Tolkovyy pravoslavnyy molomolog/ Biblioteka   Tolkovyy pravoslavnyj molosokol   Po blavrezheniy Vysoreiniego Tikhon, Bishop of Novosibirsk and Tomsk   © Izdannoe prihodnym v po imeni Prepodvennogo Seraphima Sarovskoj Eparchii vmestoy s izd-vom "Russkaya beseda", 1995. © Library of the Omega Web Center. Red. Golden-Ship.

  The Fifth Commandment of God   Honor - Honor. Yes - so that. Good is good. Ti - to you. Long-lived is the one who lives many years.   By this commandment, God commands to honor parents. What does it mean to honor one's parents? It means to obey them, to help them in their labors and needs, to care for them during their illness and old age, and to pray for the salvation of their souls.

How was disrespect for parents once punished? Noah's son, Ham, laughed at his father, who slept naked in his vineyard; and his other sons, Shem and Japheth, covered his naked body with garments. Noah, waking up, learned about such a disrespectful act of Ham, cursed him and prophetically said that his descendants would be slaves of the descendants of his brothers.

Apart from parents, who else is commanded to honor the fifth commandment? Those who in any case replace our parents, such as: the Sovereign of their Fatherland, spiritual pastors, superiors, all benefactors in general and elders. Which of them should be especially revered? The sovereign, because He is the father of the whole people and the anointed of God. Fear God, honor the king (1 Pet. 2:17), says the Apostle Peter.

The Lord Himself said: render unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar (Matt. 22:21), i.e. what belongs to Caesar, or to the king, give to him: whatever duties you have to the Emperor, fulfill them. What are the duties of a subject to the Sovereign? One must obey His commands, pray for Him, obey the authorities appointed by Him, pay taxes honestly, willingly go to military service at His command in defense of the faith and the fatherland, and willingly perform other duties.

And what can be said about those who do not fulfill their duties to the Sovereign? They are guilty not only before the Tsar, but also before God, because if you resist the authorities, as the Word of God says, you resist God's command... for there is no authority except it be from God (Romans 13:1-2).   The Sixth Commandment of God:   Thou shalt not kill - thou shalt not kill.   What does God forbid with this commandment? It prohibits killing, i.e. taking human life.

Is it a sin to punish a criminal with death according to the law and kill the enemy in war? Not a sin. The criminal is deprived of life in order to stop the great evil he is doing; the enemy is killed in war, because in war they fight for the Tsar and the Fatherland. What other sins are forbidden by this commandment? It is forbidden to assist the murder in any way, for example, by order, advice, assistance; Everything that disturbs and shortens the life of a neighbor, such as anger, hatred, quarrels, is also prohibited.

The same commandment forbids temptation when someone by his example or advice inclines another to unbelief or some sin, which is called spiritual murder. What is commanded by the sixth commandment? It is commanded to protect the life of one's neighbor and always do him only good.   The seventh commandment of God:   Thou shalt not commit adultery, but thou shalt not commit adultery.

  This commandment prohibits adultery, or criminal carnal love between a man and a woman. The same commandment forbids everything that inclines to this sin, for example, immoderate eating, drunkenness, shameless songs, reading bad books, and the like. What should be done in order not to violate this commandment? Those who live in marriage need to be faithful to each other, and the rest need to lead a chaste life.

  The Eighth Commandment of God   This commandment prohibits theft, i.e. taking someone else's property in any illegal way. For example, the one who steals[11], robs, withholds the wages of the worker sins against this commandment; who receive payment for work, but do not work; Whoever takes someone else's by deception, cunning, for example, gives away a bad commodity instead of a good one, by means of an incorrect weight or measure, does not finish what is sold. (

Gehazi, a servant of the prophet Elisha, deceived the Syrian commander Naaman for some money and clothing in the name of this prophet; for this transgression he was stricken with leprosy, which had previously been on Naaman.) What should one be in order not to sin against the eighth commandment? You need to be hardworking, selfless, merciful, truthful.   The Ninth Commandment of God   Thou shalt not obey – thou shalt not testify, thou shalt not bring it to the ears, thou shalt not speak. On your friend - on another person. The testimony is a denunciation.

  This commandment forbids false testimony and any lie in general. Those who sin against this commandment, for example, are those who bear false witness in court; who falsely complain about another (false witnesses said of Jesus that He wanted to destroy the temple of God and build it in three days (Matt. 26:60-62).

; who say insulting words about their neighbor to their eyes and behind their eyes; who mock and condemn. What should we think about false testimony under oath? This is a great sin against both the ninth and third commandments of God. What is needed in order not to sin against the ninth commandment of God? One must always speak the truth and restrain one's tongue from evil speech (1 Pet. 3:10).

  The Tenth Commandment of God   Sincere - close to the heart, beloved. The village is a field. Ox - bull. Yelika - what.   This commandment forbids not only to do evil to one's neighbor, but also to wish him evil. A sin against this commandment is called envy. What duties are therefore prescribed to us by this commandment? We must be content and grateful for what God has given us, and benevolent towards our neighbor[12].   10.

Troparia of the Twelve Great Feasts[13] (in the order of the church year, beginning with the month of September)   Troparion of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos (Feast of September 8)       In Russian: Thy birth, O Virgin Mother of God, has proclaimed the joy of the whole universe (to the entire inhabited world); for from Thee shone forth the Sun of righteousness, Christ our God; having destroyed the curse, He gave us a blessing and, having cast down death, gave us eternal life.