Christina Roy

Having joined his group in Sunday school, Tip looked a little embarrassed. He was afraid of ridicule about the change in appearance. However, none of the comrades laughed. They had seen Tip say goodbye to his brother in the coffin, and they knew that he missed him very much.

Classes began, but for some reason the young teacher did not appear. The guys were frolicking and making noise, when suddenly a general restless whisper was heard:

"The director is coming..

"Let's run quickly!" You won't be able to have fun today!

But it was too late. Herr Holbrook was already standing in front of them. And only one Type was satisfied.

- Hello, friends! The pastor said. Then, turning to Tip, he added: "Hello, Eduard! I am very glad to see you here today!

And he held out his hand to greet him.

Mr. Holbrook never called Tip by his nickname. Once he asked his real name and then always remembered it.

Tonight's lesson was quieter than usual, perhaps because it was taught by the pastor himself, but most certainly because the chief instigator of all the pranks, Tip, sat quietly and kept his eyes on the teacher. As the anxious listeners walked past the pastor one by one, Mr. Holbrook put a friendly hand on Tip's shoulder.

"You listened well today, Eduard!" He praised the embarrassed student. "Do you understand the story about the boy who went to the holy land?"

"I think I understand," Tip replied hesitantly. "Is this a place in heaven?"

–Yes. Would you like to follow his example?

–My pleasure.

Deep gratitude filled the pastor's heart. "Lord! Help my unbelief!" he asked in his mind.