St. Luke of Crimea / Hurry to Follow Christ (Collection of Sermons) / (Library

29 On the words, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees." 30 On the Healing of the Gadarene Demoniac . 32 On the vanity of human glory. 34 The Call to the Wedding Feast . 35 On Miserliness and on Spiritual Almsgiving.

36 On the Fear of God .. 37 Why do we not always receive what we ask for in our prayers? . . . 38 On perseverance in prayer. 40 On forcing oneself to virtues .. 41 On the Monk Martinian.

42 On the Origins of Modern Atheism. 43 The Epistle of the Apostle Jude .. 45 Homily on the Day of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos .. 46 Pray for all that you need. 48 On Absent-Mindedness in Prayer.

49 On the Commemoration of the Dead. 51 Under all conditions of time it is possible to be saved. 54 On the anthropomorphic representation of God. 55 On the words: "Be saved from this perverse generation." 56 On the Mood of the Disciples of John the Baptist and the Forerunner Himself.

57 On the words: "God has reconciled the world to Himself." 59 On the words: "We must obey God rather than men." 60 To the words: "No one called anything of his possessions his own, but they had everything in common."

61 The Parable of the Unrighteous Steward. 62 On the words: "Leave these people and leave them." 63 The First Persecution of Christians. 65 On the words: "The Spirit gives life; the flesh profiteth not in the least."

66 Science and Religion. 67 The spirit does not die, but lives forever. 69 On the words: "Lay down your life for your friends." 70 The Old and New Testaments. 71 On the Insufficiency of Good Deeds Alone.

73 The Healing of the Gadarene Demoniac . 75 On the 90th Psalm. 77 Why do people fight against the truth? . . . 79 On the words: "In My Father's house there are many mansions." 80 Conversation of Jesus Christ with Nicodemus ..

81 Hymn of Love of the Apostle Paul. 83 The Parable of Those Who Worked in the Vineyard. 85 "Except ye humble yourselves as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of God." 86 On inconstancy in the way of good. 88 There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

89 Homily on the Day of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos .. 91 To the words: "You do not know what kind of spirit you are." 92 The mystery of the Kingdom of God is in our hearts. 93 On the words: "The Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power."

94     Sorrow for God and Worldly   Sorrow 1946   For sorrow according to God worketh unrepentant repentance unto salvation, but sorrow of the world worketh death" (2 Corinthians 7:10). These are the deep, profound words of the Holy Apostle Paul from his Second Epistle to the Corinthians.

It is necessary to delve into these words: what is sorrow according to God, and what is worldly sorrow? Sorrow for God's sake is the mood with which all the saints lived, it is, first of all, a heavy, heavy sorrow for their own sins. It is also a continuous sorrow for what we see in the world: that wicked people, who do not believe in Christ, live as Satan teaches them to live; they do not even want to know the way of Christ.

Sorrow for God is sorrow for that untruth, about theft, murder, debauchery, lies – terrible lies, all-pervading lies, among which people of all claims have lived and are living. Sorrow for God is sorrow for the fate of our children, our youth, who know nothing about God, who live without God. This sorrow, the sorrow that we ourselves often deviate from the path of God, the sorrow that the whole world is following a path far from Christ — "unrepentant repentance worketh unto salvation."

It gives rise to constant, unchanging repentance, gives rise to a sense of guilt before God, our own guilt and the guilt of those unfortunate impious people who surround us. This sorrow, this sorrow, these tears for ourselves, for our loved ones, lead us to repentance. And we live in this holy and salvific feeling of repentance, we live in the midst of prayer for ourselves, for our own unworthiness, for our neighbors and for those far away, for all the unfortunate who do not know Christ.