Theoretical pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutionsin 2 parts, part 1

2. 2. Responsibilities of the class teacher

The regulations on the activities of the class teacher at school also define his main responsibilities. Among them:

¤ comprehensive study of students;

¤ explanation and implementation of the rules of conduct;

¤ monitoring the progress of students;

¤ analysis of positive aspects in the life and activities of the class and the implementation of measures to improve them;

¤ organization and education of the student collective;

¤ involvement of students in extracurricular activities;

¤ organization of socially useful work;

¤ coordination of educational efforts of teachers working in the classroom and the establishment of a unified approach to students;

¤ assistance in the activities of children's and youth organizations and associations;

¤ maintaining contact with the parents of students and working with the family;

¤ maintaining class records and personal files of students;

¤ Making proposals to the school management to encourage students and apply disciplinary measures to them.

2. 3. The work of the class teacher in the study of students

The conduct of educational work by the class teacher is unthinkable without knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of students. This is due to the fact that there are, for example, students who do not show due diligence in work, who experience nervousness in communication with peers, who are in unfavorable conditions in the family, etc.

To study students, the class teacher can use a whole system of methods, for example:

¤ daily observation of the activities and behavior of students in the process of classes and extracurricular work;

¤ diagnostic conversations;

¤ familiarization with the documentation for students;

¤ visiting students at home;