To help penitents


Abba Pimen said: In my opinion, a person who sins and acknowledges his sin and repents is better than a person who does not sin and does not humble himself. The one considers himself a sinner and humbles himself in his thoughts - but this one presents himself as a righteous man, as if he were righteous, and is exalted (10:50).


Abba Abraham asked Abba Pimen: "Why are the demons attacking me like this?" "Are you being attacked by demons?" Abba Pimen said to him. - It is not demons that attack us if we do our wills; our desires have become demons for us: they torment us so that we fulfill them. If you want to know with whom the demons fought, it is with Moses and those like him (10:86).


The elder was asked by a certain soldier: does God accept repentance? - And the elder, having taught him with many words, said to him: "Tell me, beloved, if your cloak is torn, will you throw it away?" - The warrior says to him: no! but I will sew it up, and I will use it again. The elder said to him: if you spare your clothes in this way, how much more will God not spare His creation? "And a warrior, well convinced of this. departed with joy to his country (10, 162).


One of the fathers said: Beware of the brethren who praise you, and the thoughts of people who despise their neighbor; for we know nothing. The thief was on the cross, and in one word he was justified. Judas was numbered among the apostles, and in one night he destroyed all his labor, and descended from heaven into hell. Therefore let no one who does good boast; for all those who trusted in themselves fell in an instant (11:107).


Abba Anthony said, "I have seen all the snares of the devil spread out on the earth, and sighing, he said, 'Who then goes around them?' And he heard a voice saying, "Humility of mind" (15:3).


The elder said: in every temptation do not reproach a person, but only yourself, saying: "This has happened to me for my sins" (15:75).


The devil appeared to one of the brethren, having been transformed into an angel of light, and said to him, "I am the Archangel Gabriel, and I have been sent to thee." "And the brother said, 'See if you have not been sent to another.' For I am not worthy to see an angel. - And the devil immediately became invisible (15:83).