The Way to Salvation. A Brief Sketch of Asceticism

These inevitabilities common to all on the path of salvation make it necessary to have special guiding rules in the Christian life, by which it must be determined: how to reach the salvific desire for communion with God and zeal to abide in it, and how to pass comfortably to God, amidst all the paths that are possible on this path at all degrees, in other words: how to begin to live in a Christian way, and how, having begun, to be perfected in this. This guidance must take a person outside of God, turn him to Him, and then bring him before Him; It is necessary to trace the Christian life in its manifestations, in deed, from beginning to end, i.e. how it is sown, develops, matures and comes to its fullness, or, what is the same thing, to write a history of the active life of each Christian, with an indication of how in what case he must act in order to maintain his rank.

The seeding and development of the Christian life is essentially different from the seeding and development of natural life. This depends on the special nature of the Christian life and its relation to our nature. A person is not born a Christian, but becomes one after birth. The seed of Christ falls to the ground of the heart that is already beating. But just as the naturally born man is damaged and contrary to the requirements of Christianity, then—while, for example, in a plant the beginning of life is the stirring up of a seed sprout, the awakening, as it were, of dormant forces—the beginning of a truly Christian life in man is a kind of recreation, the bestowal of new powers, of new life. Further, let Christianity be accepted as a law, i.e. the determination to live in a Christian way is posited: this seed of life (determination) is not surrounded in man by the elements that favor him; and at the same time, the whole person, his body and soul, remain unadapted to the new life, disobedient to the yoke of Christ; Therefore, from this moment on, a person's sweaty work begins - to educate himself completely, all his strength in a Christian way.

Finally, after long labors and efforts, the Christian principles are victorious, dominating without resistance, penetrating the entire composition of human nature, ousting from it hostile demands and strivings, and placing it in a state of impassibility and purity, vouchsafed the blessedness of the pure in heart to behold God in themselves in sincere communion with Him.

Such is the state of Christian life in us. It has three degrees, which, according to their nature, can be called as follows: the 1st - turning to God, the 2nd - purification or self-correction, the 3rd - sanctification. On the first, man turns from darkness to light, from the realm of Satan to God; on the second, he cleanses the tabernacle of his heart from all impurities, in order to receive Christ the Lord coming to him; on the third, the Lord comes, dwells in the heart and supper with it. This state of blessed communion with God is the goal of all labors and feats!

To depict all this and define it by rules will mean to show the way to salvation. Complete guidance in this matter takes a person at the crossroads of sin, leads him along the fiery path of purification and raises him to the degree of perfection possible for him, to the measure of the age of the fulfillment of Christ. Otherwise, it must show:

1) how the Christian life begins in us;

2) how it is perfected - matures and strengthens, and

3) which it is in its full perfection.

SECTION I: On the Beginning of the Christian Life through Holy Baptism, with an Indication of How to Preserve This Grace in the Period of Education


We must clarify to ourselves when and how the truly Christian life begins, in order to see whether the beginning of this life has been laid in us, and if not, to know how to lay it down, as far as it depends on us. This is still an indecisive sign of true life in Christ, if someone is called a Christian and belongs to the Church of Christ. Not everyone shall say unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom... (Matt. 7:21). And all that are of Israel are not Israel (Romans 9:6). It is possible to be among the Christians and not be a Christian. Everyone knows that.

There is a moment, and a very noticeable moment, sharply marked in the course of our life, when someone begins to live in a Christian way. This is the moment when the distinctive features of the Christian life begin to qualify in him. The Christian life is zeal and strength to abide in active communion with God, through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, with the help of the grace of God, by the fulfillment of His holy will, to the glory of His most holy name. The essence of Christian life consists in communion with God in Christ Jesus our Lord, in communion with God, which at first is usually hidden not only from others, but also from oneself. The witness to it that is visible, or felt within us, is the heat of active zeal, exclusively for the Christian pleasing of God, with complete self-denial and hatred of all that is contrary to this. Thus, when this fervor of zeal begins, then the beginning of the Christian life is laid; and in whom it is constantly active, he lives in a Christian way.

It is necessary to dwell on this distinguishing feature a little longer our attention.

Thou hast brought fire upon the earth, says the Saviour, and how I would that it should be kindled (Luke 12:49). He says this about the Christian life, and He says it because its visible testimony consists of zeal for pleasing God, kindled in the heart by the Spirit of God, similar to fire, for just as fire consumes the substance in which it is implanted, so zeal for life according to Christ consumes the soul that has received it. And just as during a fire the flame engulfs the entire building, so the perceived fire of jealousy embraces and fills the entire being of man.