
But again the pious seekers were perplexed. Instead of the one coveted Cross, they found three, and they were exactly the same. A tablet with an inscription, which was once on the Cross of the Savior, was found later and in another place.

Saint Macarius, who together with Empress Helena led the search, exclaimed: "If God's Providence did not deign to leave the Cross of the Lord in the ground forever, then will it allow it to remain in obscurity? Will He allow us to honor the cross of the thief instead of the Cross of the Lord? God Himself will show us the Cross of our Saviour."

All three crosses were brought into the house of a pious woman lying on her deathbed. After fervent prayer, the saint in turn placed the crosses on the dying woman. And only by the touch of the latter did the power of life enter the sick woman.

Those present at the miracle unanimously gave glory to the Cross of the Lord. But even this certificate was not enough for the glory of the Life-Giving Cross Tree. It pleased God's Providence that the glory of the Cross of the Lord should shine forth even to those who did not wish to acknowledge it, so that by the power of the Venerable Tree the unbelief and enemies of the Cross of the Lord might be crushed.

Returning from the house of the healed woman to Golgotha, the Christians met a funeral procession. Filled with faith, the pious Saint Macarius boldly applied the Cross of the Lord to the deceased, and the Cross of the Conqueror of death and hell, again breaking the bonds of death, gave life to the deceased.

The news of the miracle, which shocked those present, flew around Jerusalem in the twinkling of an eye and gathered believers and non-believers to the foot of the Cross on Golgotha. And countless people wanted to see the miraculous Tree at least from afar.

Saint Macarius and Empress Helena, standing on a dais, raised the Precious Cross as high as possible on all four sides, so that all could bow down to it. The people, seized with reverent awe, cried out in multitude: "Lord, have mercy!"