«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

He irradiates us, we get tired of sitting in front of him, we give in to apathy. Lethargy and drowsiness, indifference captures us in its captivity.

It's no secret that we are coded through it, we are forced to have the opinion we need (the authors of TV programs or their owners) on various issues, we are weaned from thinking independently and analyzing events and facts. He has long been our guru and teacher, the ultimate authority.

Thieves and robbers, murderers and rapists, aliens and monsters and other abominations come to our apartments through the TV.

Watching scenes of murder, violence, corruption, we not only become accomplices in all this, but also allow children to be present, to watch this filth for hours.

How much has already been written about the dangers of TV, how much experts are talking about it, and we are like water from geese. Now we introduce another new enemy into the house: the computer.

We must change our lives. To cleanse the house of any spiritual evil spirits, to part with them once and for all. No one says that it is easy: it is difficult to change, rebuild your attitude to the world and the people around you, but we must do it. Otherwise, how can you fight demonism in the house? How to establish a proper Christian life?

It is here, at this stage, when we must resolutely renounce Satan and all his works and all service to him, that we do not succeed. We feel sorry for parting with one or the other, and, justifying ourselves and inwardly persuading ourselves, we begin to seek a compromise with our conscience. "Is it not possible to do this," we begin to think, "so that the sheep are safe and the wolves are fed?" "A demon will not gouge out a demon's eye," says a popular saying. Satan's servants, no matter what they call themselves, will not help you. The fact that all these "workers of the invisible front": professional fortune-tellers, astrologers, palmists, numerologists, theosophists from the Blavatsky Society, Kabbalists, anthroposophists, spiritualists, astral travelers and mystics, mediums, yogis, followers of the Roerichs, biofield healers, ritual coders, shamans, sorcerers, representatives of white, black and other magics are berries from the same field, I will not even prove. They themselves confirm this in their numerous speeches openly and brazenly.

Here is an example: the sorcerer Yuri Tarasov in a conversation entitled "I am a sorcerer in the fourth generation", in response to a correspondent's question: "I caught that you conjured up a patient with osteochondrosis with the help of your biofield, manual therapy and psychotherapy. All this is widely known. We know some representatives of alternative medicine, for example, Dzhuna, Kashpirovsky... Are you one in three persons? Tarasov answered: "Your question contains the answer. Why don't I call myself a psychic? Because a psychic can do about a tenth of what any average sorcerer possesses. The same can be said about hypnotists, healers, psychotherapists... Each of these areas is only the tip of the iceberg."

Said very frankly. The "tip of the iceberg", the base of which descends into the underworld. But we don't need to go there, we need to go to paradise, and this is serious work within the fence of the Holy Church, and not a game of spilkins. It will be useful to recall that the Holy Scriptures strictly forbid communication with occult evil spirits: "You shall not have a soothsayer, a fortune-teller, a fortune-teller, a sorcerer, a charmer, a summoner of spirits, a magician, and one who asks questions of the dead; for everyone who does these things is an abomination to the Lord" (Deuteronomy 18:10-13). "If a prophet or a dreamer arises among you, and presents to you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or wonder of which he spoke to you comes to pass, and says, Let us go after other gods, whom you do not know, and serve them, then do not listen to the words of this prophet or this dreamer, for through this the Lord your God is tempting you, to know whether you love the Lord your God." (Deuteronomy 13:1-5).

So, my beloved, let us not waver in our faith, let us be worthy children of the Orthodox Church, let us not look back, having embarked on the path of correction. Let us throw away all that is unnecessary and ungodly from our home once and for all, and let us turn to the priest of God with a request to sanctify our dwelling as it should, according to the order of the Orthodox Church!

Possession is the spiritual plague of our time

In his homily on the 28th Sunday after Pentecost, the well-known preacher of our Church, the elder of the Pskov Caves Monastery, Fr. John Krestyankin, says that "our present life insistently demands that we all be very attentive to the topic (of the existence of the devil). For our ignorance, or shameful silence, or even denial of the existence of this terrible force, makes us completely unarmed before it, and it can lead us, like sheep to the slaughter, to perdition." ("On the Deadly Existence of the Devil", Izd. Sret. m-rya, 1996)

Crowds of teenagers smash everything in their path, returning from rock concerts, the most savage crimes have become our everyday reality, hospitals are overcrowded with patients who baffle modern medicine - all this is our spiritual everyday life. There is a lot of talk about all this, the reasons are pointed out... But not the same. The truth is carefully avoided, as if it does not exist at all. And it is: the action of spirits of malice on the soul and body of a person.

The "spiritual horror" to which we have sunk is the result of lack of faith and inner blindness, a rapid spiritual fall, which could not have happened.