«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Question 13. What evidence shows that humans are superior to animals? 3

Question 14. The body of our Lord Jesus Christ was not a ghost 3

Question 15. On Thinking (De intellectu) 4

Question 16. On the Son of God 4

Question 17. On the Knowledge of God 4

Question 18. About the Trinity 4

Question 19. On God and Creation 4

Question 20. On God's Place 4

Question 21. Is God the Author of Evil? 5

Question 22. God Is Not Subject to Necessity 5

Question 23. On the Father and the Son 5

Question 24. Are both sin and righteous action found in the free decision of the will? 6

Question 25. On the Cross of Christ 6

Question 26. On the Distinction of Sins 6

Question 27. About Providence 6

Question 28. Why did God want to create the world? 7

Question 29. Is there anything higher or lower in the universe? 7

Question 30. Is everything created for the benefit of man? 7

Question 31. A Certain Statement (About the Virtues in Cicero) 8

Question 32. Does one know a thing more than another, and thus does not the knowledge of the same thing go to infinity? 9

Question 33. On Fear 9

Question 34. Should we love only the absence of fear? 10

Question 35. What should one love? 10

Question 36. On Cultivating Love 11

Question 37. About the Always Born 12

Question 38. On the Structure of the Soul 13

Question 39. On Types of Food 15

Question 40. If the nature of the soul is one, where do people get different desires? 15

Question 41. If God created everything, why did He not create everything in the same way? 15

Question 42. How was the Wisdom of God, the Lord Jesus, both in Mother's womb and in heaven? 15

Question 43. Why did the Son of God appear in a man, and the Holy Spirit in a dove? 15

Question 44. Why did the Lord Jesus Christ come so late? 14

Question 45. Against the "Mathematicians" (Astrologers) 16

Question 46. About Ideas 16

Question 47. Will we ever be able to see our thoughts? 17