Daniil Sysoev /Islam. Orthodox View/ Library Golden-Ship.ru Daniil Sysoev Islam. Orthodox View Orthodox Library Golden Ship, 2012

There were a number of other restrictions related to their lives.

Jizya was usually from 80% of the income. At the same time, of course, a Christian, being a second-class citizen, was subjected to certain oppression, but still his life was guaranteed. This must be admitted for the sake of objectivity, and it cannot be said that Islam demands the destruction of all Christians, it would not be entirely correct.

At the same time, the transition of a person to Islam is encouraged in every possible way. Taking into account the fact that human freedom is not very valued by Islam because of the doctrinal provisions (we will talk about them now), it follows that any person, his freedom can be easily broken. As it is said in the Qur'an: "To Him (Allah – Ed.) those who are in heaven and on earth have given themselves up voluntarily and involuntarily, and to Him you will be returned"[9].

"Involuntarily" means lack of freedom, captivity, slavery. And because of this, there are a number of such terrible statements, for example: if a Christian in the presence of two Muslims expresses a desire to become a Muslim, he is considered a Muslim, and any attempt to refuse to do so then leads to the death penalty. Because leaving Islam is punishable by death or life imprisonment.

But usually no one uses life imprisonment, the rarest cases were when life imprisonment was used. The death penalty was most often used, and is still used. The most recent example of the death penalty for converting to Christianity was in 2005 in Saudi Arabia, when a Christian from the Philippines was executed. In Yemen in 2004, the execution of George, who converted to Orthodoxy, took place.

These are the norms that are still in force in Sharia countries.

The second part of the territory of our planet is the land of war. The land of war is divided into two parts: the land of jihad and the land of truce. The land of war is a land where Sharia law does not apply, that is, the entire society that is not built according to these norms. And it is called the land of war because this territory should be converted to Islam. For this purpose, the practice of Holy War – jihad[10] is assumed, which has several forms.

It is very important to remember that jihad has the form of a mission, the so-called peaceful jihad. Muslim missionary work is called jihad. It is true, jihad is a mission, but not only a mission. Jihad can mean a real war, pogroms, poisoning water in the enemy's wells. According to the current interpretation of a number of Muslim authorities from Saudi Arabia, the so-called Wahhabis[11], Jihad is also the distribution of drugs.

In fact, it is understandable why heroin is grown mainly in Afghanistan, because the distribution of heroin is considered a means of undermining the enemy's forces. This is like in any war - the destruction of enemy manpower. This is a purely military tactic.

The land of war is divided, as I have already said, into two parts. There is a land of direct war. The land of jihad is the land that must be exterminated by all means because this state opposes Islam in some way. A war must be waged against these states by all means. The rules of jihad list everything. For example, all men and the elderly should be exterminated, but women and children should not be exterminated.

Women and children must be taken captive: women must become sexual slaves, and children must be forced to convert to Islam. There are specially developed treatises on jihad (also in Russian). These are the rules that have been adopted in Islam since the VII century - from Muhammad.

The land of truce is a land where Islam coexists with a non-Islamic government on the basis of a treaty. That is, Muslims are given the right to live according to Sharia, more or less, but at the same time the society itself is not Islamic. This is called the land of truce. Why? Because these people, or rather, this society, which allows Muslims to live according to Sharia, but in itself is not Islamic, not normal, it must be destroyed, turned into Islamic, but on one condition – on the condition that the Muslim brothers do not suffer.

Therefore, a truce is concluded with him until the moment when society is weak enough to be able to make it Islamic. This is the practice of jihad and the understanding of the world of our planet from the point of view of Islam.

How does a person become a Muslim? What is required for this? Just as an Orthodox person cannot be Orthodox if he does not believe in the Holy Trinity, in the God-Man Christ, if he does not believe in the creation of the world, if he is not baptized, does not take communion, so in Islam there are certain phenomena, rules that make a Muslim a Muslim. What?