Victory over the last enemy. Cases of Resurrection from the Dead

In the thirties, an Orthodox youth departed to the Lord. During the funeral service, he suddenly rose in his coffin and wept inconsolably. Having calmed down, the boy said that he had been shown the underworld. The horror of this place is inexpressible in human words. Then he saw the Most-Pure Mother of God, praying for the inhabitants of hell and for the world, lying in evil. Her face, shining with wondrous beauty, was exhausted, tears rolled down it like hail. When She saw me, She said, "You will not stay here, you will return to the earth to the people. Tell them that they have tormented Me with their sins: I am no longer able to pray for them, I am faint... Let them have pity on Me!" ("Orthodox Miracles. XX century". Odessa, 1996)

"How good I feel..."

…Приехали две женщины из Финляндии. Одна из них, родом из Сарова, девять лет назад вышла замуж за финна. Год назад привела его к Православию. Теперь собираются обвенчаться. Вторая - родом из Петербурга, а живет в Хельсинки. Сын у нее двадцатилетний 18 часов был без дыхания. Вдруг, рассказывает она, открывает глаза и просит, чтобы пригласили батюшку из русской церкви и окрестили его. Окрестили. Он просит пособоровать. Мать пригласила монахиню, та маслом его помазала, а когда до ног дошла, он заулыбался и говорит: "Как мне хорошо". С этим и отошел. (Из беседы с казначеем Санаксарского монастыря Самарской епархиио. Варфоломеем. "Благовест". Самара, № 11, 1998 г.)

Сила молитвы старца

Одна женщина ехала в Москву, к старцу Аристоклию на Афонское подворье, со своей дочерью. По дороге дочь умерла. Иеросхимонах Аристоклий сжалился над этой женщиной и воскресил ее дочь молитвами своими. Такова была сила молитвы старца. Было это незадолго до его смерти в 1918 году. (Из проповеди архимандрита Даниила (Сарычева),насельника Донского монастыря в Москве.Радиостанция "Радонеж", 10 июля 1998 г.)

"Значит, и мне придется отвечать..."

В предпасхальной передаче 1998 года по телеканалу "Московия" был показан сюжет о воскресении Валентины Романовой, погибшей в автокатастрофе. Об этой же истории по радиостанции "Радонеж" от 1 мая 1998 года (прямой эфир), рассказывали инокиня Марина (Смирнова) и архимандрит Амвросий (Юрасов). В 1982 году Валентина Романова попала в автомобильную катастрофу; в то время она была человеком неверующим, не церковным. В результате катастрофы душа ее вышла из тела, и она видела все, что впоследствии происходило с ней. Как увезли ее в реанимацию, как врачи безуспешно пытались вернуть ее к жизни, а затем констатировали смерть. Сначала Валентина не поняла, что она умерла, ибо чувства и сознание в ней остались: она все видела, слышала, все понимала и пыталась говорить врачам, что она жива. Но врачи не слышали ее голоса. Тогда она попыталась подтолкнуть их под руку, но ничего не получилось. Валентина увидела лежащие на столе бумагу и ручку и хотела написать врачам записку, но и это также не удалось. Такое состояние показалось ей очень странным, и в этот момент ее потянуло в некую воронку, и она вышла в "другое измерение". Сначала Валентина была одна, но вскоре увидела слева от себя мужчину высокого роста. Она очень обрадовалась, что кто-то есть в столь незнакомом для нее месте, и спросила: "Мужчина, скажите, где я нахожусь?". Но когда он повернулся к ней и она увидела его глаза, то поняла, что ничего хорошего ждать от этого мужчины не приходится. В страхе она побежала от него, но через некоторое время поняла, что не так все ужасно, потому что она увидела светоносного Юношу, который взял ее под защиту. Вместе с ним они добежали до стеклянной преграды, скрывшись за которую, избавились от преследований первого, страшного мужчины. И тут она увидела перед собой очень глубокий обрыв, под которым находилось множество мужчин и женщин, разных возрастов и разных национальностей. Снизу поднималось невыносимое зловоние, сами же люди постоянно испражнялись и садились на свои испражнения. Она спросила мысленно: "Что это такое?". И некий голос объяснил ей, что это те люди, которые совершали содомские грехи. В другом месте Валентина увидела множество детей и двух женщин, сидящих к ней спиной не оборачиваясь. Она подумала: "Что это за дети?". И опять некий голос объяснил, что это дети нерожденные, убитые во чреве, и что ее дети тоже здесь. Тогда Валентине пришла мысль: "Значит, и мне придется отвечать за свой грех". Потом ей показали другие места мучений, где было написано слово: ПОРОКИ. Она не знала, что это значит, но когда ей поочередно показали, какие мучения соответствуют каждому пороку, Валентина стала понимать, что такое грех и воздаяние за него. В следующем месте она увидела огненную лаву, и в этой лаве было множество голов, которые то погружались в огненную реку, то выныривали из нее. И тот же голос вновь объяснил, что это люди, занимавшиеся прежде магией, колдовством, привораживанием, экстрасенсорикой. Валентина подумала: "Как бы и мне не оказаться в этой реке". Хотя грехов колдовских у нее не было, но она понимала, что в любом из этих мест может быть оставлена навсегда. Потом она увидела лестницу, ведущую на Небо. По этой лестнице поднималось множество народа; стала подниматься и она. Впереди нее взбиралась одна женщина, которая стала изнемогать и сползать на нее. Валентина поняла, что если она отодвинется немножко в сторону, то женщина упадет вниз. В ее сердце пробудилось милосердие к падающей женщине и желание ей помочь. И как только желание это появилось в ней, ее грудная клетка стала увеличиваться в размерах, так что женщина смогла облокотиться и отдохнуть и затем уже продолжить восхождение. Следом за ней стала подниматься и Валентина. И вдруг она оказалась в таком месте, где все было залито светом; отовсюду исходило благоухание и благодать. И когда она обрела новое знание, когда поняла, что такое благодать, ее душа была возвращена в тело, находящееся в больнице. Прямо перед ней, лежащей на кушетке, стоял на коленях человек. Увидев, что Валентина ожила, он сразу сказал: "Больше не умирай, я возмещу все убытки за твою пострадавшую машину, только больше не умирай". Как потом оказалось, Валентина была мертва 3,5 часа. Казалось бы, срок небольшой, но тем не менее огромный для познания участи души в потустороннем мире. Впоследствии Валентина встречалась с протоиереем Андреем Устюжаниным и беседовала с ним, что также было показано по телеканалу "Московия". Некогда мать отца Андрея, Клавдия, так же была мертва - трое суток и так же по воскресении своем рассказывала о виденном ею в загробном мире. Случай этот в советское время ходил в списках, а теперь стал общеизвестен. (Радиостанция "Радонеж"; прямой эфир. 1 мая 1998 г.;Воробьевский Ю. "Точка Омега". М., 1999 г.)

