Articles for 10 years about youth, family and psychology

• Medvedeva I.Ya., Shishova T.L. Logika globalizma [The logic of globalism]. Articles and interviews

• Medvedeva I.Ya., Shishova T.L. "Harry Potter": stop. An attempt at an examination

• Medvedeva I.Ya., Shishova T.L. Ulybka sudby [Smile of fate]. Roles and characters

• Medvedeva I.Ya., Shishova T.L. The Killer Prevents: Murder Is Dangerous for Your Health (Drug Saga)

• Medvedeva I.Ya., Shishova T.L. Smell of sulfur: occult roots of "family planning"

• Medvedeva I.Ya., Shishova T.L. Deti nashego vremeni [Children of our time]. Reflections of child psychologists

• Medvedeva I.Ya., Shishova T.L. Our New "EVERYTHING"

• Medvedeva I.Ya., Shishova T.L. Troyan Horse of Juvenile Justice

• Medvedeva I.Ya., Shishova T.L. Heirs of Tsar Herod

• Medvedeva I.Ya., Shishova T.L. Childless World

• Medvedeva I.Ya., Shishova T.L. Conservatism and Traditionalism in the Context of Postmodernism

• Medvedeva I.Ya., Shishova T.L. "Abuse" indestructible

• Medvedeva I.Ya., Shishova T.L. Medicines from life

Shishova, Tatyana Lvovna

(February 8, 1955, Moscow) is a children's teacher, psychologist, expert of the Foundation for Social and Psychological Assistance to Family and Child, member of the Union of Writers of Russia. Vice-President of the Foundation for Social and Psychological Assistance to Family and Child. Publicist, works in constant co-authorship with Medvedeva I.Y. The main theme of journalistic works is the issues of education of the younger generation that are relevant for our time. Playwright. He is raising three children.


She graduated from the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University, received a diploma in teaching Russian as a foreign language and diplomas in translation from English, Spanish and Portuguese. I worked in all these specialties. She was engaged in literary translation. Works by famous Latin American writers were published in T.L. Shishova's translation: Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Julio Cortázar, Alejo Carpentier, detective stories by Agatha Christie, novels by modern American authors (including "Jurassic Park" by M. Crichton). In co-authorship with Medvedeva I.Y. he wrote plays for puppet theaters. They have created a children's "therapeutic theater", where children, under the guidance of psychologists and teachers, get rid of fears, shyness, aggressiveness, stuttering, tics, obsessions, enuresis and so on. In the books for parents: "My Fear is My Enemy" and "Shy Invisible" there are many recipes for overcoming children's fears and shyness.

In the 1990s, in co-authorship with I.Y. Medvedeva, he created a method of psychological correction called "dramatic psychoelevation", designed for children with behavioral and communication difficulties. The main tool of treatment is a puppet theater. Work on this method also involves close contact with the child's family.

Talking with parents, answering their numerous questions, Medvedeva I.Y. and T.L. Shishova collected material for the first joint book - "A Book for Difficult Parents" (1994). In 1996, the second book of the co-authors "Colorful White Crows" about children's aggression, shyness, jealousy, stubbornness and other problems was published. Pedagogical articles of co-authors are published in the magazines "Domovoy", "Krestyanka", and in the publications "Teacher's Newspaper", "People's Education", "Family and School", etc.

The third book of the co-authors "New Time – New Children?" touches upon issues of a socio-political nature. Chapters from this book were also published in various newspapers and magazines (in "Novaya", "Nezavisima", "Moskovskaya Pravda", "Megapolis - Continent", "Youth", "Moscow", "October", etc.).