Valentin Mordasov /What do you advise, Father?/ The Library THE GRACE-FILLED WORD OF THE ASCETICS OF PIETY: WHAT DO YOU ADVISE, FATHER? Answers to the Difficulties of Everyday Christian Life and Church Piety MOSCOW 2011   Orthodox Library Golden Ship, 2012 UDC 248 BBK 86.

Can the unbaptized be in church during the Liturgy or at the Vigil? The unbaptized may be in church during the entire Vigil, and during the Liturgy until the exclamation "Catechumens, depart." What is the best thing to do if, because of the crowding in the church, you have to stand with your back to the nearest icon during the service? It is not a sin to stand with one's back to the icon during the service.

Is it necessary to drink zapivka after communion? After communion, it is necessary to drink zapivka. Is it necessary to make a remark if someone in church interferes with the service with chatter or sings loudly and very incorrectly? St. John Chrysostom says that even a little boy can do this.

In the Church, all the "grandmothers" at the candlesticks advise in different ways. How to figure out who is right? These grannies often understand very little about church affairs; therefore, it is necessary to ask the priest and learn to read the Holy Scriptures, the books of the Holy Fathers. Is it possible to finish reading the rule for Communion during the Liturgy, or is it better to leave what you did not have time to finish reading, and listen to the service, and finish reading after Communion?

Reading a rule in church is an evil habit. It is allowed to finish reading the rule after Communion only if necessary, but otherwise it is necessary to begin reading it in the morning before Communion. At what moments is it best to read the commemoration book during the Liturgy? During the celebration of the proskomedia. Is it a sin when a woman comes to church without a headscarf, in trousers, with painted lips?

Some priests do not allow women in trousers to take communion. Is this correct? All believers know that it is a sin to come to church in trousers, with painted lips and without a headscarf. And what the priests admonish in this is their duty, although it should be done meekly and affectionately. Is it possible to stand in the narthex of the church during the Liturgy, or is it better to stand in the church itself? Does the place where you stand matter?

In part, it matters where to stand. For example, standing at the end of the church is distracted by those who come and go, conversations at the candle box, prayer is scattered there, but there is no such thing ahead. However, it is important with what feeling you stand: with a sense of your unworthiness and sinfulness, or with a feeling of pharisaism and curiosity. What should I do if, after the end of the Liturgy, the priest does not give me a cross for kissing, because he is serving a moleben or for some other reason, and I need to leave urgently for a good reason?

One should kiss the Crucifix in the temple and go, thanking God and lamenting that he left earlier. Is it possible to enter the church with a tape recorder or with products from the store (meat, eggs, etc.)? This should be avoided. In the Gospel we read that Jesus Christ did not allow anyone to carry a vessel through the temple. And it is generally forbidden to bring meat to church[5].

If it is dangerous to leave a baby stroller on the street, is it possible to take it to church? It is possible, if necessary, with the permission of church workers. Is it possible to venerate icons and light candles during the service, if you did not have time to do it in time, before the service? During the service, this should not be done, because in this way you distract the faithful from prayer, but it is necessary either at the beginning, before the service, or at the end of it.

Is it allowed to bring non-dairy products on fast days? Better lean ones. Can parishioners use the passage between the analogion on which the festal icon lies and the Holy Doors during or after the service? Only without standing on the ambo (from which the deacon says litanies, and the priest preaches sermons)

, since the conciliar rule forbids laymen to stand on the ambo[6]. Is it necessary that the memorial candle burns out during the service at which the commemoration took place, or can it be placed later? This does not matter much, you need to look more at yourself and grieve over your sins. Is it necessary to make a prostration during the exclamation "Holy to the Holies..."?

Prostrations to the ground are abolished on Saturdays, Sundays and feast days[7], and on the Exaltation of the Cross and on Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross are performed only when hymns are sung for the veneration of the Cross. On Sundays and feast days, earthly prostrations are allowed only to the great shrines: St. Gifts, relics, miraculous icon.

If someone is a hooligan in church and interferes with the service, is it possible to take him out by force? Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. What does the exclamation "Catechumens, depart" mean during the Liturgy? "Catechumens" means unbaptized; Previously, they were catechumens, instructed in the faith. Therefore, they need to leave the church. Is it possible for parishioners to enter the ambo and solea in churches?

You should not go there unnecessarily. We must remember the Gospel humble publican and proud Pharisee. If a child (infant) behaves restlessly in church and this interferes with the service or worshippers, is it necessary to leave the church? It is possible and necessary to go out for this time, when he is shouting, interfering, and then again stand not far from the door in order to go out in such a case.

If the infant does not receive Holy Communion. Gifts and clenches his mouth, is it necessary to give communion by force? A small one can be given a small drop to the Holy Spirit. Communion, but do not force a big one. What are the most important moments during the Liturgy? "We sing to you..." and the bringing out of Holy Communion. Gifts. Is it right to say that it is not good to keep one's hands behind one's back in church?