«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Question 41. If God created everything, why did He not create everything in the same way? 15

Question 42. How was the Wisdom of God, the Lord Jesus, both in Mother's womb and in heaven? 15

Question 43. Why did the Son of God appear in a man, and the Holy Spirit in a dove? 15

Question 44. Why did the Lord Jesus Christ come so late? 14

Question 45. Against the "Mathematicians" (Astrologers) 16

Question 46. About Ideas 16

Question 47. Will we ever be able to see our thoughts? 17

Question 48. Trustworthy 17

Question 49. Why did the children of Israel visibly sacrifice cattle? 18

Question 50. On the Equality of the Son 18

Question 51. On Man Created in the Image and Likeness of God 18

Question 52. On what is said [in Scripture]: "I repented that I had created man" (Genesis 6:6-7) 37

Question 53. Of the Gold and Silver Which the Israelites Received from the Egyptians 20

Question 54. On the fact that it is written: "It is good for me to cleave to God" (Psalm 72:28) 22

Question 55. On what is written: "Sixty queens, and eighty concubines, and virgins without number" (Song of Songs 6:8) 44

Question 56. On the Forty-Six Years of the Construction of the Temple 44

Question 57. Of the One Hundred and Fifty-Three Fishes (John 21:11) 23

Question 58. About John the Baptist 48

Question 59. Of the Ten Virgins 26

Question 60. [On words:] "Of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son of Man, but only the Father" (cf. M. 24:36) 28

Question 61. That the Lord, as it is written in the Gospel, fed the multitudes of people on the mountain with five loaves of bread (cf. John 6:9-13) 57