Nicholas of Serbia, St. - Missionary letters

"Alas for you, brethren, abandon foolish thoughts and words, hasten to save your souls from the fire of Gehenna, which is already opening its mouth to devour you!" Abandon all carnal wisdom: you are not animals, you are people of God, behold, the Lord is coming to judge the world!

Losing patience, people will be furious:

"What kind of fables about the soul do you compose?" Our progress has long refuted the fiction about some kind of "soul", these are the fantasies of our ancestors. The body is our treasure. The body is our divinity. Once it secreted a kind of whiny liquid, which was called tears, soul... But in the process of evolution, the body has improved and got rid of it, it strives only for progress!

Then the prophets, having made the sign of the cross over the water, will transform it into holy blood to confirm their words and will exclaim menacingly:

"We talk to you, and you laugh or get angry. We teach you, and you rebel. For the last time, the very last, your Saviour speaks to you through our lips; Christ crucified and resurrected calls you, for the last time: repent! Have mercy on yourself and shrink back from the edge of the eternal abyss! Do you hear: thunder rumbles? Do you feel the earth trembling? Do you feel how the air fluctuates? Don't hear voices from another world? Do you not see the vision? Cranes feel the approach of winter cold, how can you not feel the approach of the Judgment? Repent, O last descendants of the sinful Adam!

Maddened sinners will roar in a frenzied rage:

"The Jews killed Christ, the deceiver in life, and our progress killed Christ, the deceiver after death. For us, everything is relative: we easily turn any truth into a lie and any lie into the truth. But that you may no longer trouble us, we will kill you by the power of our king. O our lord, the devil, help us!

And then Satan will rise from the abyss of hell and inflame the wrath of man against the two witnesses of God until it boils. And they will kill them. And there will be laughter and joy of sinners.

In that hour the earth will be shaken as never since the creation of the world. And the mountains and hills will fall, and the springs of water will dry up, and whole nations will perish, and there will be no one to bury the dead. Then many will be afraid, and repent, and give glory to the Lord, Who lives forever. These repentants will be the fruit of the podvig and martyrdom of those two witnesses, those who suffered for the truth.

But darkness, like thick pitch, will cover the whole world, and many will go mad with terror. And then, through the cry of human despair, through the roar of an unprecedented earthquake and the veil of impenetrable darkness, suddenly the choir of the celestials will be heard, which will sound louder and louder: "Behold, the Bridegroom is coming!" …

And, as if in a dark, moonless night, light will shine out, completely new, unseen, extraordinary. Instead of the moon and the sun, brighter than the sun, the Cross will shine – the sign of the Son of Man – and will illuminate the entire universe.

And then, O servant of Christ and my concelebrant, then He will appear – our salvation and our Saviour.

Letter 168