Orthodox: You care about the high mortality of the ancient Jews and do not see that the Russian people are literally dying out. Every year, one million people die from alcoholism alone! Official statistics have already recognized that more people die in our country than are born. Isn't that a problem?   Sectarian: But isn't man self-sufficient?

He is the perfect creation of his Creator. The Bible says: "Thou hast made him little less than the angels: Thou hast crowned him with glory and honor" (Psalm 8:6). Adam and Eve were perfect male and female. The entire animal and plant world was subordinate to them. They did not need any interethnic barriers. They were not interested in the problems of fertility. What is all this for?

They lived in complete submission to Jehovah's will. And all the problems that you have touched upon can be resolved, and very soon. When Jehovah's millennial kingdom arrives, then the evil system of things will be destroyed. In the theocratic kingdom, equality and harmony have already been achieved between men and women in their relations with each other.

  Orthodox: For that matter, I will remind you that the man was superior to his wife both in origin and in position. It is said: "For the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man; and the man was not created for the woman, but the woman for the man" (1 Cor. 11:8-9).   Sectarian: Do you mean that a woman is not equal to a man?   Orthodox: Equal! But only in the call to salvation.

It is said: "There is neither Jew nor Gentile; there is neither slave nor free; there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 28). And in real earthly life, as they say, beyond the threshold of the Church, there are both interethnic and interclass problems. There are also problems related to the relationship between the sexes. And the Church exists not in order to find justice and happiness for man in the hurricane of revolutionary inter-class and inter-ethnic wars, but in order to preach peace between estates and classes, peoples and tribes.

But not a world in which some have everything and others have nothing. We will never recognize the results of criminal privatizations and forced (unaddressed) voucherization. The Church should always be on the side of the poor and disadvantaged. How many homeless Russians are there now (especially from among those who fled with their families from the so-called "Ukrainians"). "hot spots"). And at the same time, Moscow is being built up with large and beautiful houses. But who are these houses for?

The Scriptures say: "Woe to you who add house to house, who add field to field, so that there is no room for others, as if you were alone on the earth. The Lord of hosts has said in my ears, 'These many houses shall be desolate, great and beautiful without inhabitants' (Isaiah 5:8-9). True Patriotism appeals to each of us from the pages of the Holy Scriptures: "... stop doing evil; learn to do good, seek righteousness, save the oppressed, defend the fatherless, intercede for the widow.

Then come, and let us reason, saith the Lord" (Isa. 1, 16-18). And first of all, we take care of our brothers in faith, for the Holy Scriptures themselves call us to do so.   Sectarian: But should good be done selectively and first of all only by one's own?   Orthodox: I have a feeling that you have just picked up the Bible today. Excuse me. Of course, selectively.

It is said: "Therefore, while there is time, let us do good to all, and especially to those who are in the faith" (Gal. 6:10). What does this mean for me in everyday life? If, for example, I choose shoes for myself, then I will give preference to a Russian or Belarusian, or even a Ukrainian manufacturer.   Sectarian: This is pure racism!   Orthodox: No!

Это не расизм, а правильное следование библейским принципам в сфере современных обстоятельств жизни.   Сектант : Вы можете более подробно изложить это ваше учение о христианском патриотизме? Дело в том, что я еще не сталкивался с попыткой библейского обоснования идей православного национализма.   Православный : Хотя я и не люблю монологов, но этот вопрос — «Христианство и Патриотизм » — он ведь практически нигде не обсуждается.

А если этой темы и касаются, то только в разрезе новомодных рассуждений о глобализации, «преосвященном патриотизме » и экуменизме. Ну а сторонники новомодных философий дружно ополчаются на патриотизм: «да и зачем он, ведь есть же христианство ». Надеюсь, что после предполагаемого монолога, я бы даже сказал декламации, на меня начнут обижаться и последователи Рене Генона. Причина очевидна!

Ведь точно так же, как русскому сердцу претит дух большевистского интернационализма, точно так же будет претить душок промасоненного космополитизма – для традиционализма «а ля Генон », «а ля Дугин ». Хотя последний мне и ближе, ведь и в моих жилах течет кровь великорусов и староверов.   Ну что же, монолог так монолог.

Надеюсь, что в моем случае оппонент будет молчать только потому, что и сказать-то ему будет нечего. Слово Божие учит нас, что есть пять естественных начал жизни, созданных рукою Бога. Это: Личность, Семья, Нация, Царство, Церковь. Чтобы личность была цельной, должна быть цельная семья; чтобы государ­ство было действительно сильным, должно быть национальное самосознание, должно быть державное самосознание, должно быть православное воцерковление. Личность — создана Богом.

Сказано: «И создал Господь Бог человека из праха земного, и вдунул в лице его дыхание жизни и стал человек душею живою » (Быт. 2, 7). Человек ответственен пред Создателем за свою душу. Сказано: «какая польза человеку, если он приобретёт весь мир, а душе своей повредит? или какой выкуп даст человек за душу свою? » (Мф. 16, 26). Ответственен человек пред Богом и за сохранность своего собственного тела.