Nicholas of Serbia, St. - Missionary letters

Faith is spiritual power. A little faith will not move the mind to think about God and the heart to pray to Him. Strong faith moves the mind, the heart, and the whole soul of a person. As long as strong faith lives in the soul, it directs the soul to God by its power.

You say that after reading the words of the Saviour, "Your Father knows what you have need of before you ask Him," you have concluded that prayer is not necessary. Of course, the Lord knows what we need, but He wants us to pray to Him. That is why the Saviour commanded: "Pray without ceasing" [3] – and He taught us to pray.

It's easier to explain to your parents than to you, a bachelor. After all, parents also know what their children need, but they wait for the child to ask for them. Parents know that petition softens and ennobles the child's heart, makes it humble, meek, obedient, merciful and grateful. See how many heavenly sparks prayer strikes out of the human heart!

I read how a wanderer stopped in front of a house by the road. There was a meeting of workers, and suddenly there was silence in the house: the workers knelt down to pray. But one of them came out and began to walk around the house. The wanderer asked him:

"What's going on in the house?"

– They pray to God. I felt ashamed and went out.

The wanderer fell silent in anticipation.

"Who are you waiting for?" The worker asked.

"I'm waiting for someone to come out to ask him for directions."

"Why don't you ask me?" I'll show you the way.

The wanderer shook his head and answered:

– How can one who is ashamed of God and his brothers show the right way?

I think that you are not ashamed of prayer, but your faith has not yet been strengthened. Take care of, strengthen this baby in you. When he grows up and matures, he will reward you a hundredfold for your labor.

Courageous faith will turn the inner wheel of your nature, and you will gain a new life.