Valentin Mordasov /What do you advise, Father?/ The Library THE GRACE-FILLED WORD OF THE ASCETICS OF PIETY: WHAT DO YOU ADVISE, FATHER? Answers to the Difficulties of Everyday Christian Life and Church Piety MOSCOW 2011   Orthodox Library Golden Ship, 2012 UDC 248 BBK 86.

When we treat a sacred object carelessly, when we touch it in impurity, we often defile objects and ourselves. For the sanctification of our souls we have the Sacrament of Confession, and for the consecration of objects we have holy water. The priest does not bless books, because they carry the word of God, which itself sanctifies everything. Is it possible to keep unconsecrated icons in the holy corner of the house together with the consecrated icons and pray?

It is possible, as long as there are Orthodox Christians. On the Twelve Great Feasts, you want to decorate the festive icon in the house with an illustration. Will it be pleasing to God? The question is not entirely clear. You probably meant whether it is possible to decorate your corner with an illustration of the events of the holiday for the holidays, in the absence of a festive icon. It is possible, but it is still necessary to consecrate, at least by sprinkling this illustration with holy water.

My mother bought me an icon of the Mother of God in a store. I sprinkled it with holy water three times. Is it considered consecrated? No. Icons are consecrated by a priest. I myself am baptized, but my children are not. On Epiphany, I take a bucket of water outside and do not take it until one o'clock, and then I bring it and pour it into jars. Then, if there is any wound or fright, I wash it and give it to drink.

This holy water helps and it has been with us for almost a year and nothing is done with it, because it is holy. So I want to ask if it is possible to be baptized on the street on Epiphany, because on Epiphany God Himself can do this – to baptize children.   You can do as you do, i.e. collect water after 12 at night before Epiphany, only if the church is very far away. This is allowed as an exception.

The baptism of an infant by a layman is possible only when he is threatened with death and there is no priest nearby. If the danger passes, then it is still necessary to bring a child or an adult to the church, and there the priest must read the entire rite and anoint the newly-baptized person. And the way you want to act is not allowed among the Orthodox. You write in the January newsletter "The Trinity Book" that if an icon is hung in a corner of a room, that corner of the room will become holy.

Is it possible that because I hang an icon, the corner will become holy? You didn't quite understand our answer. It is not the corner itself that becomes holy, but the very place that you have designated for the storage of the shrine is consecrated; not only icons, but also holy water, prosphoras, etc. I sincerely wish to wear the image of Jesus Christ on my body. Is it permissible under the law of Orthodox Christians to tattoo, say, the Crucifixion of Christ in the heart area or in the center of the chest?

In the Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer, who lived in the second century, after his martyrdom, the holy name of Jesus Christ was found in his heart, written in golden letters. The Church has always welcomed not the outward wearing of the signs of Jesus Christ, but His constant presence in the heart. We see tattoos in the majority of hooligans.

From this, you can already see and understand what kind of actions they are and who needs them. Let's imagine a priest with a tattoo: how will we look at it?! Is it possible to make a holy corner near the TV? Must not. Is it possible to consecrate your house yourself? If so, what is needed for this? Is it possible to help your neighbor (your loved ones, if they are sick) with the help of prayers?

How can you protect your loved ones from the "bad" eye, are there any talismans or prayers? The house is consecrated only by a priest. You can only sprinkle it with holy water. Praying for loved ones is not only possible, but also necessary. Especially during their illness. The Church knows neither talismans nor magic. Only the grace of God, given in the Sacraments, protects a person from the power of darkness.

I ordered icons and want to make wooden frames with glass for them. Can glass be installed? What color can I paint the frames? Glass can be inserted, and the frames are painted in a dark color (black, dark brown) or left unpainted, preserving the natural color of the wood, covering with varnish. As a child, I saw at my grandfather's house that the icon stood on a triangular shelf in the corner. I want to do the same. Is this correct?

Is it possible to put two icons in one corner? Do as you like. Everything you ask is allowed. Can the lamp be lit every day or on holidays? No matter how much I light it, it goes out. If there is no lamp oil, then what can be replaced, and what kind of wick - long or short and from what? It is better to light the lampada every day, at least during the prayer rule, and if possible, it would be good for your lamp to burn in front of the icon for as long as possible.

The light of the lamp tunes your soul to prayer and symbolizes it. The wick is usually made of gauze or threads without an admixture of synthetics. The wick can be both long and short. Lamp oil can be vaseline, burdock (floral), olive or any other oil that does not go out for a long time. Does it happen that the sign of the cross is imputed to a person as a sin?

There are people who abuse the sign of the cross when they wish to assure us of deception, lies, fraud, and other unclean deeds; they bring condemnation upon themselves. Is it true that you need to cross the bed before going to bed? Yes, indeed, when you go to bed, cross your bed and room with the prayer: "May God arise...

» Why do miracles occur from icons? Miracles from icons are for the affirmation, veneration and glorification of the name of God or His saints. Icons are venerated not for the sake of colors and writing, not for the sake of antiquity or their news, but for the sake of the one who is painted on the icons. Whoever does not venerate an icon does not honor the saint himself who is painted on it.