Old Testament prophetic schools. Biblical-Historical Etude

27. Ibid. Col.521,524. Ibidem. P.41.

28. Ibid. Col.521AB. Ibidem. P.41.

29. "Thus did one in describing in the Homeric verses Hercules, who was sent by Eurystheus for the hell-dog, for there is nothing to prevent them from being given as an example, because the methods (dpicerhseij) are the same for both.

He said this, and pitifully sent the groaning man out of the house (Od. X,76)

The husband of Hercules, the accomplisher of wondrous feats (Od. XXI,26),

The husband of Eurystheus, a descendant of Perseis Sthenela (Ill. XIX,123),

To lead the dog away from Erebus from the terrible god Hades (Fig. IV, 368).

He set out on his journey, like a mountain dweller, a lion proud of strength (Od. VI, 130),

Quickly through the city; he was accompanied by all those close to his heart (Ill. XXIV,327),

Young virgins, and young men, long-suffering old men (Od. XI,38),

Weeping for him inconsolably, as if departing to death (Ill. XXIV,328).

Both Hermias and the bright-eyed Athena gave help (Od. XI,625),

Knowing his dear brother, and how anxious he is in his heart (Fig. II, 409).

Who among the guileless will not be carried away by these verses and think that Homer composed them in such a way on the same subject? But he who knows Homer's songs recognizes these verses, but does not recognize the content; for he knows that one of them is about Odysseus, another about Hercules himself, another about Priam, and another about Menelaus and Agamemnon." - Contra haer. I,9,4. PG. T.7. Col.544B548A. Compositions. P.48. All these examples and arguments are literally borrowed from Irenaeus and Epiphanius. Haer. 31,26,31. Creations. Part 1. P.325326,336338.

30. Centons (from the Latin centones, i.e. a cloak made of rags) were very common in the Middle Ages in the era of the decline of poetic creativity. -Note. De praescr.39: "It is still possible to see how an entirely different story is composed of Virgil, the content being applied to the verses, and the verses to the content. Thus, for example, Osidius Geta sucked (exsuxit, another reading of expressit) from Virgil all his tragedy "Medea". A relative of mine borrowed from the same poet, among other works of his pen, the "Picture of Cebetus" (Pinacem Cebetis). Homerocentons are usually called those people who, from the poems of Homer, compose their works, like centonaria (more centonario), from many located here and there, assembling one body (ex multis hinc inde compositis in unum sarciunt corpus)." PL. T.2. Col.6465.

31. See: Thomasius. Op. cit. S.81; Friedrich Böhringer. Die Kirche Christi und ihre Zeugen oder die Kirchengeschichte in Biographien. 2-te Aufl. Bd.2: Die alte Kirche. 2-er Teil; Irenäus, der Bischof von Bugdunum, oder die Bildung der altkatholischen Kirche und Kirchen-lehre im Kampfe mit dem Gnostizismus. Stuttgart, 1873. S.371; Th. Zahn. Op. cit. 1,2. S.586 flgg.; R. Liechtenhan. Op. cit. S.34; F. Loofs. Op. cit. 17,1. S.111112; V.V. Bolotov. Cit. cit. Issue 2. P.226227; A. Harnack. Op. cit. I, S.292.

32. Сfr.: Ibid. I, S.303307; F. Loofs. Op. cit. 17,3. S.113; Th. Zahn. Op. cit. 1,2. S.596; Batiffol Pierre Leglise naissante et le catholicisme. 3-me ed. Paris, 1909. P.277,281,282. Епифаний говорит о Маркионе, что он, сын епископа, был отлучен от Церкви отцом, пришел в Рим, а когда его и здесь не приняли, то он сказал: "Я расколю Церковь вашу и внесу в нее раскол навек". И, в самом деле, он внес немалый раскол, но Церкви не расколол, а откололся сам с поверившими ему. См.: Наеr. 42,12. Творения. Т.2. С.127130. Маркион открыто отделился от Церкви и основал свою церковь (см.: Tertull. Adv. Маrc. IV,45. De carne Chr.2. PL. T.2. Col.394CD, 396А, 801А), которая существовала долгое время. Епифаний пишет: "Маркион, обманув великое множество, составил школу, и доселе во многих видах продолжающуюся. Ересь эта еще и ныне находится в Риме и в Италии, в Египте и Палестине, в Аравии и в Сирии, в Кипре и в Фиваиде, и даже в Персиде и в других местах. Ибо этот лукавый в сих странах великую приобрел силу своему обману". Наеr. 42,1. Творения. Ч.2. С.127128.

33. Strom. III,4. PG. T.8. Col.1129A.

34. Cfr.: R. Liechtenhan. Op. cit. S.8183.

35. Tertull. De praescr. 30: "Marcion Novum Testamentum a Vetere separavit". PL. T.2. Col.50A. Adv. Маrс. I,19: "Separatio Legis et Evangelii proprium et prinсipale opus est Marcionis". Ibid. Col.293A.

36. "Ea sola derelinquunt, quae adversa sibi esse non intellexerunt". Disputatio Origenis cum Megethio Manichaeo. II,18. - С. P. Caspari. Kirchenhistorische Anecdota. l. P.57.