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Question 76. About what the Apostle James says: "But do you want to know, unfounded man, that faith without works is dead?" (James 2:20) 108

Question 77. On Fear, Is It a Sin 108

Question 78. On the Beauty of Images 108

Question 79. Why did Pharaoh's sorcerers perform certain miracles, like Moses, God's servant? (cf. Exodus 7-8) 108

Question 80. Against the Apollinarians 108

Question 81. On the Forty Days and Pentecost 108

Question 82. On what is written: "For whom the Lord loves, He smite, but He smites every son whom He receives" (cf. Hebrews 12:6) 108

Question 83. On marriage, to what the Lord said: "If a man let go of his wife, except for the guilt of adultery" and so on (cf. Matt. 5:32) 108

About 83 different questions in one book

Question 1. Does the soul exist from itself?

All that is true is true of truth; and every soul exists as a soul because of this, by virtue of which it is a true soul. Thus, in every soul, its very existence as a soul is from the truth. However, the soul is one thing, and truth is another; for truth is not at all subject to error, and the soul is often deceived. So, since the soul is from the truth, it is not from itself. The truth is God. Therefore, the soul has God as the Creator of its being.

Question 2. On Free Decision (or Choice, or Arbitrariness)

Everything that happens cannot be equal to the one from whom it comes, because otherwise justice will certainly be removed from nature, which is obliged to give everyone his own. Therefore, when God created man, although He created him the best, He did not create him as He Himself was. And the person who is good voluntarily is better than the one who is good out of necessity. Thus, it was necessary to give man free will (voluntas libera).