«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»


* From the compiler

* Who, who lives in the terem?

* Possession is a spiritual plague of our time

* Are prayers for the sick necessary?

* Answers to parishioners' questions

* Why and how do demons enter into a person?

* We and the world around us

* Miracles that happened through the prayers of Archpriest Valentin (Mordasov) or from the shrine consecrated by him.

*Prot. Valentin Mordasov

Spiritual poems of different years


* Mother's will

*Prot. Valentin Mordasov

Sermons of Different Years

* On Prayer

* On the day of Pentecost

* On non-condemnation

* Golden Rule

* On Love for Enemies

* Consolation to a Sorrowful Heart

* About murmuring


From the compiler

The publication of this book is caused by the great interest of the faithful who visit our church, and pilgrims from various cities of Russia, in the problem of spiritual illnesses, drug addiction and drunkenness.

Unfortunately, these ailments have become the scourge of our society and resonate with pain in the hearts of every believer. Spiritual neglect, ignorance of the basics of Orthodoxy, narcissism and egoism make people helpless when attacked by the spirits of evil, plunge them into despondency, apathy, unwillingness to live, push them to communicate with psychics, sorcerers, healers of various stripes.

The churching of the sick, his liberation from sinful fetters, his participation in the sacraments of the Church requires from the clergy painstaking, serious work and much knowledge.

To be honest, this knowledge and experience are lacking in many who face these problems, the problems of the spiritually ill. For them, this book is primarily intended, compiled on the basis of the materials of "The Intrigues of the Demons", which have long become a bibliographic rarity.

The sick themselves with great interest get acquainted with everything that is written by Hieromonk Panteleimon, who has extensive experience in communicating with the spiritually ill and has been conducting prayers with incantatory prayers for seven years now. All this becomes more relevant and topical against the background of the rapidly multiplying Satanism, which, hiding behind various guises, cripples the souls of people, plunging them into hellish torments already here on earth.

We cannot hide from this problem, we cannot go anywhere. It meets us everywhere: at work, in the family, on the street, and it seems that "Satan is running the show here," and we are all his hostages and God is far away. But this is very, very different!

We only need to follow the path to Him, without turning or making this path easier, which sometimes seems incredibly difficult to us.

Correction of oneself and one's spirituality is possible under strictly defined conditions. It is time for all of us to understand this, to abandon unnecessary and dangerous tossing and turning. The truth has long been open to us, the Savior Himself says to us: "I am the door. By Me whosoever shall enter, he shall be saved; and he will come in, and go out, and will find pasture." [John 10:9.]