Testimonies of Another Existence

In the pre-Easter program of 1998 on the Moskovia TV channel, a story was shown about the resurrection of Valentina Romanova, who died in a car accident. The same story was told on the radio station "Radonezh" on May 1, 1998 (live), nun Marina (Smirnova) and Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov). In 1982, Valentina Romanova was involved in a car accident; At that time she was an unbeliever, not a churchman. As a result of the catastrophe, her soul left her body, and she saw everything that subsequently happened to her. How they took her to intensive care, how doctors unsuccessfully tried to bring her back to life, and then pronounced her dead. At first, Valentina did not understand that she was dead, because her feelings and consciousness remained in her: she saw everything, heard everything, understood everything and tried to tell the doctors that she was alive. But the doctors did not hear her voice. Then she tried to push them under the arm, but nothing worked. Valentina saw paper and pen lying on the table and wanted to write a note to the doctors, but this also failed. Such a state seemed very strange to her, and at that moment she was pulled into a kind of vortex, and she went into "another dimension". At first, Valentina was alone, but soon she saw a tall man to her left. She was very happy that someone was in such an unfamiliar place for her, and asked: "Man, tell me, where am I?" But when he turned to her and she saw his eyes, she realized that nothing good could be expected from this man. In fear, she ran away from him, but after a while she realized that everything was not so terrible, because she saw the light-bearing Youth, who took her under protection. Together with him, they ran to a glass barrier, hiding behind which, they got rid of the pursuit of the first, terrible man. And then she saw a very deep cliff in front of her, under which there were many men and women, of different ages and different nationalities. An unbearable stench rose from below, and the people themselves were constantly defecating and sitting on their feces. She asked in her mind, "What is this?" And a voice explained to her that these were the people who had committed the sins of sodomy. Elsewhere, Valentina saw many children and two women sitting with their backs turned to her. She thought, "What kind of children are they?" And again a voice explained that they were unborn children, killed in the womb, and that her children were also here. Then the thought occurred to Valentina: "So I will have to answer for my sin." Then she was shown other places of torment, where the word was written: VICES. She did not know what this meant, but when she was shown in turn what torments corresponded to each vice, Valentina began to understand what sin and the retribution for it were. In the next place, she saw fiery lava, and in this lava there were many heads that plunged into the fiery river and then emerged from it. And the same voice explained again that these were people who had previously been engaged in magic, witchcraft, bewitchment, and extrasensory perception. Valentina thought: "I wish I didn't end up in this river." Although she did not have witchcraft sins, she understood that in any of these places she could be left forever. Then she saw a staircase leading to Heaven. A multitude of people climbed this staircase; she began to rise too. One woman was climbing in front of her, who began to grow exhausted and slide down on top of her. Valentina realized that if she moved a little to the side, the woman would fall down. Compassion for the falling woman and a desire to help her awoke in her heart. And as soon as this desire appeared in her, her chest began to increase in size, so that the woman was able to lean and rest and then continue the ascent. Valentina began to rise after her. And suddenly she found herself in a place where everything was flooded with light; fragrance and grace emanated from everywhere. And when she gained new knowledge, when she understood what grace is, her soul was returned to the body in the hospital. Right in front of her, lying on the couch, a man was kneeling. Seeing that Valentina was alive, he immediately said: "Don't die again, I'll recoup all the losses for your damaged car, just don't die again." As it turned out later, Valentina was dead for 3.5 hours. It would seem that the period is not long, but nevertheless huge for knowing the fate of the soul in the other world. Subsequently, Valentina met with Archpriest Andrei Ustyuzhanin and talked with him, which was also shown on the Moskovia TV channel. Once upon a time, Father Andrei's mother, Claudia, was also dead - for three days and in the same way after her resurrection she told about what she saw in the afterlife. This case was on the lists in Soviet times, and now it has become well-known. (Radio station "Radonezh"; live broadcast. May 1, 1998; Vorobyovsky Y. "Omega Point". Moscow, 1999)

The story of Sister Euphrosyne

This document is taken from the diary of Father Mitrophan Serebryansky, the spiritual father of the Moscow Martha and Mary Convent, and is preceded by an inscription in the corner of the first page: "I testify with my priestly conscience that everything I wrote down from the words of Sister Euphrosyne is true." These words are reminiscent of the prayer of a priest during the rite of confession before the Cross and the Gospel: "I am a witness." In this case, the priest Fr. Mitrophan testifies before God not only to the authenticity of Sister Euphrosyne's story, but to its truth in the spirit and meaning of Christ's love and truth, which is revealed by the Cross and the Gospel. The Monk Onuphrius the Great, whom Euphrosyne saw, is a famous ascetic of the fourth century (his memory is celebrated on June 12 O.S./June 25 O.S., on the day with the right-believing Princess Anna of Kashin). For sixty years he performed the feat of prayer in complete solitude in the Thebaid wilderness. "A man of God," says the Monk Paphnutios about him, "met me there, covered from head to foot with white hair and girded with leaves at the hips." What can be the connection between the Thebaid Egyptian desert of the fourth century and the provincial town of the Kharkov province in 1912? How can they cross paths in a quiet monastery on Bolshaya Ordynka in Moscow, where the sister of the last Russian Empress asceticized? Nothing seems to