«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

25. What is the most powerful remedy for spiritual illness to heal?

Correction of life and humility.

26. Is the great sin of infanticide forgiven?

It is forgiven and blotted out in our charters, but we must tearfully repent and blot out with good deeds.

27. Which priests does the demon especially dislike?

Those who save and lead to God.

28. Do Feasts and fasts play a role on the spiritually ill?

They play and not a small one. Exorcists noticed that on the Feast days demons "easier" come out of the sick.

29. Do not the demons take revenge on you for your services to the sick?

They take revenge as much as God allows, and everything that comes from the hand of God must be received with gratitude. Now books often describe cases of revenge on priests by demons for one or another of their actions against them. Where is the intimidation: don't get involved, or you'll get it..., where is the boast: this is what I have suffered... There is little benefit from this, and the harm is great. The priest's service to God and people is dissolved in joy, and we are all about filth. A certain elder was asked: "Has he seen demons and what is their appearance?" "They are vile," he replied, and said no more. Through the attacks of demons we come to know our weakness, we see the dirt of our hearts. "Glory to God for everything!" said the ascetics of piety, and we must learn the same.

30. It's easy for you to say: I made compote for you last year – my stomach was so upset that I thought I wouldn't be able to go to work... Holy water saved me: I drank without ceasing. Why is it so: what do you do, then everything is with temptations?

Good deeds are always associated with temptations from the enemy, especially help for the priest. But let's consider whether we should be afraid of this? When we discussed this case, you yourself said that due to your inexperience, you did it without prayer. But they helped themselves correctly – they resorted to the shrine, to holy water. Here is the experience, valuable and necessary for you. And you also dealt a "blow" to the enemy: you showed love and care for the priest, and the enemy came out with feces. In your fears you forget that we have a spiritual battle, and here wounds and straits from the enemy are inevitable. In war as in war.

31. Are you being attacked by your superiors?

If it "attacks", then for the deed, according to my sins: it was the ascetics who endured it in vain, but I accept it according to my deeds.