«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Let us now try to sum up the first results and draw some conclusions from our observations of patients who have symptoms characteristic of clique. Without any doubt, the "alternative personality" that has a different intellect and knowledge, which makes the tongue of the "patient" move violently with the consciousness turned off or partially preserved, does not belong to the "patient" at all, but to the demon that has taken up residence in the body of this person. By innervating its lungs, larynx, tongue, and lips through sensory-telepathic stimulation (see below), the demon can speak in different voices, bark, grunt, or crow from the person in whom it has taken up residence. The Gospel speaks of this more than once. But we should well remember that all demons, like their leader Satan, are liars, for it is said: "When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh his own: for he is a liar, and the father of lies" (John 8:44). That is why in no case should you believe a whooper when it calls out the name of the person who allegedly sent a curse on it. The devil is a liar, and it is a real pleasure for him to slander an innocent, to quarrel friends or to destroy his family. As we can see, in the heat of the struggle with sorcerers, the medieval authorities were not up to the task, not understanding the simple Gospel truth about the falsehood of the devil and all the demons subordinate to him. The post-Petrine authorities were also wrong, considering all the cliques to be malingerers, although it is possible that there were such people.


So the problem that will be discussed in these pages is quite real, although not as simple as it seems at first glance. It is very old, but for us, people living in the vast expanse of the Orthodox empire destroyed at the beginning of the twentieth century, it is now becoming more acute than ever. Not only psychologists, but even just sensitive and observant people have long noticed that Orthodox peoples by their roots, and, first of all, the Russian people, experience a certain influence that is incomprehensible to psychologists. Its main symptoms are an amazing lack of will (abulia is a psychiatrist) and the inability to objectively see and understand the surrounding reality. If we add to these symptoms the widespread cowardice, the inability to protect one's neighbor from injustice, the inability to unite to counteract evil, isolation into oneself and one's problems, that is, a kind of mass autism (psychiatrist), then the picture from a psychological point of view is almost complete.

But this picture becomes even more bleak if you look at it from the perspective of psychiatry. There is no need to talk about the corresponding symptoms, it is enough just to look at the statistical data of the quantitative growth of psychiatric clinics in our country at least over the past 20 years. And then everything will become clear without words.

But there are also symptoms of a physiological nature. More and more often, doctors find themselves in a difficult situation, not being able to diagnose the patient. Inexplicable physical weakness, "chronic fatigue syndrome", terrible headaches leading to vomiting, pain in the heart and in other organs against the background of almost complete health, judging by the appropriate biochemical tests, as well as electrocardiograms, encephalograms, tomograms, endoscopic and other studies. All this puts doctors at a dead end. Treatment in such a situation is actually impossible due to the inability to determine the causes of the patient's painful condition. However, they still try to treat the patient. In such cases, the "treatment" is carried out by the famous "poke method". Even the diagnosis is made, albeit very conditionally, for the sake of preserving the doctor's professional reputation, since few of the modern aesculapii can admit that they are unable to make a diagnosis.

And, finally, there is one more phenomenon that fits into the framework of the strange impact that we are going to talk about later. We are talking about an unprecedented quantitative surge in deaths, the causes of which pathologists are unable to establish. Moreover, mysterious death unexpectedly overtakes not the old and sick in our time, but most often physically healthy and quite young people.

And although all the psychological and physiological phenomena mentioned above may seem completely unrelated to each other on the surface, we will try to show that in many cases this connection exists, since these phenomena very often have a common spiritual etiology, that is, causes.

Thus, let us try to look at the whole complex of these phenomena from an unusual point of view for a "secular" person, that is, brought up in an atheistic spirit. We will consider them from a spiritual, or rather, from an Orthodox position.


The fact that the psyche and physiology of a person can be influenced from the outside with the help of some secret, magical forces has always been known in all peoples who have ever lived on earth. People who possessed the secret knowledge necessary to control these mysterious forces in ancient times were called priests (priesthood, that is, sacrifice – Slav.; zhreti – to offer sacrifice; priest – sacrificer)2. The forces with the help of which the priest exerted this or that influence on man or nature were called gods or spirits among pagan peoples. They have always been understood by everyone as intelligent beings of immaterial nature. In order for the spirits to have the desired effect, the priest had to perform a certain ritual and make a sacrifice to them, and often a human one. Thus, for example, among the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans, priests, cutting open the victim's chest with an obsidian knife, tore out the still beating human heart and, in clouds of tobacco smoke burned on the altar, offered with special incantations to their "god" - Quetzalcoatl. The qualities of this "god" described in the priestly books, his character and capabilities completely coincide with the capabilities and character of the head of the fallen angels (he is called Satan, Lucifer or Lucifer) described in the Old and New Testament traditions.

In their peoples or tribes, the priests had power that was not imaginary, but quite real, they were feared, because with the help of spirits they could not only bring diseases to people or their livestock, but even destroy a person from a distance.

In modern periodicals, publications have repeatedly appeared about how, after verbal manipulations and curses of a sorcerer of an African tribe, a completely healthy tribesman, sentenced to death, obediently prepared for it and after a while... Died!