portend a terrible revolutionary storm, but in the Lord's writings, Grand Duchess Elizabeth and her spiritual father, Fr. Mitrophan, have already been marked by the radiance of suffering for Christ. Truly, a thousand years coming with the Lord are like yesterday, and His saints participate in God's counsel, preceding them to help those who seek salvation. Where there is eternal life, man succeeds, like the risen Christ, in entering through closed doors; Time and space do not exist. In the vision of Sister Euphrosyne, Grand Duchess Elizabeth and Father Mitrophan stand next to St. Sergius of Radonezh. Their spiritual kinship is intimate and at the same time obvious. It was no accident that Father Mitrophan received the name Sergius in tonsure, and the Grand Duchess was martyred on July 18, the day of St. Sergius. Thus, from the diary of Fr. Mitrofan Serebryansky, the spiritual father of the Martha and Mary Convent of Mercy: "I testify with my priestly conscience that everything I wrote down from the words of Sister Euphrosyne is true" (Archpriest Mitrofan Serebryansky). "In 1912, on June 25, at five o'clock in the evening, I was very sleepy. The bell rang for the vigil, and I, unable to resist, lay down and fell asleep. I woke up on June 26 at five o'clock in the evening. My relatives thought that I was dead, but the suddenness of death forced them to call a doctor, who said that I was alive, but slept lethargically. During this dream, my soul saw many terrible and good things, which I will tell you in order. I see that I am completely alone. Fear came over me. The sky is darkening. Suddenly, something flashed in the distance. It turned out that the light was coming from an old man approaching me with long hair and a long beard almost to the ground, in a long shirt belted. His face was so radiant that I could not look at him and fell on my face. He raised me up and asked: "Where are you going, servant of God?" I answered: "I don't know." Then the elder said to me: "Get on your knees," and began to remind me of all my sins, which I had not confessed through forgetfulness. I was terrified and thought: "Who is this, that he knows my thoughts?" And he said: "I am St. Onuphry, and do not be afraid of me." And he crossed me with a large cross. "Everything is forgiven you. And now come with me, I will lead you through all the toll-houses." He took me by the hand and said: "Do not be afraid of anything you meet, only cross yourself constantly and say: save me, Lord. And think of the Lord, everything will pass." Let's go. The Monk Onuphry said: "Look at heaven." I look and see that the sky seems to have turned upside down and begun to darken. I was frightened, and St. Onuphry said: "Do not think evil, be baptized." It became completely dark, the darkness was dispelled only by the light emanating from the Monk Onuphry. Suddenly, a multitude of demons crossed our path, forming a chain. Their eyes are like fire; they scream, they make noise, they intend to seize me. But as soon as the Monk Onuphry raised his hand and made the sign of the cross, the demons instantly fled, showing the pages inscribed with my sins. The monk said to them: "She repented of all her sins at the beginning of the journey". And the demons immediately tore the sheets, groaning and crying: "Our deep! It will not pass!" Fire and smoke emanated from the demons, which made a terrible impression in the surrounding darkness. I cried all the time and was baptized. I did not feel the heat from the fire. Suddenly, a fiery mountain appeared in front of us, from which fiery sparks flew in all directions. I saw a lot of people here. To my question: what are they suffering for? - the Monk Onuphrius answered: "For his iniquities. They did not repent at all and died without repentance, without acknowledging the commandments; now suffer until the Judgment." Let's move on. I saw two deep ravines in front of us. So deep that they can be called an abyss. I looked into the ravine and saw a lot of crawling snakes, animals and demons. The monk says: "We have crossed the fire. How can we cross this abyss?" At this time a great bird descended, spreading its wings, and the monk said: "Sit on the wings, and I will sit down. Do not be of little faith, do not look down, but be baptized." We sat down and flew. We flew for a long time, the elder held my hand. At last we sat down and stood on our feet among the snakes, cold and soft, which fled from us. From the multitude of snakes, whole snake mountains were made. Under one such mountain, I saw a woman sitting. Her head was covered with lizards, sparks fell from her eyes, worms fell from her mouth, snakes sucked at her breast, and dogs held her hands in their mouths. I asked the Monk Onuphry: "What kind of woman is this?" He said, "This is a harlot. She has committed many sins in her life and has never repented: now she suffers until the Judgment. Lizards on the head are for decorating hair, eyebrows and in general for decorating the face. Sparks from her eyes - for the fact that she looked at various impurities. Worms - for saying unseemly words. Snakes are fornication. Dogs - for a bad sense of touch." Let's move on. The Monk Onuphry says: "Now we will come to a very terrible thing, but do not be afraid, be baptized." Indeed, they reached a place from which smoke and fire were coming. There I saw a huge man, as it were, glowing with fire. Next to it lies a large, fiery ball, and there are many spokes in it. And when this person turns the ball, fiery needles come out of the spokes, and demons come out between the spokes, so that it is impossible to pass through them. I asked: "Who is this?" The Monk Onuphrius answered: "This is the son of the devil, the instigator and seducer of Christians. Whoever obeys him and does not keep the commandments of Christ goes into eternal punishment. And you make the sign of the cross, do not be afraid." We walked through these wires freely, but from all sides there was noise and shouting, coming from a multitude of demons standing in chains. There were many people with them. The Monk Onuphry explained to me that people are together with demons because they served them during their lifetime and did not repent; here they await the Last Judgment. Then we came to a huge fiery river, in which there are many people, and from there screams and groans are rushing. I was embarrassed at the sight of the river, but the elder knelt down and ordered me to