Daniil Sysoev/Catechetical Conversations/ Library Golden-Ship.ru Priest Daniel Sysoev CATECHETICAL CONVERSATIONS Publishing House of the Church of the Prophet Daniel on Kantemirovskaya, Moscow, 2007   Orthodox Library, Golden Ship, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS On God and the Holy Scriptures On the Commandments of God On the Mystery of the Incarnation of God On Baptism and the Sacraments of the Church On Good and Evil. On the struggle with sin.

And therefore, man, if he wants to conquer death, must unite with Him. God is the only Holy One, and if man wants to conquer sin, with whom must he be united? With God. And God is Love, and if a person wants to be loving, with whom should he unite? — With the Father and the Son. — No, not only. It's not so easy, I'll tell you now. There is also a third Person of the Holy Trinity.

And we believe in the third Person of the Holy Trinity. We believe not only in the Father and the Son, but also in the Holy Spirit. And who is the Holy Spirit? You are baptized here, tell me. —The Holy Spirit, He was from the very beginning. "Yes, at the moment of creation He was hovering over the waters. Who is the Holy Spirit, do you know? — The third part of God. "A face, not a part. God is not made of parts.

The Holy Spirit is indeed the third Person of God. Naturally, He is God, equal to the Father and the Son. That is why we say: "... Who with the Father and with the Son is worshipped and glorified.", that is, we worship Him together with the Father and with the Son. And we glorify Him together with the Father and with the Son. Therefore, when we say: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, how many prostrations do we make? One bow. Why? Because there is only one God.

That is, we make one bow in the name of the One God. And therefore we sign ourselves in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, that the power of God through the Blood of Jesus Christ may cleanse us. We put our fingers together in three fingers, showing our faith in the Triune God, crucified on one Cross. You see, all dogmatics is in one hand. Thus, the Holy Spirit is God, and He, unlike the Son, proceeds from God the Father.

Its source is also God the Father, but in a different way: the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father. He is not the Son and not the Brother of God the Son. He is a different God. We know that the image of the Trinity can be compared to heat, which also comes from the Sun, but is not a ray of the sun, but comes to earth together with the ray. Therefore the Son is revealed by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit reveals to us Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God.

That is why it is said that no one can call Jesus Lord except the Holy Spirit. I mean: not in the sense that no one can formally call Him Lord. No one can see His Divine power, be a partaker of His Divine life, except by the Holy Spirit. To call him the Lord – please, "Lord" – the demons cried out, but they did not cry out with the Holy Spirit.

And the point is that it is impossible to unite with the Lord, to see His Divinity, Divine power. Only by the Holy Spirit. And therefore, by the way, Baptism is performed by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is called the Life-Giving Lord. — What is "by the Life-Giving Lord"? "He is the Lord of the Universe, He rules the world together with the Father and the Son.

Moreover, we come to God in this way: the Holy Spirit leads us to the Son and through the Son leads us to the Father. That is why the Church always sings at matins, remember: "In Thy Light we shall see the Light." Whom? In what Light? In Thy Light, O God, we'll see the Light. How is that? What kind of Light is this? In Thy Light, in the Holy Spirit, shall we see the Light of Whom? Son. The light that is from You.

Through the Spirit we come to the Son, and through the Son we come to the Father. And we become His children. The Holy Spirit is called the Life-giving, because He is the Source of all life, He created both plant life and animals, He gives life to angels and people, but He, most importantly, gives eternal life. He gives eternal life in the Sacraments. He regenerates us, He breathed a soul into us at the beginning of the world, and He gives us new life in the Sacraments of Baptism, Chrismation, and the Sacrament of Communion.

Дух Святой участвовал в Боговоплощении — мы знаем, что Христос родился от Духа Святого и Марии Девы. Он был свидетелем страданий Христа. И Он сошел на землю в день Пятидесятницы и создал Церковь Христову. Церковь, которую врата ада не одолеют, которая до сих пор сохраняет свою жизнь в течение всех двух тысячелетий, несмотря на гонения. И Дух Святой обновит творение в конце времен.

Он действительно является Духом Животворящим. И скажем дальше, что Дух Святой — Автор Библии. Он говорил через пророков, через апостолов. — В каком Он смысле говорил? — Многие думают, что Библия написана как письмо от Бога. Но это не так. Пророки и апостолы не лишались разума, когда им Дух Святой говорил, потому что Дух Божий просвещает мысль, а не подавляет.

Потому что Он — Дух разума, Дух премудрости и кротости, и крепости, и силы. Дух Святой, наоборот, усиливает могучий сильный разум, так что человек видит то, что никогда бы не увидел сам. Пророки узнавали будущее за много веков до того, как оно произошло. Почему? Потому что Дух Божий озарил их разум. Он является источником Откровения Божия. Мы знаем, что Церковь живет не только Писанием, но и Преданием.

Есть ложное предание, человеческое, а есть Предание Бога. Апостол Павел сказал: «Итак, братия, стойте и держите предания, которым вы научены или словом или посланием нашим» (2Фес.2,15). — А что такое «предание»? — Предание, собственно, это проявление Святого Духа в самой Церкви. Он проявляет Себя как? В подвигах святых мучеников, в творениях святителей, в подвигах преподобных, которые покоряли свое тело Духу, которые творили множество необыкновенных чудес.

И Он проявляется в Литургии, в догматах Церкви, в жизни церковной. Например, мы говорим, что иконы взяты из Предания. Хотя и в Библии сказано, что Бог повелевает делать иконы Моисею. Опять-таки, не икона — свидетельство Боговоплощения. А свидетелем Боговоплощения является Кто? Кто является свидетелем Христова Божества? Дух Святой. Именно поэтому иконы мироточат и чудеса многие творятся.