Vidal César Monzanares

And again the guy smiled.

- We do not attack religions at all. You saw that we even used the Catholic Bible," he told me.

I nodded my head in agreement, for it all seemed quite obvious now.

"But," he continued, "it is impossible that all religions are true, because they contradict one another, whereas Jehovah God cannot contradict Himself. That is why we preach the only true religion, the only religion based on the Bible, the only religion that God desires, for the Most High is a jealous God.

I tried to defend myself in the face of the totality of their arguments.

"Okay, in the spiritual sense, let's say... but the Old Testament is only a collection of typical accounts of events that undoubtedly never happened, and...

The guy's expression changed, as if he was quite upset by what he heard:

"Look," he said, "the Bible is the word of God, and God can't lie. If events did not happen this way, they would be told as they happened. Why replace truth with legend? How sad it is to hear religious leaders who so undermine faith in God's word and make God look like a liar!

This last argument completely convinced me. It was logical. If the Catholic Church claims that all of it is based on the Bible, which contains many legends, then why should you believe in this institution?

On the contrary, these people seemed much more intelligent. If the Bible is true, we can use it to find out what God says and what He is like, and after today we can say the same thing as Jehovah's Witnesses.

When we broke up, a lot changed in the depths of my soul. The Bible may or may not have been a series of legends mixed with real events and teachings, but from now on it was exactly the same for me as "Jehovah's Witnesses" had told me.

We agreed to meet next week. Perhaps it was God who knocked on my doors?

Chapter 3