The Gospel of John

29 We know that God spoke to Moses; But we do not know whence He comes.

30 And the man who *regained his sight* answered and said to them, 'This is not surprising, that you do not know where he comes from, but he has opened my eyes.'

31 But we know that God does not listen to sinners; but whoever honors God and does His will listens to him.

32 From eternity it has not been heard that a man opened the eyes of a man born blind.

33 If He were not of God, He could not do nothing.

34 And they answered and said unto him, Thou art all born in sins, and dost thou teach us? And they threw him out.

35 When Jesus heard that they had cast him out, and found him, he said to him, "Do you believe in the Son of God?"

36 And he answered, and said, 'Who is he, Lord, that I should believe in him?'

37 Jesus said to him, "And you have seen him, and he is speaking to you."

38 And he said, 'I believe, O Lord! And he worshipped Him.

39 And Jesus said, 'I have come into this world for judgment, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind.'

40 And when some of the Pharisees who were with him heard this, they said to him, 'Are we also blind?'

41 Jesus said to them, "If you were blind, you would not have sin; but as you say that you see, the sin remains upon you.

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1 Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever does not enter into the sheepfold by the door, but climbeth over the other, is a thief and a robber;

2 And he who enters by the door is a shepherd to the sheep.

3 Ему придверник отворяет, и овцы слушаются голоса его, и он зовет своих овец по имени и выводит их.

4 И когда выведет своих овец, идет перед ними; а овцы за ним идут, потому что знают голос его.

5 За чужим же не идут, но бегут от него, потому что не знают чужого голоса.

6 Сию притчу сказал им Иисус; но они не поняли, что такое Он говорил им.

7 Итак, опять Иисус сказал им: истинно, истинно говорю вам, что Я дверь овцам.