«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

— Does fasting interfere with the treatment of diabetes mellitus? Are you not allowed to eat vegetables and fruits?

— No, it's useful.

Whether our legs, hands, or heart hurt, we are in a hurry to break the fast. There is an example of Fr. John of Kronstadt: "... Once the doctors prescribed him to eat meat during Lent: otherwise he would face bad consequences. He refused. The doctors insisted. Then the priest said that he would ask his mother's blessing by telegraph. This spiritual eagle replied with a telegram:

"It is better to die, and not to break the fast!"

Of course, Fr. John unquestioningly obeyed his mother." /Mitre. Veniamin /Fedchenkov/, "God's People", p. 213/

Or one priest told me: "I'm sick. A blood clot blocked the veins in my leg, and it swelled. Everyone demanded that I be hospitalized and operated. Severe pain day and night. For eight days he did not eat anything, only a little holy water. The blood clot dissolved and everything went away."

Abstinence is always good for our health, and fasting is sacred to us, not a heavy duty. And you can't rush to break it because of every sore.

20. What if the stomach and intestines hurt?

We need to choose the food that suits us. They break the fast not because they have nothing to eat, but because they cater to habits and whims. In conversations with such patients, this is always revealed: they are not used to embarrassing themselves.

21. Who do demons enter most of?

In those who do not believe in God.

22. Is it possible to eat without prayer and the sign of the cross?

Must not. There were cases when a demon entered a person with food.

23. But one must observe fasting according to one's strength?