath is for man." In Orthodox practice, there is also a rule that on Sundays and feast days, a Christian, if possible, is obliged to attend divine services, at home on these days it is supposed to read the Holy Scriptures.

books and devote more time to prayers. If possible, all things that can be postponed for another day are postponed. But we always have necessary things to do, which brook no delay. Caring for children, cooking, caring for the sick, and in general what is for the good of our neighbors – works of love – cannot be postponed. After 5 p.m. on the day of the feast, you can proceed to these things: bring water, light the stove and do other things for care, but even when dealing with urgent matters, you should try to do them with prayer, remembering the sanctity of the holidays.

How many times should icons be consecrated and when? Icons are consecrated by the priest once after they are made or purchased outside the church. If the face of the icon has been damaged, then after the restoration the priest must consecrate it again. She consecrated a cross on a chain, a pendant with the Virgin Mary and the Divine Child. I wore it around my neck together for two months. January 13 of this year

at lunchtime I was washing the floor in the house and when I finished washing in the bedroom, the pendant fell to the floor; The chain is intact, the pendant is intact. What does that mean? Do not pay attention to such phenomena, because when you pay attention to them, it can turn into superstitions, and if you have lost it, then you need to repent of the loss. Can I wear a cross on a chain? Can.

If only it was strong, so as not to lose it. At present, there are many religious movements (Baptists, Evangelicals, Church of Christ, etc.) that do not recognize the sign of the cross, claiming that the Bible does not say that Jesus Christ taught this to His disciples. I ask you to answer, since when did the Orthodox Church accept this rite and in what holy book is it written?

In the Holy Scriptures it is impossible to find a description of many rites, including the sign of the Cross, since the veneration of the Cross became possible only after the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ on it. 23).

Blessed Augustine in his eighth discourse on the words of the Apostles writes: "Because of the Cross of Christ we are attacked by the wise of this age." Athanasius the Great, in his speech against the pagans, objected to them in the following way: "The pagans attack us and laugh at us with a wide-open mouth of nothing else but the Cross of Christ. Mocking the Cross of Christ, they do not notice its power and efficacy, which have filled the entire universe; but if they had turned their minds to the right path of cognition of the Godhead, they would have known that Christ is the Savior of the whole world, and that His cross is not an execution, but the redemption of all creatures" [13].

Blessed Augustine said the following about the Cross: "Do not be ashamed of the Cross of Christ. In proof of this, you put the sign of the cross on your forehead; guard your forehead, and you will not be afraid of a strange tongue." St. John Chrysostom writes: "If anyone says to you: you worship the crucified, you answer with a loud voice and with a cheerful face: yes, I worship and will not cease to worship" [14].

St. Cyril of Jerusalem in the fourth catechetical sermon says: "Let us not be ashamed of the Cross of Christ; but if anyone conceals it, you must clearly mark your brow with it" [15]. One can find many more testimonies of ancient writers, but from this it is clear that in the II, III and IV centuries there was already the veneration of the Cross and the sign of the cross.

Its forms were very diverse: they were baptized with one finger, they were baptized with the whole palm, sometimes only the forehead, and sometimes the chest. We also knew the two-fingered finger. The Orthodox Church established the three-fingered sign in the seventeenth century under Patriarch Nikon. Will the objects consecrated by the church be valid if the consecrated icon is inserted into a frame bought in a store, or if a binding is made in a previously consecrated book, etc.?

Does the sanctification of objects lose its power with the passage of time or from careless storage of them (there are antique wooden icons where the paint has dried and comes off the holy images)? Before inserting a consecrated icon into a frame made by a master or bought in a store, it must be sprinkled with holy water. In some prayer books there is a prayer for the consecration of every thing.

It can be read not only for the consecration of objects such as your frame, but also for everyday things: clothes, shoes, furniture, dishes, etc. Holiness over time, if a person behaves reverently, not only does not decrease, but even increases. We knew that the more often people turn to an icon, the more "prayed" and even miraculous such an icon becomes.