«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

"In Lukyantsevo lives a grandmother-healer named Maria Ivanovna. Our whole city knows about it. Many people turned to her for help, and as I heard, she helped many people. As a professional therapist, I am well aware of cases when no tests, X-rays, ultrasound and other diagnostic methods help to make a diagnosis. The tests are normal, there is also no pathology on the images. It is not known: what to treat and how to treat the patient. But at the same time, a person really suffers from pain, loses sleep, appetite, dries up before his eyes, some begin to atrophy muscles. And what is the reason is unclear. So I decided that, probably, there are some folk methods of treatment that traditional medicine does not know, but which are preserved by witch doctors. I love my profession and try to constantly update my knowledge in order to help my patients as effectively as possible. For this purpose, after finishing the reception in the clinic, I went to the folk healer Maria Ivanovna. I came to her when it was already getting dark. My grandmother listened to me very attentively and smiled. She really liked my desire to learn new methods of folk medicine. Her senile eyes simply shone with happiness.

"I've been waiting for this for a long time," Granny whispered.


"To have a man come to me to whom I will give everything!" I have no relatives left to whom I could pass it on. I like you, daughter. I'll teach you everything.

At these words, I, stupid, almost jumped for joy: what luck!

"It's time for me to die," Granny went on, "and I'm still living." I can't die until I pass it on...

At that moment, I felt a kind of jolt in my chest. My heart suddenly became anxious. Somehow uncomfortable.

"Maria Ivanovna, will I be able to treat people with your methods?"

— Of course! And you can heal, and take revenge on any enemy. Like a fly you smack," and she laughed merrily. "Did you hear that half of the village burned down in Dubrovo the other day?"

And just yesterday I came across an article in the newspaper about a fire in Dubrovo, where several people died. I was scared, and I said:

"Maria Ivanovna, but people died there!"

"It's okay, you can do even more, you're young!" And if you like a peasant, you can make him run after you like a dog and, like a footman, fulfill all your wishes.

"Wanting to stop the unpleasant conversation for me and move it to another channel, I asked:

— Can you tell me how you diagnose patients, what methods and medications do you use to treat them? Probably, I will need to write it all down?