«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

9. Question: Tell us about epilepsy.

Epilepsy – or "falling disease" – can be manifested by convulsive seizures or there can be so-called non-convulsive mental equivalents. They are periodically recurring attacks of dysphoria, aggression, etc. In the character of patients, features of excessive pedantry and punctuality may be found. At the same time, patients with epilepsy have a grudge. These traits seem to reflect the "viscous" thinking of people suffering from epilepsy. Various varieties of epileptic psychoses have been described.

10. Question: Many sciences deal with the human psyche. Help me understand them.

I will point out only the most extensive areas in science and practice.

Psychiatry is a medical discipline that studies the clinic, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illnesses.

Psychotherapy is a system of therapeutic and psychological influence on the psyche and through the psyche on the patient's body.

Psychology is the science of the laws of development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of life.

Medical psychology is a science that studies the psychological characteristics of people suffering from various diseases and the possibilities of providing them with psychological assistance.

Narcology is a medical discipline that studies the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of diseases caused by addiction to a number of substances, such as alcohol, various drugs, tobacco, etc.

Neurology (neuropathology) is a medical science that studies the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of nervous diseases, such as the consequences of spinal cord and brain injuries, peripheral nerve diseases, strokes, osteochondrosis, etc.

11. Question: I have heard about such a diagnosis as "gambler syndrome". Tell us about this syndrome.