Valentin Mordasov /What do you advise, Father?/ The Library THE GRACE-FILLED WORD OF THE ASCETICS OF PIETY: WHAT DO YOU ADVISE, FATHER? Answers to the Difficulties of Everyday Christian Life and Church Piety MOSCOW 2011   Orthodox Library Golden Ship, 2012 UDC 248 BBK 86.

As for this or that advice, just as there is no single cure for all diseases, there can be no unambiguous answer to many questions of contemporaries. In each specific case, a Christian must first of all consult with his spiritual father, who knows the strengths and weaknesses of his spiritual child, the peculiarities of his external and internal life.

Wisdom and caution are demanded of us by God Himself, Archimandrite Agapit On God, the Mother of God, the Angels and the Saints If demons have no power over pious people, then how could they act on the holy Martyress Justina, since she was pious? By God's permission. And what is the purpose of God, only He knows – the ways of the Lord are inscrutable.

Are the Holy Heavenly Patron and the Guardian Angel the same spiritual person or different? There are two persons: the patron saint is the saint whose name you bear, and the guardian angel is given to everyone by the Lord at baptism. I used to think that name day is the birthday of the saint whose name you bear. Is this true?

If my name is Yuri, then what is my patron saint? Name day is the day of your Angel, most often it is the day of the dormition (death) of the saint whose name you bear. Yuri is the Slavic transcription of the name George. Your Angel's Day is established by you in the following way: after your birthday, St. George, whose feast day is closest to your birthday, will be your patron saint.

Most often it is called by this name in honor of the Great Martyr George; His feast day is November 16 or May 6 according to the new style. How should you spend your Angel's day? On the day of your Angel, you should go to Church, repent, commune of the Holy Mysteries. To commemorate the health and repose of your relatives, to serve a moleben to the saint whose name you bear.

The day of the Angel should be celebrated, although work is not prohibited. The best occupation on the day of the Angel is considered to be the reading of his life and other holy books, as well as deeds of piety. What does the expression "trampling down death by death" mean? This expresses the fact that the Savior Jesus Christ, by His death on the Cross, destroyed the death with which mankind in the person of Adam was punished for the Fall.

On the Cross, the Savior delivered mankind "from sin, curse, and death." And if physical death still has power over humanity, then spiritual death has been defeated by the Resurrection of Jesus. Whosoever believeth in Me shall not perish, but shall have eternal life, says the Gospel (John 6:47). It is no coincidence that the above words are placed in the troparion of Pascha – the Bright Resurrection of Christ, because this event is the main truth of Christianity.

The Holy Apostle Paul wrote that if Christ is not risen, then our faith is in vain, and our confession is in vain (1 Corinthians 15:14). To which epoch does the God of the hypostasis of the Holy Trinity correspond and what name does He bear in the Old Testament: 1. The God of the epoch of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob? 2. The God of the time of Moses and the kings of Judah? God, the Creator of heaven and earth and the Provider of the universe (Gen. 1:1; Jn. 1:1)

, has various names in the Holy Scriptures: a) Jehovah (I am the Being) (Exodus 3:14) — the Original Being, independent, unchangeable, unconditional, eternal (Rev. 1:8); (b) Eloag (Hebrew, singular) and Elohim (plural) signify the worshipped God of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. Elohim expresses the greatness and superiority of the Being of God; c) the Almighty (Gen. 26:1; 26:2-3; Exodus 2:3); d) the Lord (Hebrew Adonai) (Judg. 13:8); e) The Most High (Gen. 14:18; Ps. 7:18).

God is one in essence, but triune in Persons – this knowledge of God the Trinity became available to us after the second Hypostasis (Person) – the Son of God our Lord Jesus Christ – took on human flesh (became man), the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in Baptism, and the Father testified that Jesus is His beloved Son (Mk., ch. 1). Is it possible to see Angels?

St. Isaac the Syrian said: "It is not great that a Christian sees angels, but great that a person sees his sins." In general, the Holy Fathers warned that it is necessary to be wary of all kinds of visions, because they mislead a person and "delusion." Being spiritually inexperienced, many mistake visions of demons for angelic visions.

The Holy Apostle Paul warned that Satan is sometimes ready to take the form of an angel of light in order to seduce believers. How do I know that God is helping me? You can answer this question only from your experience. Why did God not immediately destroy and does not destroy the devil for so long? Why do weak people have such a hard life on earth in body and soul after leaving the body? After all, if there had been no evil (the devil), then Eve would not have been offended.

And all people would be good and not proud, everyone would live easily and joyfully, and there would be no need for such a sacrifice as the suffering and death (even if later the Resurrection) of the Son of God. Only God can fully answer this question. God did create both angels and men, endowing them with free will, which He cannot destroy. If this freedom were deprived of real choice, then it would not be needed.

We would never know what day is if we did not know what night is; We would never know what good is if we did not know what evil is. After all, the devil was "Lucifer" – the first angel with God, but he made his choice in favor of evil. The destruction of the devil would not change anything. F. M. Dostoevsky has a story on this topic "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man", how without Satan it is possible to seduce a person, if the will is not educated.