stand and look at the sky. I did so and saw the Archangel Michael, who handed us a perch. The Monk Onuphry took it by the end, and it threw itself over the river, three arshins from the fire. Although I was very afraid, I was baptized and with the help of the Monk I crossed to the other side, finding myself in front of the wall. We walked through the narrow door with difficulty and came out onto huge snowy ice mountains, on which there were many people, and they were all trembling. I was especially struck by one, who sat up to his neck in the snow and shouted: "Save, save!" I wanted to help him, but the Monk Onuphrius said: "Leave him, he did not let his father into his house in the winter, and he froze; let him give his own answer for himself. In general, there are people here because they treated God and people with a cold heart." After that we came to a beautiful wide river, where the venerable elder put me on a board and walked on the water himself. On the other side there was a beautiful field covered with greenery, grass and forest. As we passed through it, we saw a multitude of beasts, which caressed the Monk Onuphry. They passed through the field and came to a beautiful high mountain, which had three ladders, as if made of gelatin, and twelve streams of the purest water ran down the mountain. We stopped near the mountain. The Monk Onuphry says: "You have seen all the terrible things for which people suffer. Live according to the commandments of the Lord. You have passed all this for two good deeds." But he did not say for which. "Now I will dress you in other clothes, and you must climb, but not on this ladder." The Monk Onuphry poured water all over me with water from the stream, washed me, and, my blue dress, I do not know where it went. The elder put a white shirt on me, made a belt of grass and girded me. He made a hat out of the leaves and told them to climb the mountain. It was very difficult for me, but the Elder held out his hands, and gradually I reached half of the mountain, but I was so exhausted that the Elder allowed me to continue my journey up the stairs, and led me by the hand and crossed me three times. Then the elder led me into the church, put me in the middle and said: "Be your whole soul in God, here is the heavenly abode." My God, what a beauty! - I saw there many wonderful abodes of indescribable beauty; trees, flowers, fragrance, extraordinary light. The elder led me to a monastery and said: "This is the monastery of the holy women Martha and Mary." The monastery is not made of stones, but is all covered with greenery and flowers. The windows glow through. Near the doors, on both sides, standing Martha and Mary with burning candles in their hands. The Reverend and I stood under a tree. I saw: the Angels were carrying six paralytic people to this monastery, and many people went there after them: the sick, the blind, the lame, in torn clothes, and many children. I asked: "Is this monastery really so large that it can accommodate so many people?" The Elder answers: "It can contain the whole world of Christians. So you are small, and the whole world is in you. Love everyone purely, and forget yourself, and hate the body, which serves all the passions. Try to kill the body, and adorn the soul with good deeds. Look, they are carrying a paralyzed man." "A brother in Christ," replied the monk, "is being carried by the much-suffering pastor Mitrophan and the much-suffering Grand Duchess Elizabeth." I saw Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna in a white uniform, a veil on her head, a white cross on her chest. Father Mitrophan was also in white clothes, with the same white cross on his chest. Until that time, I was completely unaware of the existence of the Martha and Mary Convent of Mercy. Elizaveta Feodorovna and Father Mitrophan did not know and did not see. When they approached Saints Martha and Maria, both Elizabeth Feodorovna and Father Mitrophan bowed down to them, and then Saints Martha and Maria also entered the monastery, followed by us. The monastery was beautiful inside. Father Mitrophan and Elizabeth Feodorovna left the monastery again, this time alone, and also with burning candles. They came up to us and bowed down to the Monk Onuphrius, who turned to them and said to them: "I entrust to you this pilgrim and stranger, and I bless you under your protection." At the same time, the elder ordered me to make a prostration to Father Mitrophan and Elizabeth Feodorovna. Both of them blessed me with a large cross. I said, "I'll stay with them." But the elder answered: "You will go again, and then you will come to them." We went. Everywhere I look, everywhere they praise the Lord. I cannot describe the beauty of paradise. Some other light: gardens, birds, fragrance; You can't see the ground, everything is covered with flowers like velvet. Everywhere you look, there are Angels: there are a great many of them. I looked: Christ the Savior Himself was standing, sores were visible on his hands and feet; the face and clothes shine, so that it is impossible to look. I fell on my face. Next to the Lord stood the Most Holy Theotokos with outstretched arms. The Cherubim and Seraphim sang unceasingly: "Rejoice, Queen!" There were also a multitude of martyrs. Some were dressed in episcopal vestments, others in priestly vestments, and still others in deacon's vestments. Others are in beautiful clothes of many colors; all have crowns on their heads. The Monk Onuphrius says: "These are the saints who suffered for Christ, who endured everything humbly, with patience, and walked in His footsteps. There is no sorrow and suffering, but always joy." I saw many acquaintances there who died. I saw some there, now still alive. Saint Onuphrius said sternly: "Do not tell those who are still alive where you have seen them. When the body dies, then their souls will ascend here by the Lord, although they are sinners, but by good works and repentance their souls always remain in heaven." Saint Onuphrius sat me down and said: "Here is your hope." A multitude of saints began to pass by in various garments: both wonderful and poor; some with a cross in their hands. The Monk Onuphry takes me by the hand and leads me around paradise. Everywhere there is such a glorification of God and an unceasing song: "Holy, Holy, Holy..." Streams of silvery water flow. The Monk Onuphrius exclaimed: "Let every breath praise the Lord!" The Monk Onuphrius and I