Lives of Saints. May

Blessed Constantine conversed not only with the Jews, but also with the Saracens, whom he also denounced with the help of our Lord, Who promised His servants to give "mouth and wisdom, which all who oppose cannot contradict or resist" (Luke 21:15).

Hearing such sweet words befitting the faith of Christ, the kagan and his chief advisers said to Constantine:

"God has sent you to us for our instruction. From Him thou hast learned books, thou hast spoken all things rightly, and thou hast nourished us to our heart's content with the honeyed words of the holy books. Although we are people and unlearned ("unlearned children"), we nevertheless believe that this teaching is from God. If you want to finally calm our souls, then tell us not only from books, but also through comparisons (parables) about all that we will ask you about faith.

After that, everyone went to rest. The next day they gathered again and said to Constantine:

"Prove to us, most honest man, by reasoning and comparisons, which faith is the best?"

"A certain Tsar," the philosopher answered, "had a husband and wife in great honor. When they sinned, He expelled them from the land where they lived (from paradise). They lived there for many years and gave birth to children in poverty. As they gathered, the children pondered how they could restore the dignity of their parents. One said one thing, the other another, each giving advice that he thought should be followed. Which of these pieces of advice was to be followed? Isn't it the best? Konstantin said, finishing his comparison.

"Why do you say that?" - answered the Kozars. - Each considers his advice better than the other. Tell us so that we understand which of these tips is the best?

"Fire," replied the philosopher, "purifies gold and silver, but man with his mind distinguishes falsehood from truth. Tell me, from what was the first fall: was it not from the vision of sweet fruit and the desire to be gods?

"Yes," answered the Kozars.

The philosopher continued:

- If honey or cold water is harmful to any patient, which doctor will give the best advice; Is it the one who says to whom honey is harmful, eat honey, and to whom cold water is harmful, drink cold water and stand naked in the cold, or the one who will give the opposite medicine: instead of honey, bitter drink with caution, instead of cold water, warm and warming?

"Of course," said everyone, "whoever gives the opposite medicine will give the best advice. In the same way, sin-loving lust should be mortified by the sorrow of life, and pride by humility, in general, the opposite should be cured by the opposite. We notice that if a berry bush stands in prickly needles in the spring, then in the fall it gives good, sweet fruits.

"You said it well," Konstantin answered. - And the law of Christ says that to live according to God means to lead a harsh life (to walk the narrow path), which in the eternal abode will increase the fruit a hundredfold.

After this, one of the chief advisers of the Kagan, who knew well the impious teaching of Mohammed, asked the philosopher: