«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

8. Попускает ли Господь вселиться в человека за грехи родственников? (Например, брату за грехи сестры).

Все зависит от духовной жизни того и другого. Господь попускает беснование для исправления жизни, для спасения души, для вразумления, а не простой акт юридизма. Хотя все в семье связаны друг с другом. Пример: Сестра занялась оккультизмом и принесла в дом кучу литературы на эту тему. Конечно, появление этой духовной заразы влияет на всех членов семьи. И другое: брат согрешает чем-то, подвергается нападению беса, при чем здесь благочестиво живущая сестра?

9. Действительно ли блудный бес усиливается от употребления большого количества жидкости?

Как от всякого невоздержания в пище. Также большое количество воды расслабляет.

10. А очень горячий чай тоже вреден?

Очень горячее и очень холодное плохо действует на гортань и пищевод. Крайности употребляются в исключительных случаях.

11. Нам очень страшно слушать угрозы бесов по отношению к вам. Как к этому относиться?

Intimidation is different. First, demons threaten the priest or believers through the mouths of the sick. For example: "We will not forgive you for this, you do not know what we will arrange for you, you will get full payment for everything," etc.


1. Acquaintances will come up and persuade: "I treat you well, I love you and respect you, but otherwise I would not say anything. You shouldn't have messed with the possessed, you don't understand what all this will turn out to be for you. I knew one priest, so he ... etc. A description of all kinds of horrors and toll-houses follows."

2. Strangers on the street pounce with abuse, threats and even beatings, and through thoughts the enemy suggests: "If I didn't do it, then nothing would happen, I would live like a person."

3. The third – probably the most unpleasant – is through passions. Such attacks flare up that they are stunning. It is easy to fall into despondency: what, what, but I did not expect this from myself. And the enemy begins to suggest: yes, you were good, looking from the outside. I am also an ascetic... And in the same vein in different variations. All this takes place against the general background of misunderstanding and condemnation of others: a hero was sought, probably he wanted to... /money, popularity, etc./

From my practice, I can cite the following:

During the sermon of a certain priest about humility and patience, the demon through the mouth of a sick woman crumbled in threats. I was standing in the distance, hearing this for the first time and was amazed. The woman, bent at the waist, grinning angrily, shouted: "Well, wait, you are strong, God is with you, but we are not weak either. We'll catch you doing something, we'll be patient with you, and you'll get what you want!" and so on. From unfamiliarity, I had big goosebumps, but this did not make any impression on the priest, which also surprised me. But there was so much malice in the face of the sick woman, what hatred!