entered a certain wondrous place, where the Angels incessantly sing: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts... Glory to God in the highest... and: Alleluia. A wondrous sight opened up before us: in the distance, in an unapproachable light, sat our Lord Jesus Christ. On one side of Him stood the Mother of God, and on the other - St. John the Baptist. Hosts of Archangels, Angels, Cherubim, and Seraphim surrounded the Altar; A multitude of saints of indescribable beauty stood near the altar. Their bodies are easily movable, transparent; The clothes are shiny, of different colors. There is a dazzling glow around everyone's head. On the heads of some have crowns of some special metal, preferably gold and diamonds, and on others - crowns of heavenly flowers. Some held flowers or palm branches in their hands. Pointing to one of them, standing in the right row, the Monk Onuphrius said: "This is Saint Elizabeth, to whom I have entrusted you." I really saw the one to whom St. Onuphry had already led me, in the vision of human affairs. There she was among the crippled, the poor, the sick - in general, among the suffering whom she served on earth. And here I saw her, but already in holiness, in the face of saints. "Yes, I see her," I replied to the Monk Onuphry, "but I am unworthy of living with her. After all, she is bright, and I am very sinful." The Monk Onuphrius said: "She now still lives on earth, imitating the life of the holy women Martha and Mary, keeping her soul and body in purity, doing good deeds; Her prayers and the cross of sorrows, which she bears without complaint, lift her soul up to heaven. She also had sins, but through repentance, the correction of her life, she goes to heaven." From tenderness I threw myself to the ground. Under his feet was something like a crystal greenish sky. I see: all the saints come up to Christ in pairs and worship Him. Elizabeth Feodorovna and Father Mitrophan also went and returned to their places again. Princess Elizabeth was dressed in shining clothes, around her head there was a radiance and an inscription of radiant letters: "Holy long-suffering Princess Elizabeth". Her arms are folded on her chest; in one hand is a golden Crucifix. The beautiful face of the saint shines with unearthly joy and bliss; her wondrous eyes are lifted up, in them are the holy prayers of a pure soul that has seen God face to face. Next to St. Elizabeth on the left side stood St. Sergius of Radonezh, and on the right hand was Father Mitrophan, in episcopal vestments. The Monk Onuphrius said: "Do not think that you were worthy to see all this and will now remain here. No, your dead body is waiting for you, it's only your soul with me. When your soul enters your body and you return again to the sinful, long-suffering earth, which is all drenched in blood, then I will bless you to the monastery where Princess Elizabeth and Father Mitrophan met you." I asked: "Is there such a beautiful monastery on earth?" The saint answered: "Yes, there is, it flourishes and ascends to heaven, through good deeds and prayers. Look, you have seen all the good and the bad; and know that without the Cross and sufferings you will not enter here, and the repentance of all sinners brings you here. Look: here is your body." "Indeed, I saw my body, and I was frightened. St. Onuphry crossed me, and I woke up. For an hour and a half, I could not speak, and when I spoke, I began to stutter. In addition, my legs were paralyzed to the knees, and I could not walk, I was being carried. The doctors could not cure me. Finally, on September 25, 1912, I was brought to the convent in the town of Bogodukhovo, Kharkov province, where the miraculous Kaplunov Icon of the Mother of God was located. On September 26, I communed of Christ's Holy Mysteries, served a moleben before this icon, and when I was brought to it and venerated it, I was instantly healed. Then I remembered what St. Onuphry said to me when I was near the Mother of God: "Here is your hope." Right after the dream, I decided to withdraw from the world, and after being healed, I could not wait to go to the monastery. I was invited to enter the Bogodukhov Monastery, where I was healed. But I told the nuns that I would like to get away from my acquaintances. I asked about Saints Martha and Mary, but no one knew about the monastery named after them. Once I came to my Bogodukhov monastery, and the nuns said to me: "Euphrosyne, you want to get away from your acquaintances. A sister from the convent of Martha and Mary arrived; our novice Vasilissa also entered there." When I heard this, I was horrified and delighted. Soon I received an answer from Vasilissa that I could go to Moscow. On January 23, 1913, I went and entered the monastery. I cannot tell you what I experienced when I entered the church of the monastery and heard the singing of the troparion to the holy righteous women Martha and Mary." Recorded by Father Mitrophan on October 31, 1917. ("Ascetics of the Martha and Mary Convent of Mercy". Moscow, 2000)

Vision of Novice Olga

The vision of novice Olga was recorded in the Kiev Pokrovsky Monastery by the care of Abbess Sophia (Grineva) in April 1917. Young Olga was a novice of the Rzhyshchev Monastery. If I am not mistaken, this monastery was subordinated to Pokrovsky. On February 21, 1917, on the Tuesday of the Second Sunday of Great Lent, at 5 o'clock in the morning, Olga ran into the Psalter and, making three prostrations to the ground, said to the nun-reader, whom she had come to replace: "I beg your pardon, matushka, and bless: I have come to die." Either jokingly or seriously, the nun answered: "God bless, good hour. You would be happy if you died in these years." Olga was about 14 years old at that time. Olga lay down on the bed in the psalter and fell asleep, while the nun continued to read. At half past seven in the morning, my sister began to wake Olga, but she did not move and did not respond. Other sisters came and also tried to wake them up, but to no avail. Olga's breathing stopped and her face took on a dead look. Two hours passed in the anxiety of the sisters and in the trouble near the dead woman. Olga began to breathe and with closed eyes, in oblivion, said: "Lord, how I fell asleep!" Olga slept for three days without waking up. During her sleep, she said a lot of things that drew attention to her words and began to write them down. The following was recorded from her words. "A