Messages. Book II

5. Creations in Russian translation. Vol.VI. Book 2. P.711. St. Petersburg. 1900.

6. Trullo Council, canon 82.

Epistle 9(68). To Joseph, Brother and Archbishop

Writing to your holiness is always desirable for me, and all the more so the longer the distance between the places of exile, for it brings me closer to your venerable face and gives relief to me, as it is now, saddened by the betrayal of the truth of certain abbots.

Let it be known to your reverence that the old Custody, i.e. Joseph, who united adulterers, the abbot of Photinudia, the abbot of Heracleia, Midicia, Michiana, Ipolychnia, Guleia, and, alas, my sin! - even Fluvutsky, deceived by unreasonable simplicity, unanimously, allegedly defending "economy", being carried away by Joseph, who was accustomed to doing such things, deviated after Satan, entering into communion with the wicked more than once.

Enjoying their humiliation, they catch the unsteady in their fall. It seems that even the Bishop of Nicaea has fallen. For those who are in exile are summoned for such deeds. And if the hand of God does not hasten to protect, then we, the rest, will perish. What does this mean, is it possible that again, we, the humble, together with a few, are beset by these deplorable circumstances?

Arise, O man of God, as a bishop of Christ, the True Archpastor, all the more so since you stand above all in the height of the priesthood, except for one who is imprisoned [2]. Glorify God both in your body and in your soul (1 Corinthians 6:20), do not remain constantly on the island. Perhaps you must still be tried in order to receive the most radiant crown in this way.

Alas, alas, brother, what times have we lived! However, thanks be to Him Who has preserved. And this is from God, says the Apostle, that it has been given to you for God's sake, for Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him (Phil. 1:29). The Lord did not despise our humility in the past, and now, I am sure, He will not despise your honesty, but both then and now Christ will be magnified in your body, giving His mercy in abundance as a proof of your virtue.

Therefore, stretch out your hand to me, the monk also intercedes for me, so that I may be strengthened and delivered from the heavy storm that threatens me. Stand still and plead for the storm to turn into the breath of the Holy Ghost. Let it be! I greet the brothers and ask them to pray for my humility. Those who are with me fall down at your feet.


1. Written in 815.

2. That is, Patriarch Nicephorus.

Epistle 10 (69). To Naucratius the Son

Bad news in your letter, son! She, touching my humble soul, really saddened me and drew out tears of my heart, and almost deprived me of sleep on the night I received her. This happened both because of those who fell, although they now acted as before, and, especially, because of the abbot of Fluvut, for he belonged to those who seemed to stand firm.