«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

And it is in this book that absolutely stunning proofs are given of all the prophecies of the Old Testament that were fulfilled in Christ. The depth and force of these proofs are so great that any sane person, unless he is possessed by a demon, cannot but recognize their absolute certainty. Unfortunately, the majority of the once chosen people are still in terrible ignorance and blindness. The overwhelming majority of orthodox Jews are obsessed with hatred of Christ and his followers. They are still waiting for the coming of the Messiah, who will be the Antichrist. And therefore, now more than ever, it is important to open their eyes to the Truth. But the true Jews, who have come to believe in Christ, and who have now become as it were the vanguard of the new Israel, are truly the forerunners of that blessed hour when, according to the prophecy of Zechariah (12:10), the God of our Fathers will pour out "upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and tenderness, and they shall cry upon him, whom they have pierced, and shall weep for him, as they mourn for the only-begotten Son, and mourn as one mourns for the firstborn." This lamentation will resurrect and renew the Sons of Israel, who, like the new apostles, will go forth to preach the gospel, the word of peace and love among the nations. And as this day is not far off, let us pray, like the Apostle Paul, for the salvation of the children of Israel and help them as much as we can with our word. For sin has profoundly perverted and enslaved them, and they recognize "evil as good and good as evil, darkness as light and light as darkness, bitter as sweet, and sweet as bitter. Sin hardened their hearts, and they became "a proverb and a laughing stock among all nations." And for 2000 years the diaspora has been wandering in the desert, and now they are also creating a new galut (i.e. dispersion) in the land of their fathers."2

And so God, Who sent His only begotten Son to deliver His people and all mankind from sin, death and the devil, reveals to us in the New Testament the way of Salvation. If we accept this path, it will be good for us. If not, woe to us! May this book help us to find this path!

Глава I

Эммануил - Иммануэль

"Хине хаальма хара вейоледет Бен векарат шемо Иммануэль"

"Се Дева зачнет и родит Сына и наречется Имя Его Эммануил"

Five years ago I was in the service of my Fatherland in Corinth, being the head of one of the gymnasiums. And then one day I happened to meet my old friend, the Jew Isaac M.


-Nicholas! - At the same time, our greetings sounded, expressing the unexpected joy of this meeting. Isaac came from Epirus3 and was one of the most gifted Israelites, who was fluent in both classical Hebrew and Greek. At one time he graduated from the gymnasium in Ioannina4. We became friends in 1872. Issac was then studying at Haskiou5, studying Jewish philosophy and Torah6, while I was studying theology at the Theological Institute in Halk. During the school careers of those golden years of our youth, we met frequently at Galata and were happy in spite of our differences in religious disputes. We were hot then, and youthful ardor prevented us from finding the Truth. Isaac was especially fanatical under the influence of the rabbis. For him, the Talmud and the Jewish tradition were higher than the Torah. Without the Talmud, the Torah, in his opinion, had no value. That's how he was taught and how he believed. He did not want to hear anything about the Savior of the World, about the Joy and Hope of Israel, about Yeshua Gamashiach.7

"Stop it, Nikolai! - he said to me, - the Talmud cannot be mistaken." But in spite of all his rigorism, Isaac had the kindest heart and, when he forgot the Talmud, was his best friend. Sometimes, complaining about his excessive fanaticism, he, as if repenting, said to me: "What will happen? As you can see, I am bound. That's how I was taught. As a person, I love you as a friend and compatriot. As a Jew, I shun you as a Christian."

And he was right! This is how I read in the Talmud and reasoned like this. He suffered like a blind man, not having the happiness to see and recognize the Sun of Righteousness. I have never heard the lofty words from the Gospel of Matthew: "Love your enemies, bless those who curse you." However, he had zeal for God, but not for reasoning. Blindness and ignorance were allowed (as, incidentally, each of his kinsmen) proclaims by the divine Apostle Paul. Paul: "Hardening has taken place in Israel in part, until the full number of the Gentiles shall come in." (Romans 11:25.) Such was my friend Isaac...

On that unforgettable day of our meeting in Corinth, Isaac told me about his life, how he was now a rabbi in one of the synagogues in Constantinople, and was on his way to his homeland to meet his parents. And that, having fallen ill on the way, he decided to interrupt the journey until he recovered, and was now busy looking for a comfortable hotel.

"You offend me, Isaac," I said to him. "You have an old friend here!" Why look for a hotel, especially when you are sick! It is a great joy for me to invite you to my home, where you can find comfort and heal until you are completely cured.