Articles for 10 years about youth, family and psychology

Then what is the purpose of creating conditions for the supremacy of madmen, and ultimately for turning the whole world into a mental hospital without doctors?

We have repeatedly written that many phenomena of modern life, which seem chaotic and absurd, acquire logic in the context of globalism. The project of creating a world state involves not only the abolition of borders and a single economic and information space, but also the separation of people from the national and cultural soil, traditional morality, and traditional norms of behavior. This is exactly what is behind the beautiful word "Westernization". Although in fact the term is deceptive, because in Western countries many perceive the ongoing processes as something alien. They nod at America, but not everyone in America is enthusiastic about the new trends and calls them a "counterculture", thereby emphasizing its hostility to normal, traditional culture. And who is delighted? Who can like the culture of rock, sex, drugs, the rejection of traditional norms, ugliness as a standard of beauty, immorality and chaos? Who is able to adapt easily in a world where everything is upside down? Well, of course, people with a shattered, chaotic psyche, who themselves tend to confuse black with white.

On the other hand, the rejection of traditional norms of behavior cripples healthy people as well. We have seen this many times when we see girls and boys from rich families, where parents are especially susceptible to new trends. Initially, the preserved psyche of such children was deformed from non-traditional upbringing. And so seriously that it was much more difficult (and sometimes impossible!) to help them than children with congenital psychopathology. So the conclusion about the closest connection between traditional cultural norms and mental health is not just our theoretical fabrications, but the result of many years of empirical experience.

But why, again, does the question arise, do globalists need a crazy, upside-down world in which ugliness takes the place of beauty, and vice is assigned as a new virtue? The answer to this question inevitably goes beyond pragmatics. It is impossible to truly understand globalism without its spiritual component. Only by acknowledging that not just a new, but an anti-Christian world order is being built before our eyes, will we finally stop shrugging our shoulders in bewilderment and begin to delve into the essence of many destructive trends. In particular, the one we are talking about now.

In the already mentioned book by Fuller, interesting historical facts are given. It turns out that back in the XVIII century, cases of schizophrenia in Europe were quite rare. "And suddenly, at the turn of the century," the author writes, "schizophrenia appears in its form that can no longer be confused with anything else." Throughout the XIX century, the number of schizophrenia cases increased. "In France, in 1856, E. Renaudin published detailed data on the spread of insanity, especially in the cities and among the youth, and the following year, in England, John Hawks wrote: "I very much doubt that there have ever been so many madmen in history as there are today." In 1873, Harrington Tuke warned that "the tide of insanity is slowly increasing," and three years later R. Jameson said, "The most conspicuous phenomenon of our day is the alarming increase in the number of insane."

In the United States, however, there has been no increase in mental illness for quite some time. "The first American psychiatric clinic," says the author, "opened in Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1773. It had 24 beds, but for 30 years they were never occupied all at the same time. In the 43 years between 1773 and 1816, no more such clinics were opened, and over the next thirty years there were 22 more."

Fuller, as it is easy to guess, is far from the Orthodox interpretation of the facts he has set forth. But for a believer, it is obvious that the rejection of God cannot pass without leaving a trace for human souls. Therefore, it is not surprising that the outbreak of schizophrenia in Europe fell on the era of the French Revolution. It was then that an attempt was made to abandon Christianity, replacing it with the worship of a certain Higher Mind. Churches were ruthlessly destroyed, naked harlots sat on altars on thrones. In America, which as a whole remained a country with unshaken religious foundations for quite a long time, the number of schizophrenics did not increase so rapidly. But after World War II, when the anti-Christian project of creating a counterculture "MK-Ultra" was being tested in the States, the problem of schizophrenia and other mental illnesses became more acute.

Now it is customary to say "mental illness", but the root of the word somewhat obscures the meaning. Although most people know that "psyche" is translated as "soul", still, if you say "mental illness", "mentally ill", the situation becomes clearer.

When does a person get sick bodily? — In most cases, when his body is unable to cope with some infection, some harmful influences from the outside. The soul falls ill when it is unable to overcome the "viruses" of passions, and they get the better of it, take possession of it and sometimes even completely subjugate it (which is called possession).

The simplest example of the victory of passion over a person is the anger of a psychopath. After all, he knows perfectly well (not only at the age of 40, but also at the age of 4!) that shouting, threatening, fighting is bad. But he cannot cope with anger. In a state of affect, blinded by anger, he is capable of killing. Not like an enemy - a close, beloved person! Then, when the intensity of passions subsides, the psychopath will sincerely wonder how this happened to him. And sometimes he does not remember at all what he did half an hour ago.

And what is megalomania if not obsession with the passion of pride? So strong that it clouds your mind. After all, reasoning sensibly, it is impossible to consider yourself Napoleon or the President of the United States, if only because you live in a different time, in another country, and you have a different surname.

Yes, in their extreme manifestations, the mentally ill become unintelligent, devoid of intelligence. This state used to cause mystical horror in others, because the mind was considered one of God's main gifts to a person. "The Godhead is the mind and the word, "for in the beginning was the Word" (Jn. 1:1)," writes St. Gregory of Nyssa in his treatise "On the Structure of Man." "Human nature is not far from this. You see in yourself both the word and the mind, the likeness of the true Mind and the Word."

Images and Sly Likenesses

And here is what the pre-revolutionary priest John Kovalevsky says with reference to the Apostle Paul: "In the mind, God has placed an essential feature of His great image in us (Eph. 4:22-23), and for this reason, with the rejection of the mind, this grace-filled gift of heaven, man loses everything that constitutes his true greatness, his true dignity... Is it not most of the time, not to say always, that the reproach of stupidity is more offensive to a person than to reproach him with any other defect, even a moral one?" ("The Feat of Foolishness", Moscow, 2000, "Lepta".)