Valentin Mordasov /What do you advise, Father?/ The Library THE GRACE-FILLED WORD OF THE ASCETICS OF PIETY: WHAT DO YOU ADVISE, FATHER? Answers to the Difficulties of Everyday Christian Life and Church Piety MOSCOW 2011   Orthodox Library Golden Ship, 2012 UDC 248 BBK 86.

From this, you can already see and understand what kind of actions they are and who needs them. Let's imagine a priest with a tattoo: how will we look at it?! Is it possible to make a holy corner near the TV? Must not. Is it possible to consecrate your house yourself? If so, what is needed for this? Is it possible to help your neighbor (your loved ones, if they are sick) with the help of prayers?

How can you protect your loved ones from the "bad" eye, are there any talismans or prayers? The house is consecrated only by a priest. You can only sprinkle it with holy water. Praying for loved ones is not only possible, but also necessary. Especially during their illness. The Church knows neither talismans nor magic. Only the grace of God, given in the Sacraments, protects a person from the power of darkness.

I ordered icons and want to make wooden frames with glass for them. Can glass be installed? What color can I paint the frames? Glass can be inserted, and the frames are painted in a dark color (black, dark brown) or left unpainted, preserving the natural color of the wood, covering with varnish. As a child, I saw at my grandfather's house that the icon stood on a triangular shelf in the corner. I want to do the same. Is this correct?

Is it possible to put two icons in one corner? Do as you like. Everything you ask is allowed. Can the lamp be lit every day or on holidays? No matter how much I light it, it goes out. If there is no lamp oil, then what can be replaced, and what kind of wick - long or short and from what? It is better to light the lampada every day, at least during the prayer rule, and if possible, it would be good for your lamp to burn in front of the icon for as long as possible.

The light of the lamp tunes your soul to prayer and symbolizes it. The wick is usually made of gauze or threads without an admixture of synthetics. The wick can be both long and short. Lamp oil can be vaseline, burdock (floral), olive or any other oil that does not go out for a long time. Does it happen that the sign of the cross is imputed to a person as a sin?

There are people who abuse the sign of the cross when they wish to assure us of deception, lies, fraud, and other unclean deeds; they bring condemnation upon themselves. Is it true that you need to cross the bed before going to bed? Yes, indeed, when you go to bed, cross your bed and room with the prayer: "May God arise...

» Why do miracles occur from icons? Miracles from icons are for the affirmation, veneration and glorification of the name of God or His saints. Icons are venerated not for the sake of colors and writing, not for the sake of antiquity or their news, but for the sake of the one who is painted on the icons. Whoever does not venerate an icon does not honor the saint himself who is painted on it.

Some wear a belt on their bodies, on which the 90th Psalm is written. Is it useful? Many examples show that reading the psalm "Living in Help" with faith protects the reader from many dangers, and if someone for the sake of forgetfulness with faith in God's help carries this psalm on himself, there is nothing contrary in this. One officer had an icon of St. Nicholas around his neck, with this psalm written on it: a bullet pierced his dress, reached a piece of paper, but did not damage either the icon or the paper.

How to distinguish an Orthodox cross from a Catholic one? On the Orthodox cross, the Savior is crucified with four nails, and on the Catholic cross with three nails (foot on foot, with one nail). The ascetic George the Recluse writes: "Confess with the Orthodox Church that Jesus Christ was crucified not with three, but with four nails"[16].

How to kiss icons correctly? When kissing the holy icon of the Savior, one should kiss the feet, the hand of the Mother of God and the saints, and the image of the Savior not made by hands and the head of John the Baptist should be kissed in hair. Is it important to sanctify one's food, drink, and lodging? The air is sanctified by sprinkling holy water and prayer, food by sprinkling and blessing, everything is sanctified by the cross. It is very important to sanctify food.

Food has a great impact on the state of both our body and spirit. Having brought provisions from the market, before washing them with water, the hostess must wash them with the sign of the cross - cleanse them of spiritual "microbes" and "bacilli". The sign of the cross can destroy even the power of poison[17]. It is also important to sanctify not only food, but also one's home, bed, and household.

Why do we need the sign of the cross at all and what does it mean? To express their faith in Jesus Christ, crucified on the Cross, Christians make the sign of the cross, or the sign of the cross, on themselves with their right hand during prayer. For the sign of the cross, we fold the fingers of the right hand as follows: the first three fingers (thumb, index and middle)

Put together the ends evenly, and bend the last two (ring and little finger) to the palm. The first three fingers put together express our faith in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, as the One-in-Essence and Indivisible Trinity, and the two fingers bent to the palm mean that the Son of God, after His descent to earth, being God, became man, i.e.

mean His two natures - Divine and human. Making the sign of the cross, we place our fingers folded in this way on our forehead for the sanctification of our mind, on our chest for the sanctification of our heart, then on our right and left shoulders for the sanctification of our bodily powers. When we make the sign of the cross, we must remember that the cross must be placed correctly and unhurriedly; by making the sign of the cross carelessly, we offend God, showing our disrespect for Him – we sin, and this sin is called blasphemy.