Commentary on the Canons of the Apostles

Правило 22. Сам себе скопивший да не будет принят в клир. Самоубийца бо есть и враг Божия создания

(Ап. 21, 23, 24; I Всел. 1; Двукр. 8).


Смотри толкование к правилу 24

Правило 23. Аще кто от клира скопит себе самого: да будет извержен. Ибо убийца есть самого себе

(Ап. 21, 22, 24; I Всел. 1; Двукр. 8).


Смотри толкование к правилу 24

Правило 24. Мирянин, себе самого скопивший, на три года отлучен да будет от таинств. Ибо наветник есть своея жизни

(Ап. 21, 22, 23; I Всел. 1; Двукр. 8).

Так как все четыре правила (праивла 21-24 - А.Л) трактуют об одном и том же предмете, то мы и говорим здесь об них всех вместе. Речь идет о телесном недостатке, или точнее о недостатке, который человек сам сделал на своем теле и который препятствует ему вступить в священный сан. Воздержание от брачного сожития ради царствия небесного, о котором говорит Иисус Христос (Мф.19:12)

Из этого следует, что тот, у кого сама природа или насилие людей произвели подобное оскопление, не был сам по себе виновен; но оскопление, которое некоторые производили на себе сами, должно было считаться тяжким грехом перед Богом и рассматриваться, как некоторого рода самоубийство. Этим объясняется происхождение апостольского предания, которое нашло себе выражение в упомянутых Ап. правилах, представляющих истинное понятие церкви о воздержании и о нравственных качествах, как духовных лиц, так и всех христиан вообще. По всей вероятности, непосредственным поводом к изданию этого Апостольского правила, в форме закона, послужила секта валесиян, упоминаемая Епифанием (haer. 58) и Августином (haer. 37) и возникших во II веке. Эта секта, толкуя по-своему известные слова Иисуса Христа (Мф.19:12), ввела у себя оскопление. Против этой секты и были направлены данные Ап. правила, и резкость, с которой они изложены, показывает, что ее нечеловечный пример угрожал заразой [68]. Однако надо предполагать, что эта злополучная зараза достаточно расширилась, так как повторение тех же правил мы встречаем на I Всел. Соборе и позже в IX веке на Константинопольском Соборе в храме св. Апостолов.


68. Hefele, Conciliengeschichte, I, 110,376.(Ап. 21, 22, 23; I Всел. 1; Двукр. 8).

Since all four canons (Praivla 21-24 - A.L.) treat one and the same subject, we are talking about them all together. We are talking about a bodily defect, or more precisely, about a defect that a person himself has made on his body and which prevents him from entering the priesthood. Abstinence from marital cohabitation for the sake of the kingdom of heaven, of which Jesus Christ speaks (Matthew 19:12)

From this it follows that he in whom the very nature or violence of men produced such a castration was not guilty in himself; but the castration which some performed on themselves was to be considered a grave sin before God, and to be regarded as a kind of suicide. This explains the origin of the apostolic tradition, which found expression in the above-mentioned Ap. canons representing the true concept of the Church about abstinence and about the moral qualities of both clergy and all Christians in general. In all likelihood, the immediate reason for the publication of this Apostolic Canon in the form of a law was the sect of the Valesians, mentioned by Epiphanius (haer. 58) and Augustine (haer. 37) and which arose in the second century. This sect, interpreting in its own way the well-known words of Jesus Christ (Matthew 19:12), introduced encirclement. It was against this sect that the data of Ap. The rules, and the harshness with which they are expounded, shows that her inhuman example threatened contagion. However, it must be assumed that this unfortunate infection has sufficiently expanded, since we find a repetition of the same rules in the First Ecumenical Book. Council and later in the IX century at the Council of Constantinople in the Church of the Holy Apostles.


68. Hefele, Conciliengeschichte, I, 110,376. (Ap. 21, 22, 23; I Ecumenical. 1; Two-wheel. 8).

Since all four canons (Praivla 21-24 - A.L.) treat one and the same subject, we are talking about them all together. We are talking about a bodily defect, or more precisely, about a defect that a person himself has made on his body and which prevents him from entering the priesthood. Abstinence from marital cohabitation for the sake of the kingdom of heaven, of which Jesus Christ speaks (Matthew 19:12)

From this it follows that he in whom the very nature or violence of men produced such a castration was not guilty in himself; but the castration which some performed on themselves was to be considered a grave sin before God, and to be regarded as a kind of suicide. This explains the origin of the apostolic tradition, which found expression in the above-mentioned Ap. canons representing the true concept of the Church about abstinence and about the moral qualities of both clergy and all Christians in general. In all likelihood, the immediate reason for the publication of this Apostolic Canon in the form of a law was the sect of the Valesians, mentioned by Epiphanius (haer. 58) and Augustine (haer. 37) and which arose in the second century. This sect, interpreting in its own way the well-known words of Jesus Christ (Matthew 19:12), introduced encirclement. It was against this sect that the data of Ap. The rules, and the harshness with which they are expounded, shows that her inhuman example threatened contagion. However, it must be assumed that this unfortunate infection has sufficiently expanded, since we find a repetition of the same rules in the First Ecumenical Book. Council and later in the IX century at the Council of Constantinople in the Church of the Holy Apostles.