week before Tuesday of the 2nd week," said Olga, "I saw an angel in a dream, and he told me to go to the psalter on Tuesday in order to die there, but that I should not tell anyone about it beforehand. When I went to the psalter on Tuesday morning, I looked back and saw a monster in the form of a dog running on its hind legs after me. In fright, I rushed to run, and when I ran into the psalter, in the corner where the icons were, I saw the Holy Archangel Michael and death with a scythe to the side. I was frightened, crossed myself and lay down on the bed, thinking about dying. Death came to me, and I fainted. Then consciousness returned to me, and I saw an Angel: he came up to me, took me by the hand and led me along some dark and uneven place. We reached the ditch. The Angel walked forward along the narrow plank, and I stopped and saw the "enemy" (the demon) who was beckoning me to him, but I rushed to run from him to the Angel, who was already on the other side of the ditch and was calling me to him too. The plank thrown over the ditch was so narrow that I was afraid to cross it, but the Angel gave me his hand, and we walked along a narrow path. Suddenly the Angel disappeared from sight, and immediately a multitude of demons appeared. I began to call on the Mother of God for help; the demons instantly disappeared, and the Angel reappeared, and we continued on our way. When we reached a mountain, we again met demons with charters in their hands. The angel took them from the hands of the demons, handed them to me and ordered them to be torn apart. Demons appeared on our way more than once, and one of them, when I lagged behind my heavenly guide, tried to frighten me, but an angel appeared, and on the mountain I saw the Mother of God standing at full height and exclaimed: "Mother of God! It pleases you to save me: save me!" I fell to the ground, and when I rose, the Mother of God became invisible. It began to dawn. On the way we saw a church, and a garden under the mountain. In this garden, some trees were blooming, and others were already bearing fruit. Beautiful paths were laid out under the trees. In the garden I saw a house. I asked the Angel, "Whose house is this?" - "Nun Apollinaria lives here." It was our nun, who had recently died. Then I lost sight of the Angel again and found myself at the river of fire. I had to cross this river. The passage was very narrow, and it was possible to cross it only by stepping one foot over the other. With fear, I began to cross and before I had time to reach the middle of the river, I saw in it a terrible head with bulging huge eyes, an open mouth and a very long tongue sticking out. I had to step over the language of this horror, and I was so scared that I did not know what to do. And then, suddenly, on the other side of the river, I saw the Holy Great Martyr Barbara. I begged her for help, and she stretched out her hand to me and took me to the other side. And when I crossed the fiery river, then, looking back, I saw in it another horror - a huge serpent with its head held high and its mouth open. The Holy Great-Martyress explained to me that everyone had to cross this river, and that many fell into the jaws of one of these monsters. I continued to walk further with the Angel and soon saw a long staircase, which, it seemed, would have no end. Climbing it, we came to a dark place, where, behind a huge abyss, I saw a multitude of people who would accept the seal of the Antichrist - their fate in this terrible and stinking abyss... There I saw a very handsome man without a mustache and beard. He was dressed all in red. He looked like he was about 28 years old. He passed me very quickly, or rather ran. And when he approached me, he seemed extremely handsome, and when he passed and I looked at him, he seemed to me to be the devil. I asked the Angel, "Who is this?" "This," the angel answered me, "is the Antichrist, the one who will torment all Christians for the holy faith, for the holy Church, and for the name of God." In the same dark place, I saw the recently deceased nun of our monastery. She wore a cast-iron robe, with which she was all covered. The nun tried to free herself from under it and suffered greatly. I touched the robe with my hand: it was really made of cast iron. This nun begged me to ask the sisters to pray for her. In the same dark place I saw a huge cauldron. A fire was lit under the cauldron. A multitude of people was boiling in this cauldron; some of them were screaming. There were men and women. Demons jumped out of the cauldron and put wood under it. I saw other people standing in the ice there. They were wearing only shirts and shivering from the cold; Everyone was barefoot, both men and women. I also saw a huge building there, and there were a lot of people in it, too. Iron chains hung from the ceiling were pulled through their ears. Huge stones were tied to their hands and feet. The angel explained to me that these were all those who in the temples of God behaved seductively and indecently, talked themselves and listened to others; For this reason the chains are stretched into their ears. Stones are tied to the feet of those who walked from place to place in church: they did not stand themselves and did not allow others to stand quietly. Stones were tied to the hands of those who incorrectly and carelessly made the sign of the cross on themselves in the temple of God. From this dark and terrible place, Angel and I began to climb up and came to a large, shiny white house. When we entered this house, I saw an extraordinary light in it. In this light stood a large crystal table, and on it were placed some unseen fruits of paradise. At the table sat holy prophets, martyrs, and other saints. They were all in multicolored robes, shining with a wonderful light. Over all this assembly of the holy saints of God, in an indescribable light, sat the Saviour on a throne of wondrous beauty, and at His right hand sat our Tsar Nicholas Alexandrovich, surrounded by Angels. The Emperor was in full royal attire, in shining white purple and a crown, and held a scepter in his right hand. He was surrounded by Angels, and the Savior was surrounded by the higher Heavenly Powers. Because of the bright light, I could hardly look at the Savior, but I looked at the earthly king freely. The holy martyrs conversed among themselves and rejoiced that the last time had come and that their number would increase, since Christians