«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Sorcerers, psychics, bioenergetics, yogis, followers of the Roerichs and Blavatsky, masters of non-contact massage and other "healers" were allowed to come to your house or perform magical actions in it.

They checked the biofields of the apartment, fortune-telling, played cards, engaged in spiritualism, and conducted anti-religious propaganda in the house.

They allowed lewd acts in the apartment, engaged in pandering, corrupted minors or set a bad example for them by their behavior.

Oriental incense was burned: Indian incense sticks, etc.

Everything that we have listed attracts demons to the apartment like a magnet, therefore, having confessed what we have done, we will avoid such actions in the future. But this is only half the trouble. Coming to the house for its consecration, you will find everything there: on the shelves there are books of heretical content, astrological forecasts, textbooks of non-contact massage, magic, etc. It is simply taken aback: how people do not fear God, how they love dirt! In the kitchen, or even in the room, there are collections of beer cans, matchboxes, cigarette packs. In the bathroom and toilet, the walls are pasted with naked divas, the shelves are littered with various shampoos and creams. Everything suggests that the body here is loved, groomed and its whims are fulfilled. Only this is a deception. Illusion. Indulgence and corruption never lead to health, and the same can be said about sports.

However, let's pay special attention to today's owner of the house, idol and favorite - TV. Back in the sixties, Americans called him an electronic demon, but we loved him especially. In many apartments, in every room, and even in the kitchen, it stands in an honorable place. There is no place for a shelf with icons, there is also the best and most convenient for it. What kind of prayer can one talk about with the inhabitants of such an apartment, about what Orthodox way of life?

TV takes away our time, the most precious talent that the Lord has given us. There is no time to read and pray, there is no need to study and talk with children: it is enough to sit them next to each other and let them watch.

He irradiates us, we get tired of sitting in front of him, we give in to apathy. Lethargy and drowsiness, indifference captures us in its captivity.

It's no secret that we are coded through it, we are forced to have the opinion we need (the authors of TV programs or their owners) on various issues, we are weaned from thinking independently and analyzing events and facts. He has long been our guru and teacher, the ultimate authority.

Thieves and robbers, murderers and rapists, aliens and monsters and other abominations come to our apartments through the TV.

Watching scenes of murder, violence, corruption, we not only become accomplices in all this, but also allow children to be present, to watch this filth for hours.

How much has already been written about the dangers of TV, how much experts are talking about it, and we are like water from geese. Now we introduce another new enemy into the house: the computer.

We must change our lives. To cleanse the house of any spiritual evil spirits, to part with them once and for all. No one says that it is easy: it is difficult to change, rebuild your attitude to the world and the people around you, but we must do it. Otherwise, how can you fight demonism in the house? How to establish a proper Christian life?

It is here, at this stage, when we must resolutely renounce Satan and all his works and all service to him, that we do not succeed. We feel sorry for parting with one or the other, and, justifying ourselves and inwardly persuading ourselves, we begin to seek a compromise with our conscience. "Is it not possible to do this," we begin to think, "so that the sheep are safe and the wolves are fed?" "A demon will not gouge out a demon's eye," says a popular saying. Satan's servants, no matter what they call themselves, will not help you. The fact that all these "workers of the invisible front": professional fortune-tellers, astrologers, palmists, numerologists, theosophists from the Blavatsky Society, Kabbalists, anthroposophists, spiritualists, astral travelers and mystics, mediums, yogis, followers of the Roerichs, biofield healers, ritual coders, shamans, sorcerers, representatives of white, black and other magics are berries from the same field, I will not even prove. They themselves confirm this in their numerous speeches openly and brazenly.