«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»



There are several main forms of communication between magicians and psychics and demons:

1. Most often, contact is carried out in the form of mental suggestion, which can be clearly perceived by a person precisely as a suggestion from the outside, that is, as a way of receiving mental information from another person. In this way, the sorcerer-contactee is informed of facts unknown to him or given instructions about his further actions. Such contact, but in a pathological form, psychiatrists call mentism.

2. Another type of contact is carried out in the form of hearing an inner voice (sometimes the voice can sound as if from outside), but the contactee sorcerer is always clearly aware that the voice belongs to his mentor from the other world. A similar contact in psychopathology is called verbal (i.e., verbal) pseudohallucinosis — in intra- or extraprojection (that is, when hearing a voice as if from within or from without). And in cases where the voice is accompanied by energy that suppresses the will of a person, which makes him carry out an order at the level of an automaton or biorobot, this phenomenon is called imperative hallucinosis.

In contacts of both types, sorcerers have the opportunity to give tasks to demons not only orally, but even mentally. This means that, unlike all other people, sorcerers can enter into two-way contact with spirits, since only in the case of a special contract do demons have the opportunity to read a person's thoughts. The consciousness of all other people, that is, those who have not dared to devote themselves to the service of Satan, is protected to one degree or another by the grace of God, so the demons are not able to read their thoughts. Otherwise, none of the people would even have a hope of salvation. However, demons still have the opportunity to unilaterally instill thoughts in people with the help of suggestive-telepathic influence, which they most often take for their own. Such a possibility of influence opened up for the demons as a result of the ancestral sin, which deprived Adam, Eve and all their offspring of the fullness of the grace of the Holy Spirit, which alone can protect a person from such an influence of demons on consciousness.

3. In some cases, sorcerers receive information from the demons cooperating with them in the form of visual images (symbols), which appear before their inner eyes as if on a kind of screen (visual pseudo-hallucinations in intraprojection – psychiatrist).

4. Another type of contact is characteristic of professional priests of all times and peoples. It was known to the ancient Chaldeans, Egyptians, Incas and Aztecs, European skalds and Celtic druids, Hindu bodhisattvas and fakirs, African priests of the voodoo cult and Siberian shamans, that is, all those who were initiated to serve the spirits in any pagan religion. Contact with demons in these cases takes place in a special altered state of consciousness, which is usually called trance. Priests enter this state with the help of narcotic substances, in other cases through meditation or the so-called mantra yoga, as well as with the help of ritual dances and music, in which percussion instruments play the main role, since it is the rhythm of the beats, and not the melody, that has the greatest impact on the human psyche. In a state of trance, the priest (shaman) becomes a connecting element between his fellow tribesmen and the world of fallen spirits, whom pagans revere as "gods". Despite the fact that the shaman in this state does not react to many external stimuli and his consciousness is practically "turned off", the shaman's mouth involuntarily opens and pronounces various predictions or answers questions from fellow tribesmen asked of him before entering a trance. His body and tongue at this moment are possessed by the spirits to whom he turned in the process of ritual. Similar phenomena in psychopathology are called verbal and motor automatisms, which are part of the Kandinsky-Clérambault syndrome. Demons, as if through a loudspeaker, reveal through a shaman the location of lost things, people and animals, predict future events, reveal the secrets of the universe (always false), create mythological and epic tales.

But in order to become a mediator, that is, an intermediary between people and spirits, the priests of all cults undergo a special initiation (through the mysteries) to serve the "gods"-demons. The initiation ritual includes the symbolic death of the initiate, who is put into a special state by the priests, similar to suspended animation or lethargic sleep with the help of special magic spells, ritual music and psychoactive substances. The symbolic death of the initiate means his break with the world of people, for whom he seems to die, which means that he ceases to be a man. In this state, according to the priests, the soul leaves the body and travels in the "astral" world, meets the "gods", receives secret knowledge and powers from them, and also enlists the support of some specific spirits.

As a result of the mystical union with demons concluded in this way, a person becomes as if one of them, and therefore receives a new name. "Returning" to his body, the newly-made priest (shaman, pharaoh or pagan emperor) feels himself to be a different person, more precisely, a superman, or even a "god". The most ancient of the known mysteries are considered to be the Egyptian mysteries, which were performed in the pyramids. Inside the pyramids there were special chambers with a ritual sarcophagus.13 Mysteries initiating communication with spirits were also used in Ancient Rome to strengthen the power of emperors. It is now established that the pyramids were never the burial place of the pharaohs, as it was previously thought. They served as a tool to facilitate communication with the world of fallen spirits. In them, rituals of initiation of future priests and pharaohs were carried out in order for them to obtain paranormal abilities by entering into constant contact with the demons of the higher hierarchy.

Interestingly, such a connection, if desired, can be provided even with the help of a greatly reduced copy of the pyramid. It was in order to attract demonic forces to the Russian land that a Moscow occultist named Golod installed several such pyramids in the Moscow region. For the same purpose, when he was President of France, François Mitterrand disfigured the famous Louvre Palace by installing a glass copy of the Egyptian pyramid in the courtyard of the Louvre, which consists (no more, no less) of 666 glass plates. It is quite understandable to whom he dedicated this ridiculous building, which distorted the historical appearance of the ancient royal palace. But this pyramid has another secret function: to influence demonic energies on people who visit the Louvre, one of the largest museums in the world, by the hundreds of thousands every year. Such an impact (and in some cases even initiation) occurs when a person descends on an escalator under the pyramid along an inclined tunnel, which, having reached the central axis of the pyramid underground, begins to rise up. The second escalator operating in it takes visitors upstairs, right into the foyer of the main entrance, where previously it was easy and simple to enter through the doors, now tightly locked. For the same reason, buildings or rooms where members of Masonic lodges gather are often topped with glass pyramids. By the way, Masonic rituals, like the ancient Egyptian mysteries, use for initiation the symbolic death of an adept for his transition to a new quality. This new quality is modestly referred to as the "elite," but in fact, through such initiation, he enters the circle of Satan's servants.