would soon be tortured for Christ and for their rejection of the seal. I have heard the martyrs say that churches and monasteries will be destroyed, and before that those who live in them will be expelled from the monasteries. Not only monks and clergy will be tortured and oppressed, but also all Orthodox Christians who will not accept the seal and will stand for the name of Christ, for the faith and for the Church. I also heard them say that our Sovereign would no longer exist and that the time of all earthly things was drawing to a close. There I heard that under the Antichrist the Holy Lavra would ascend to heaven; all the saints will also go to heaven with their bodies, and all those who live on earth, the elect of God, will also be caught up to heaven. From this meal the Angel led me to another supper. The table stood like the first one, but a little smaller. In the great council sat at the table the holy patriarchs, metropolitans, archbishops, bishops, archimandrites, priests, monks and laymen in some special garb. All these saints were in a joyful mood. Looking at them, I myself was overjoyed. Soon Saint Theodosia appeared to me as a companion, and the Angel disappeared. With her we went on a further journey and climbed some beautiful hill. There was a garden with flowers and fruits, and in the garden there were many boys and girls in white robes. We bowed to each other, and they sang "It is truly meet." In the distance I saw a small mountain; the Mother of God stood on it. Looking at Her, I was indescribably happy. The Holy Martyress Theodosia then led me to other heavenly monasteries. The first thing we saw on the top of the mountain was a monastery of indescribable beauty, surrounded by a fence of shiny transparent white stones. The gates of this monastery emitted a special bright brilliance. At the sight of her, I felt some kind of special joy. The holy martyress opened the gates to me, and I saw a wondrous church made of the same stones as the fence, but even brighter. That church was of extraordinary size and beauty. On its right side was a beautiful garden. And here, in this garden, as in the one I had seen before, some trees were bearing fruit, while others were just blooming. The gates to the church were open. We entered it, and I was struck by its wondrous beauty and the countless Angels that filled it. The angels were in white shining robes. We crossed ourselves and bowed to the Angels, who at that time were singing "It is truly meet" and "To Thee, God, we praise." The straight road from this monastery led us to another, similar in all respects to the first, but somewhat less extensive, beautiful and bright. And this church was filled with Angels, who sang "It is truly meet." The Holy Martyress Theodosia explained to me that the first monastery was of the highest ranks of angels, and the second was of the lower ranks. The third monastery I saw was a church without a fence. The church in it was just as beautiful, but somewhat less bright. This was, according to my companion, the abode of hierarchs, patriarchs, metropolitans and bishops. Without entering the church, we went further and saw several more churches on the way. In one of them are monks in white robes and hoods; among them I saw Angels. In another church there were monks along with lay men. The monks wore white klobuks, and the laymen wore shining crowns. In the next monastery - the church - there were nuns in all white. The Holy Martyress Theodosia told me that they were schema-nuns. Schema-nuns in white mantles and klobuks, with them lay women in shining crowns. Among the nuns I recognized some of our nuns and novices, still alive, and among them - the deceased Mother Agnes. I asked the holy martyress why some of the nuns were in robes, and others were without robes, and some of our novices were in robes. She replied that some, who did not receive the mantle during their life on earth, would be worthy of it in a future life, and, conversely, those who received the mantle during their lifetime would be deprived of it here. Going further, we saw an orchard. We entered it. In this garden, as in those seen before, some trees were in bloom, and others with ripe fruit. The tops of the trees were intertwined. This garden was more beautiful than all the previous ones. There were small houses, as if cast from crystal. In this garden we saw the Archangel Michael, who told me that this garden was the dwelling of the desert dwellers. In this garden I saw first the women, and as I went on, the men. They were all in white robes, monastic and non-monastic. Leaving the garden, I saw a crystal roof in the distance on crystal shiny columns. Under this roof there were many people: monks and laymen, men and women. Then the Archangel Michael became invisible. Then we imagined a house: it was without a roof, and its four walls were made of pure crystal. He was overshadowed by a cross erected as if in the air, of dazzling brilliance and beauty. In this house there were many nuns and novices in white robes. And here among them I saw some of our monastery, still alive. Still farther away there were two crystal walls, as if two walls of a house that had begun to be built. The other two walls and the roof were missing. Inside, along the walls, there were benches: men and women in white clothes sat on them. Then we entered another garden. There were five houses in this garden. The Holy Martyress Theodosia told me that these houses belonged to two nuns and three novices of our monastery. She named them, but ordered their names to be kept secret. Fruit trees grew near the houses: the first had a lemon tree, and the second had an apricot tree; the third - lemon, apricot and apple trees, the fourth - lemon and apricot. The fruits were all ripe. The fifth had no trees, but the places for planting had already been dug out. When we left this garden, we had to go downstairs. There we saw the sea; people crossed it: some were in water up to their necks, others had only one hand visible from the water; some traveled by boat. The holy martyress transferred me on foot. We also saw a mountain. On the mountain in white robes stood two sisters of our convent. The Mother of God stood above them and, pointing to one of them, said: "Behold, I give you for an earthly mother." From the dazzling light emanating from the Queen of Heaven, I closed my eyes. Then everything became invisible. After this vision, we began to