Kniga Nr1055

The Theosophical Society is the primary source of the New Age Movement. His teachings were developed in all small cults of the Modern Age.


"Theosophy" literally means "divine wisdom." The modern Theosophical movement was founded in 1875 by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Divine wisdom, according to Theosophists, can be found in all religions:

"We want to prove that at the basis of every widespread religion there was one and the same ancient wise teaching, one and only, professed and tested by the initiates of each country, who knew of its existence and significance. At present the elucidation of its origin and the exact course of its development is beyond human capacity" (A. P. Sinnett, "The Purpose of Theosophy," Boston, 1888, p.

A Theosophist can be an adherent of any religion he wishes, for in each there is truth. However, this did not prevent Madame Blavatsky from hating organized Christianity:

"It is practiced in such an intolerant and dogmatic manner, especially in our day, that Christianity is now a religion of arrogance, of sheer superiority, a means to its ends, the easiest way to achieve wealth, to deceive and to gain power; a convenient screen for hypocrisy" (H.P. Blavatsky, "A Study of Occultism", p. 138).

Source of knowledge

In Theosophy there are no sacred books. Revelation comes from "experts" who "are spiritually, intellectually, and physically perfect beings, the flower of man and of all evolution" (The Theosophical Movement, p. Madame Blavatsky was the first in Theosophy to receive a message from these scholars and to spread them throughout the world: "I have held to the Hindu scriptures, and in any case I have maintained that I have considered these scriptures and Hinduism to be the beginning of all scriptures and all religions" (Annie Bessant, Doyly Chronicle, April 9, 1894).

The Teachings of Theosophy

A few quotations from Theosophical works prove their non-Christian character.