St. Luke of Crimea

To whom much is given, from him much will be required 46

Life Is Short – The Lord Is Waiting for Your Repentance 47

We Must Rebuke Those Who Sin Before God 48

Let Us Become Worthy Partakers of Christ's Supper 50

It is too late to find faith beyond the grave 52

Accept with Gratitude All That the Lord Sends 54

Try to Live According to the Will of God 56

Woe to those who do not do what the Lord commands 58

Beware of deceit and pretense 59

In the world you will be sorrowful 61

Vanity is a Subtle and Dangerous Vice 62

Sermons on the Apostolic Epistles 64

How rare are people today who know how to listen 64

Avoid the Impurities of the World 65

Only Effective Faith Is Saving 67

Seek Wisdom from the Saints 68

Suffer That There Is So Much Evil in the World 70

On Predestination 70

Of the Slaves of Sin and the Slaves of Righteousness 73

On Spiritual Gifts 76

Be the Living Stones of the Building of Your Life 77

Be Afraid to Accept the Hour of Death Without Repentance 79

Only Humility Can Deliver Us from the Snares of the Devil 80

The Ancient World Longed for Revelation from Above 82

Let's Do Good 85

Being Filled with All the Fullness of God 86

The coffin is open – their larynx is 87

And Ye Shall Be a Light in the Midst of Darkness 89

Do not share in the fruitless deeds of darkness, but also rebuke 91

And the two will be one flesh 92

Put on the whole armor of God 96

Heed the Lord's Call – Humble Yourself 97

Help the faint-hearted in their weakness 100

Our Life Is a Time of Patience 101

We do not have a permanent city here, but we seek the future 102