climb the mountain. The whole mountain was dotted with wonderfully smelling flowers. There were many paths between the flowers, diverging in different directions. I rejoiced that it was so good here, and at the same time I cried that I would have to part with all these wonderful places, both with the Angels and with the holy martyress. I asked the Angel, "Tell me, where will I have to live?" Both the angel and the holy martyress answered: "We are always with you. And wherever you have to live, you have to endure everywhere." Then I saw the Archangel Michael again. The Angel accompanying me had the Holy Chalice in his hands, and he gave me Communion, saying that otherwise the "enemies" would have prevented my return. I bowed down to my holy guides, and they became invisible, and with great sorrow I found myself again in this world." All this, according to Olga's words, was recorded by me in Kiev on April 9, 1917. Further, the story of Olga's visions will be told from the words of her eldress Mother Anna. "In the first days of her sleep," Mother Anna told me, "Olga kept looking for a neck cross in her dreams. From her movements it was clear that she was showing it to someone, threatening someone, baptizing them and crossing herself herself. When I woke up for the first time, I said to my sisters: "The enemy is afraid of this. I threatened them and baptized them, and he left." Then they decided to give her a cross in her hand. She gripped it tightly in her right hand and did not let it go for 20 days so that it was impossible to take it out of her by force. When she woke up, she let it out of her hand, and before falling asleep, she took it in her hand again, saying that she needed it, that it was easy for her to be with it. After the 20th day, she no longer took him, explaining that they stopped taking her to dangerous places where "enemies" met, and began to take her to the heavenly abodes, where there was no one to fear. Once, during her miraculous dream, Olga, holding a cross in one hand, let her hair down with the other, covering it with a scarf that was around her neck. When she woke up, she explained that she had seen beautiful young men in crowns. These young men also gave her a crown, which she put on her head. It must have been at this time that she put on her headscarf. On March 1, Wednesday evening, Olga, waking up, said: "You will hear what will happen on the twelfth day." The sisters who were there thought that this was the day of the month and that some change might happen to Olga on this date. Olga replied to these thoughts: "On Saturday." It turned out that it was the 12th day of her sleep. On this day, in our monastery, they learned about the abdication of the Tsar from the throne. When Olga woke up in the evening, I said to her in terrible excitement: "Olya! Olya! What happened: the Tsar left the throne!" Olga calmly answered: "You only heard about it today, and we have been talking about it there for a long time. The Tsar has been sitting there with the Heavenly King for a long time." I asked Olga: "What is the reason for this?" "What was the reason for the Heavenly King, that they did this to Him: they cast Him out, reviled Him, and crucified Him? The same reason is for this King. He is a martyr." "What then," I asked, "will it be?" Olga sighed and answered: "There will be no Tsar, now there will be the Antichrist, but for now there will be a new rule." - "Will it be for the best?" "No," he said, "the new board will cope with its affairs, then it will take up the monasteries. Get ready, all of you prepare for the journey." "What journey?" - "You'll see later." "And what should I take with me?" - I asked. "Only handbags". - "And what will we carry in our purses?" Then Olga told one of the old people's secrets and added that they would all bear the same. "And what will happen to the monasteries? - I continue to inquire. "What will they do with the cells?" Olga answered with vivacity: "You ask, what will they do with the churches? Will monasteries alone crowd out? They will persecute all who will stand for the name of Christ and who will oppose the new government and the Jews. They will not only press and drive you away, but they will cut you at the joints. Only do not be afraid: there will be no pain, as if they were cutting a dry tree, knowing for Whom they are suffering." "But we," I said, "persecute others in the monastery alone." "This," he answers, "will not be imputed, but this persecution will be imputed." At this conversation, the sisters took pity on the Tsar: "Poor, poor," they said, "unfortunate sufferer! What reproach he endures!" To this, Olga smiled cheerfully and said: "On the contrary, the happiest of the happy. He is a martyr. Here he will suffer, and there he will be forever with the Heavenly King." On the 19th day of her sleep, on Saturday, March 11, Olga, waking up, said to me: "You will hear what will happen on the 20th day." I thought it was the day of the month, and Olga explained: "On Sunday." Sunday, March 12, was the 20th day of her sleep... (Further visions do not concern the afterlife experience and the personality of the Sovereign)." … After that she was in great reverie and anguish for a long time, and wept. To the sisters' questions she answered: "How can I not cry, when I will no longer see anything that I have seen, and everything here, even that which used to be pleasant to me, is now disgusting to me, and then there are these questions... Lord, I wish I could go there again!" When later in Kiev the former with Olga was recorded, she said: "Write - do not write: everything is the same - you will not believe it. Otherwise, now the time has come. Unless they believe it when any of my words begin to come true." Such are Olga's visions and miraculous dream. I saw this Olga and her old woman, talked to them. In appearance, Olga is the most ordinary peasant teenage girl, illiterate, not outstanding in appearance. Only her eyes were good, radiant and pure, and there was no falsehood or flattery in them. And how was it possible to lie and pretend in front of an entire monastery, and in such an environment - almost 40 days without food and drink?!!.. I have believed, and I believe: Amen, I say unto you, Whosoever receiveth not the kingdom of God, as a child, shall not enter into it" (Luke 18:17). (S. Nilus, "On the Banks of the River of God", St. Petersburg, 1996; Russia before the Second Coming". Moscow, 1993)
