«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

The Silence of Isaac



"... We have found him of whom Moses and the prophets wrote, Jesus the son of Joseph of Nazareth." (John 1:45)

In this rare book, the reader will see the amazing story of the conversion of a Jewish rabbi to Christ, which happened at the end of the last century in Greece, then continued in Constantinople and ended in a miraculous way in another place, which you will learn about at the end of the book.

It was revealed to the Apostle Paul, the great teacher of the Gentiles, that the falling away of Israel would take place before a certain time, and that before the end of the world God would again return the hearts of His elect, and they would know the Truth and come and worship His Crucified Son. In our last days, this prophecy is being fulfilled with our own eyes. In many countries, thousands, tens of thousands of Jews have already been baptized. In the countries of Europe, in America, as well as in Russia and Israel itself, a broad movement "Jews for Jesus"1 has developed, which calls for recognizing in Christ the Messiah who has already come. It is known that during the years of emigration more than fifty thousand Christians moved to Israel. In Russia, Georgia and America, dozens of Jews who have come to Christ have already become priests. All this suggests that God has looked upon the lost sheep of the House of Israel and is calling them to Himself. And this book, which you have opened, dear reader, can help all who are looking for the True God to find the Messiah, the Savior of the World, the very Jesus of Nazareth, whom Moses and the prophets predicted in the Law and the Psalms about Him. Throughout the Old Testament, God and His people of Israel have a promise of a Messiah who will not only restore the tribes of Jacob and restore the remnants of Israel, but will also be "the light of the nations and the salvation of God to the ends of the earth."

And it is in this book that absolutely stunning proofs are given of all the prophecies of the Old Testament that were fulfilled in Christ. The depth and force of these proofs are so great that any sane person, unless he is possessed by a demon, cannot but recognize their absolute certainty. Unfortunately, the majority of the once chosen people are still in terrible ignorance and blindness. The overwhelming majority of orthodox Jews are obsessed with hatred of Christ and his followers. They are still waiting for the coming of the Messiah, who will be the Antichrist. And therefore, now more than ever, it is important to open their eyes to the Truth. But the true Jews, who have come to believe in Christ, and who have now become as it were the vanguard of the new Israel, are truly the forerunners of that blessed hour when, according to the prophecy of Zechariah (12:10), the God of our Fathers will pour out "upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and tenderness, and they shall cry upon him, whom they have pierced, and shall weep for him, as they mourn for the only-begotten Son, and mourn as one mourns for the firstborn." This lamentation will resurrect and renew the Sons of Israel, who, like the new apostles, will go forth to preach the gospel, the word of peace and love among the nations. And as this day is not far off, let us pray, like the Apostle Paul, for the salvation of the children of Israel and help them as much as we can with our word. For sin has profoundly perverted and enslaved them, and they recognize "evil as good and good as evil, darkness as light and light as darkness, bitter as sweet, and sweet as bitter. Sin hardened their hearts, and they became "a proverb and a laughing stock among all nations." And for 2000 years the diaspora has been wandering in the desert, and now they are also creating a new galut (i.e. dispersion) in the land of their fathers."2

And so God, Who sent His only begotten Son to deliver His people and all mankind from sin, death and the devil, reveals to us in the New Testament the way of Salvation. If we accept this path, it will be good for us. If not, woe to us! May this book help us to find this path!

Глава I

Эммануил - Иммануэль

"Хине хаальма хара вейоледет Бен векарат шемо Иммануэль"

"Се Дева зачнет и родит Сына и наречется Имя Его Эммануил"