St. Luke of Crimea

Always Thank God for Punishments 103

Explanation of the Great Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian 105

1. Idleness is the Mother of Sin 106

2. The Spirit of Despondency 107

3. The Passion of Love of Power 108

4. The Ability to Preserve the Mouth 109

5. Forbidden Fruit 110

6. Humility Is the Root of Everything 112

7. Salvation Is in Patience 113

8. God Is Love 114

9. Behold Your Heart 115

Sermons on Gospel Topics

And the light of Christ shone over the world

Homily on the Gospel of Matthew,

Ch. 4, verse 16

Jesus Christ came to the inhabitants of the land beyond the Jordan, to the inhabitants of the land of Nephalim and Zebulun, who were pagans at that time, and the people sitting in darkness saw a great light, and light shone for them that sat in the land and in the shadow of death (Matt. 4:16). These words apply to you as well, for for many years you have been deprived of divine services, the Mysteries of Christ, you have not heard the preaching of the Gospel, church singing and prayers. A new generation of young people has already grown up, who do not know Christ at all, and to whom no one has preached the Christian faith, His teachings. And these unfortunate children are like the people who inhabited the land of Zebulun and sat in darkness and the shadow of death. And His light shone upon them, when by the mercy of God the temples were opened, for our Lord Jesus Christ is the only and true light. This is what St. John the Theologian says about Him in the first chapter of his great Gospel, which is read once a year at Paschal Matins: In Him was life, and life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not enveloped it (John 1:4-5).

Today, as to the ancient Christians, we can address you with the words of the Apostle Paul: "You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light (Ephesians 5:8). Only in the light of Christ can we walk our earthly path.

There are different sources of light - bright, like the sun, moon and stars; weak, like a smoking candle or lamp; small sparks glowing with a faint light. But it's still light, it's still a blessing from God. Every small light is pleasing to God, and with such a small light each of you can shine in the surrounding darkness. With your kindness, your kindness and affability, your mercy, your holy love and piety, you can and must shine in this world, for you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy people, a people taken as an inheritance to proclaim the perfection of Him who called you out of darkness into His wondrous light (1 Pet. 2:9). The holy Apostle Peter values you so highly.

One does not need to be a learned preacher with eloquence, one must have a heart illumined by the light of Christ. Any simple old woman who has not learned anything can be a bright lamp of God if the light of meekness, love and humility burns in her heart, if she loves everyone around her and tries to help in every way she can.