Articles for 10 years about youth, family and psychology

How many centuries have people remembered that a woman who is expecting a child should evoke a feeling of reverence, for her prototype is the Mother of God! And even in godless Soviet times, reverence had not yet faded. It was often repeated after one pre-revolutionary writer: "An expectant mother is always beautiful", with Madonna they were compared... And suddenly, everyone forgot at once... It turns out to be some kind of collective dementia or, translated into psychiatric language, dementia...

But this dementia is largely man-made. And trendsetters occupy not the last place among its creators. What a dizzying, Olympic height the representatives of this profession have been raised! Couturiers, who used to be called fashion designers and fashion designers, and even earlier - milliners, cutters and tailors, have existed since time immemorial. And people really needed their services. We have already said that clothing played an important decorative role, especially in the lives of women. Therefore, the advice of fashion designers was listened to. But somehow it was not customary to ask them - especially in print and on TV! — what kind of economy does the state need, which side should be supported in the "military conflict" between the United States and Iraq, whether or not it is worth legalizing the sale of drugs, whether human cloning has a future, and what is more expedient: to maintain conscription or switch to contract service. People see it on the screen, listen to it on the radio, read it, and think, "He's so smart, so important! Yesterday they showed in the news how he was present at a festive Kremlin dinner. And this one, from France, with a double surname, sick with AIDS, dresses queens... Yesterday he was talking about the future of the planet on TV, and everyone was looking into his mouth... If they are so great, these couturiers, they understand everything about everything, then they must be academicians in their field! Where do we get piercings here? We have to go..."

How they drive you crazy

Along with fashionable cutters, pop singers and popular presenters are now appointed "stylists of life". In this case, behavior models are transmitted not indirectly through clothing models, but directly. And they represent the widest range of mental deviations, perversions (in professional language – deviations and perversions). Pop singers were popular before. But even if one of them behaved somewhat extravagantly, then, adjusted for the profession, it did not go beyond the norm. Now, according to the artists themselves, if you don't have a perversion or at least some kind of "crazy", you have to come up with something for yourself. Otherwise, forget about career growth.

Try to look at the screen with a detached gaze one day. Perhaps for this it is even better to turn off the sound so that the visual sequence appears more prominently. Often an elderly artist raises his legs above his head, impulsively throws off his clothes on stage (the passion for public nudity is called exhibitionism), jumps like a goat, twitches in convulsions in the manner of the most serious neurological disease - St. Vitus's dance or Parkinson's disease. They have bulging eyes, like patients in a state of acute psychosis. Well, if we turn on the sound, then screams, howls, moans, wheezes will be heard, and we will understand that we are dealing with madness, which is diligently induced by the audience.

And the audience also begins to twitch, whistle, hoot. Madness is contagious, so that the entire concert hall, or even the stadium, turns into a huge violent department of an insane asylum for a while.

And let's remember the young host of the musical TV game "Guess the melody" that appeared in the late 90s. At first, many people wondered why this handsome guy always takes unnaturally pretentious poses. Why does his wooden plasticity resemble the plasticity of a reed doll from the island of Java or movements in break dance? More advanced people reassured themselves and others that this was the current Western standard. But this also did not explain anything in essence. And only a person who knew psychiatry professionally clearly saw in front of him a very accurate, competent imitation of catalepsy – a specific plastic surgery for certain forms of schizophrenia. It was unbearable to look at the efforts of the participants in the program, who tried to imitate the presenter - the doll. Sometimes they looked somehow quite simple, they did not breathe any Western standards. But, probably, without this "new style", they were simply not allowed to participate in the program.

However, this is only an assumption. But how a whole hall of high school students was trained for about half an hour before the filming of the program "The Big Laundry", one of us saw with her own eyes. The female director commanded into the microphone:

"When I wave my hand, you have to give a reaction. Well, let's try!

Teenagers, some of whom, apparently, were not on television for the first time, readily yelled, hooted and whistled. The director shook her head negatively and stopped the noise with a sharp gesture. Her expression was very displeased.

"Are you sleeping on the go?" Let's go for the second time! She waved her hand again.

The young extras screamed and squealed at the top of their lungs. But the director frowned again.

"Where's the drive?" I don't feel the drive! She yelled into the microphone like a madwoman. "Come on, one more time!" Third attempt!

The children, taken "weakly", strained so that it seemed that their intestines would now crawl out of their throats. And, finally, they earned an approving nod. Filming has begun.